Stephanie Deneke – Real Estate Lead Machine


Real Estate Lead Gen & Client Acquisition. The Exact Step By Step “Follow Along, Fill In The Blank And Just Click The Button” Strategy For Generating Leads For Realtors. The ad copy, the targeting, the technical setup, how to write email followups. It’s all in this course.

Stephanie Deneke – Real Estate Lead Machine

Real Estate Lead Gen & Client Acquisition

The Exact Step By Step “Follow Along, Fill In The Blank And Just Click The Button” Strategy For Generating Leads For Realtors
The ad copy, the targeting, the technical setup, how to write email followups,,, it’s all in this course.

What’s In This Course
Updated For 2019 and fully compliant with Fair Housing

The Ad Copy

The simple structure to follow for every ad that gets clicks and leads.

The Setup

How to setup the lead notifications and import the leads into a CRM/Email AutoResponder

Submitting The Ad

Create and submit the ad, with targeting so simple it will blow your mind.

Getting The Leads
You’ll get actual screenshots of converting ad copy to use in unique situations such as promoting New Construction, Waterfront Properties, and Condos.

How to troubleshoot your ads if they’re not working, what to look for and change, and the do’s don’ts and tricks for your ads.

Of course, everyone wants to know “how do you get seller leads????” Listen up, right now. The vast majority of buyer leads also have a home to sell, or know someone who does. The leads generated are often both Seller and Buyer leads.
But I also know you just ignored what I said and still want Seller leads,,, so there’s a method for getting Seller leads too, just to make the stubborn ones happy.
So are these leads warm leads, cold leads, hot leads? They’re leads, and they respond to how they are followed up with. And there’s a training on how to setup and create a follow email sequence that follows up for a full year.
Why a year? Because even after a client buys or sells, they can bring referrals, and they’re going to recommend their agent ONLY if that agent was valuable and stood out from the rest.
Real Estate leads aren’t a short term one night stand. Providing value and converting leads is a commitment.
Course Outline

Fast Start Video – The Full Process Beginning To End With Cheat Sheet Guide
How To Prepare Your Ad – How To Write The Copy And Prepare Your Photos
Creating The Lead Form – The Proper Settings To Get The Best Lead Flow
Receiving Notifications Of Leads – How To Notify Your Clients Of Leads And Import Them To Their CRM
Creating and Submitting Your Ad – The Proper Compliant Targeting For Real Estate Ads & Ad Budget
What To Do When Your Ad Isn’t Working? – Troubleshooting Common Issues With Real Estate Ads
Samples Of Ads – Swipe File Of Best Performing Ads
Advanced Automated Followup – Email and Text Followup To Leads
What About Seller Leads? – The Ads That Work For Motivated Sellers

Answers To Most Asked Questions

Yes, this works in rural areas (actually it works even better in rural vs large cities.)
Luxury ad copy examples are in the course
Name, email and phone number are collected.
Yes, I give my exact targeting strategy
Yes, there’s a method for getting Seller leads
Yes, I tell you how to setup email followup
It’s as low tech as you can get.
NO, you do not need a landing page software (I do NOT use Clickfunnels!)
You do not need your own website to do this.
This can all be done with one simple $25 per month tool.
It’s still up to date, these strategies still crank out leads for my clients.
I’ve never used “homeowners” as targeting, so it works without that option!

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