Step by Step Network Penetration Tester – Gabriel Avramescu


In order to protect yourself from hackers, you must think as one.In this course, you will start as a beginner with no previous knowledge about penetration testing or hacking.You will learn hacking tools, methodologies and techniques. This is a both practical and theoretical step-by-step course.This course is focused on the practical side of penetration testing without neglecting the theory behind each attack. Before jumping into penetration testing, you will first learn how to set up a lab and install needed software to practice penetration testing on your own machine.Below are the main topics, both theoretical and practical, of this course:Introduction to Ethical Hacking, Footprinting and ReconnaissanceThis section will teach you how to gather information about your target server, you will learn how to discover the DNS server used, open ports and services, un-published directories, sensitive files. This information is very important as it increases the chances of being able to successfully gain access to the target website.Scanning Networks, Enumeration and Vulnerabilities and System HackingIn this section you will learn how to discover and exploit a large number of vulnerabilities, this section is divided into a number of sub-sections, each covering a specific vulnerability, firstly you will learn what is that vulnerability,then you will learn how to exploit this vulnerability.SniffingLearn how to capture encrypted and unencrypted data, passwords and such (HTTP, telnet, HTTPS, etc)MetasploitUse This framework to exploit numerous vulnerabilities and crate backdoorsTrojans, Backdoors, Viruses and WormsCryptographyPenetration testing on Wireless NetworksPenetration TestingNOTE: This course is created only for educational purposes and all the attacks are launched in an isolated lab environment. Course CurriculumIntroduction to Ethical Hacking. Footprinting and ReconnaissanceIntroduction (1:14)Introduction to Ethical Hacking. Footprinting and Reconnaissance (24:55)Demo – Information Gathering using Google Dorks and DNS Queris (4:17)Demo – Scanning and Enumeration (8:08)Do it yourself – Information Gathering ExerciseScanning Networks, Enumeration and Discovering VulnearbilitiesScanning and enumeration (8:58)Vulnerabilties Identification (8:28)Demo – Installing Nessus Scanner (3:31)Demo – Use Nessus to Discover Vulnerabilities (4:42)Demo – Using Nikto to discover Web Vulnerabilities (4:51)Demo – Using Paros for Vulnerability Discovery (4:49)Demo – Use Dirbuster to brute force sub-directories and filenames (2:50)Do it yourself – Scanning and enumeration, Vulnerability Discovery ExerciseSystem Hacking and Vulnerability ExploitationSystem hacking – vulnerability exploitation (5:59)Passwords (11:56)Authentication (6:55)SniffingSniffing (15:00)Man in the Middle over Wireless or Wired Networks (11:05)Capturing HTTPS traffic over MITM). Get Gmail and Facebook passwords (8:56)MetasploitMetasploit (17:08)Demo – Exploiting FTP Server Vulnerability using Metasploit (11:48)Demo – Post Exploitation Example (1:07)Demo – Exploiting NFS Vulnerability and exporting SSH Keys to the Victim PC (10:07)Demo – Eploiting Samba Service on Linux using Metasploit (3:09)Do it yourself – Vulnerability Exploitation using Metasploit ExerciseTrojans, Backdoors, Viruses and WormsTrojans and Backdoors (5:00)Computer viruses and worms (9:14)CryptographyCryptography concepts (4:56)Cryptographic Algorithms (11:09)Cryptography and cryptanalysis tools. Cryptography attacks (3:02)Demo – Hack SSH passwords using Medusa (5:14)Hack the SSH Password using Hydra (5:05)Hack Linux Passwords using John the Ripper (3:29)Do it yourself – Passwords Protection ExercisePenetration Testing on Wireless NetworksPenetration Testing on Wireless Networks (6:56)Do it yourself – WiFi Networks Security – practical approachCase Study – Windows Hosted Network Bug or Feature (10:42)Penetration Testing Overview. Final wordsPenetration Testing Overview. Final Words (5:34)Get Step by Step Network Penetration Tester – Gabriel Avramescu, Only Price $47Tag: Step by Step Network Penetration Tester – Gabriel Avramescu Review. Step by Step Network Penetration Tester – Gabriel Avramescu download. Step by Step Network Penetration Tester – Gabriel Avramescu penetration testing, network penetration testing tools, network penetration testing checklist, network penetration testing course.