Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand


✔ Download “This-Is-Not-A-Hobby” STAND OUT BRAND daily, weekly and monthly Marketing & Publicly checklist✔ Download STAND OUT BRAND templates and worksheets to take your visual branding to the next level (oh and we are not going to settle for so-so.. You’ll have the kinda brand that your competitors will screenshot and add to their vision boards)  ✔Done-For-You email scripts. Simply copy, paste and send them to freelancers to make the changes right away! Easy-peasy. Purchase Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand courses at here with PRICE $349 $61 Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out BrandSCREW BEING“just another” __(insert what you do here)__It’s time YOU become a STAND OUT BRAND. DOES YOUR visual brand scream “go ahead google me”NO? keep reading.Get Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand at the CourseAvaiTELL ME IF THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR…✔ You have no shortage of ideas but you’re still struggling to get your online business off the ground. ✔ You know what you want, you just don’t how the heck to get it or where on earth to start. ✔ You know how important your online visibility is to your success but the only visible thing right now is your list of people you are brand crushing on ✔ In your crowded industry, are you struggling to establish an identity for yourself that enables you to stand out from everyone else ✔Your online branding and your brand messaging is unclear and incomplete even to you – so you already know you’re leaving people confused as to what the heck you do IF NO ONE KNOWS WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DO…THEY CAN’T BUY FROM YOU. (NOW, READ THAT AGAIN)Hi There Visionary/Entrepreneur/Expert/Coach,I know you already feel like there are literally thousands of people doing exactly what you’re doing online and offering exactly what you’re offering… TRUTH IS… YOU ARE RIGHT. Then why is it that when I ask you who the top dawgs in your industry, only a handful come to mind? These are the ones who have “made it”, right? These are the ones that clearly STAND OUT, right? These people seem to be everywhere! And there is just something so… Shiny and polished about them- am-I-right?! Something that makes you think to yourself, “that’s what a REAL professional looks like” No seriously… HOW?!  You can continue to waste your precious timetrying to guess what the “magic formula” is. Or you can learn the secret for yourself!THE SECRET???NOTHING WILL ACCELERATE THE GROWTH OF YOUR BUSINESS MORE THAN POSITIONING YOURSELF AS A STAND OUT BRAND.BEFORE I TELL YOU HOW YOU ARE GOING TO BECOME A STAND OUT BRAND, i need you to understand something about me… I don’t wanna hear about how many “others” are already in your crowded industry and how theres no room for you to stand out…Because heres the thing… While the top 5 percent are doing it right and living badass lifestyles & taking profits to the bank… The 95% are struggling to stand out.Get Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand at the CourseAvaiStand out brands set their eyes on what the 5% are doing, and when you begin to analyze these brands – across all industries, what you will see is pretty freakin’ clear… (doesn’t matter how many others because most are not doing it right) When you POSITION YOURSELF AS A STAND OUT BRAND, YOU CAN leverage your DEMAND for virtually anything you want…IF YOU WANT TO:✔ Build your online business and sell out your offers✔ Have highly engaged followers✔ Book more high end clients✔ Network with other influences and explore joint venture / affiliate opportunities✔ Book live events and podcasts✔ Be featured in the media & press✔ Book paid appearances and speaking gigs✔ Have a waiting list of dream clients who are ready to support your brand and business✔ Represent products as a spokesperson✔ Land paid sponsorships and endorsement contracts✔ Do every damned thing that you see the other rockstars doing. Because YOU will be a rockstar in your own right.WANNA SEE HOW THE STAND OUT BRAND PROGRAM IS BROKEN DOWN?MODULE 1: THE BUSINESS OF BECOMING A STAND OUT BRAND ✔Discover the no BS truth to why influencers become influencers in today’s ever-changing, digital world ✔ Hone in on your unique personal brand and create a personal blueprint that will literally eliminate the competition (and you’ll never have to wonder “how am I going to stand out from everyone else who’s doing exactly what I’m doing” ever again) ✔ The strategic process of purposefully creating DEMAND, getting known & becoming a recognized expert in your field in record time ✔ Develop a strategically sound brand that authentically represents you, your business, and what you do for your clients-a brand that only you can ownMODULE 2: THE OPTICS OF BECOMING A STAND OUT BRAND ✔ Brand Identity Breakthrough – The key to attracting your audience and selling more (at higher prices) is a visual brand that screams STAND OUT BRAND  ✔ See the value of your brand, business and services from the eyes of your ideal client to create a brand that STANDS OUT to your ideal clients ✔ Find out how to use free and low-cost resources so you can create incredible graphics, copy that converts and a website & brand that reflects you without breaking the bank ✔Get my 31 point checklist of a STAND OUT BRAND …what people see when they look you up matches how passionate (and badass) you are about what you doGet Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand at the CourseAvaiMODULE 3:THE EXPOSURE STRATEGY OF BECOMING A STAND OUT BRAND ✔ STAND OUT BRAND Exposure Action Plan- Stop hoping that things will happen in an organic way and make them happen with your own (even if you are brand spanking new and just getting started) ✔ Gain credibility and become trusted by your ideal client (even if you are not confident in your brand yet and you’re not even sure why anyone should/would listen to you….Pssst..that’s what this course is all about) ✔ Leverage influencers and media exposure to get known as you build your credibility, authority & stand out from the pack ✔ Get the from START to STAND OUT BRAND roadmap – Getting known and creating that “WOW” factor does not happen by chance MODULE 4: THE MONEY OF BECOMING A STAND OUT BRAND ✔ Leverage your personal brand for business opportunities such as speaking engagement (Yes, paid!), joint ventures, brand endorsement/sponsorship opportunities and anything else you’re already thinking you want to do (if you just knew how to get out there and get people’s attention …wink wink)  ✔ The exact step-by-step weekly and monthly to-dos to use your authority in your niche to become fully booked with clients ✔ Know what to charge for your services and for various opportunities whether you are just starting out or you’ve been in business for a while. ✔ Discover the endless opportunities and revenue streams available to you as you monetize your influence  ✔ Learn how to quantify your impressions so that you can powerfully pitch yourself with tangible and accurate numbers that show people why YOU (….and YES, this is necessary even when you are just getting started)BONUS #1:DONE-FOR-YOU VAULT (value $599)✔ Download “This-Is-Not-A-Hobby” STAND OUT BRAND daily, weekly and monthly Marketing & Publicly checklist✔ Download STAND OUT BRAND templates and worksheets to take your visual branding to the next level (oh and we are not going to settle for so-so.. You’ll have the kinda brand that your competitors will screenshot and add to their vision boards)  ✔Done-For-You email scripts. Simply copy, paste and send them to freelancers to make the changes right away! Easy-peasy. BONUS #2:LIFETIME ACCESS (*PRICELESS)Lifetime access and free updates to the course. I regularly check the course to see if there’s anything I can add or improve.You will always have access to the most up-to-date information and strategies, fo’ free.  PLUS, the course has JUST been updated with brand new videos and added strategies. I gotchu covered.Get Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand at the CourseAvaiSale Page: Stephanie Joanne – Stand Out Brand courses at here with PRICE $349 $61