Steal The Show A Crash Course In Heroic Public Speaking – Michael & Amy


YES Michael & Amy, I want you to make me a MUCH better speaker and I’m ready to get started today.You don’t have to be a professional speaker… or even an aspiring professional speaker to get started today.In fact, you can be an absolute beginner. You may never want to set foot on a big stage but just want to nail it during sales presentations to close more deals, or be more comfortable at networking events.Or maybe you’re already a professional speaker and want to headline events with people like me, Seth Godin, Simon Sinek and Brené Brown.Either way, Steal the Show: A Crash Course in Heroic Public Speaking is your answer and right now is your moment.ImportantIf you’re particularly busy right now and can’t do all of the work, don’t worry: you’ll have lifetime access to this self-directed program and you’ll be able to go step-by-step through the work any time into the future.STEAL THE SHOW:A Crash Course in Heroic Public SpeakingWhat’s Included20 classes of online training to make you a better speaker than you ever thought possible.The opportunity to learn the secrets that only the most highly-trained performers know, at your own pace, or choose just the lessons that that are most useful and relevant for you.Opportunities for feedback from your peers in our private online forum.You’re Going to surpasseven your own expectations ofwhat it means to be a great performerYou’re going to get the most important parts (those that are most relevant and useful for you) of what Michael and Amy learned, in over three years, in the MFA program at NYU’s Graduate Acting Program and the MFA program at the Yale School of Drama.We employ a system used by 70 million university level students all over the world. You can work at your own pace, while getting all the support that you need from us.We even have a comprehensive resource center for the best and most affordable PowerPoint and Keynote designers and music composers along with information on how to get the rights to play popular music during your presentations and more.CurriculumWhen you join us, all you need are a computer with an internet connection and a burning desire to save the world – or at least your world – with your performances.MODULE 1: STAGECRAFT MASTERYClass One: INTRODUCTION to HEROIC PUBLIC SPEAKINGLearn the philosophy behind the methodology. You’ll also learn how to “talk the talk” so that you can fast-track your way to sounding like a pro! Also includes an introduction to developing your own intellectual property.Class Two: A POWERFUL VOICEWe’ll delve deep into mastery of one of your most valuable tools: your voice. Understand the purpose of voicework, the anatomy of voicework, learn techniques for projection, pitch, range (and more) so that you can sound more substantial and appealing. Includes Bonus Warm-up videos and audios.Class Three: CRYSTAL CLEAR SPEECHUnless you are easily understood, you’re throwing away opportunities. Learn about Standard American Speech, so that you know when to use it (and be understood by all,) and when to throw it out the window. Discover which parts of your natural dialect to change for the stage and which parts to keep, and how speech patterns are directly linked to likeability and confidence. Useful for international speakers. Includes Bonus warm-ups.Class Four: EASY & POWERFUL MOVEMENTHow to avoid the common traps and pitfalls, and never, ever have to worry again about what to do with your hands. Also learn how to use ‘power poses’ to increase your confidence. Includes bonus videos from other expert speakers.MODULE 2: CONTENT CREATIONClass Five: THE BIG IDEAIn this first class of the Content Creation Module, you’ll distill your message down the most important and impactful idea. Learn the 6 Part Protocol for developing your Big Idea, and how to develop a better business in the process.Class Six: SYSTEMATIC STRUCTUREWe’ll show you how to use one of the 7 proven frameworks that takes your audience on a journey with you. You’ll learn how to repurpose your content for different lengths and uses: keynotes, 20-minute speeches, webinars, workshops and more. Learn how to use the different types of speeches, whether to script or outline, and what matters (and what doesn’t) about originality.Class Seven: CREATIVE CONTENT GENERATION: PART ONEWe’ll teach you the ways that professional speechwriters, playwrights and performers outline their material by identifying key points that support the big idea. Learn how to effectively and systematically outline, through-line, vet your arguments, and employ advanced techniques that add complexity and sophistication to otherwise “flat” pieces.Class Eight: CREATIVE CONTENT GENERATION: PART TWOContinue shaping your presentation by learning the key principle of contrast, and how to incorporate it into your structure and your performance to make for the most exciting audience experience.Class Nine: STORYTELLINGLearn not just how to tell stories, but how to tell good stories. Learn the secrets that performers and professional storytellers know for winning over the hearts and minds of the audience. Also learn the Heroic Public Speaking Protocol for sourcing your stories, so that you have the right story at the right time.Class Ten: JOKES & RHETORICAL DEVICESWe’re not asking you to be a stand-up comedian, but humor can be a useful and even an essential element in many performances. Learn the ‘rule of three’, the importance of shared context, and how to use the Three-Act Structure to build more humor into your presentation.Class Eleven: EFFECTIVE AUDIENCE INTERACTION: PART ONEThis class deals with the fundamentals of audience interaction: how to rapidly get them on your side. Learn how to build trust with the audience so that they do what you ask them to do, and how to maximize your interaction with audience members before and after your presentation. Also, learn powerful tools for how to deal with difficult personalities in the room.Class Twelve: EFFECTIVE AUDIENCE INTERACTION: PART TWOHow to Master Q&A. Often we think that Q&A is the easy part – instead, learn how the masters read the audience, employ cultural sensitivity, and utilize ‘bits’ to make your Q&A a powerful close to your presentation.Class Thirteen: POWERFUL OPENINGSWin over the audience before you take your first step. Learn how to craft your introductory bio, with a system for what to include, (and what not to include), the importance of rehearsing the bio, and how to nail your opening.MODULE 3: REHEARSAL & PERFORMANCE MASTERYClass Fourteen: HOW to REHEARSEJust because you have a script, or a message, or an outline, on paper, it doesn’t mean that your words are anywhere near ready for performance. Learn the 7 Step Rehearsal Protocol for Heroic Public Speaking and surprise yourself by expertly content mapping your piece. Uplift your performance with the use of beats, skillful rhythm, transitions and repetition.Class Fifteen: BOLD BLOCKINGBlocking is the act of lifting your performance off the page – or out of your head – and onto the stage. Learn how to stage your presentation, (even if in a conference room,) how to notate your script, and maximize the power of center stage.Class Sixteen: THE MAGIC OF IMPROVTHE MAGIC OF IMPROV. Knowing how to improvise with impact is an essential skill for performers. Learn to improv for content creation, and for performance, when things just might go wrong! You’ll also discover the Six Key Principles for Improv that will keep your presentation alive, even if you’ve given it hundreds of times.Class Seventeen: COSTUME & PROPSWhat you wear and what you bring to the stage – literally – can change the audience’s experience. It can also change the way they see you. Increase your impact by using wardrobe for character development & confidence boosting. Learn how to use props to add gravitas or lightness, humor or solemn.Class Eighteen: OPEN REHEARSALS.Experienced speakers know that the sooner you get in front of people, the better… and that being in performance the first time you deliver is a sure-fire set up to NOT be at your best. Learn the 4 Step Feedback Protocol for who and when to invite into your rehearsals, and how to ask for (and get!) the feedback that you need.Class Nineteen: STEAL THE SHOWIt’s hard to Steal the Show when stage fright has set in. Learn the performers’ tools for resolving doubt, creating a pre-show ritual, and owning the room every time.Class Twenty: THE BUSINESS OF SPEAKINGSo now that you’re a force to be reckoned with, this class will cover the ins-and-outs of making a living as a professional speaker, if that’s something you’re interested in. We’ll cover setting your fees, hot topics, the client buying cycle, and 3 things to do to get booked solid.Get Steal The Show A Crash Course In Heroic Public Speaking – Michael & Amy, Only Price 97$Tag: Steal The Show A Crash Course In Heroic Public Speaking – Michael & Amy Review. Steal The Show A Crash Course In Heroic Public Speaking – Michael & Amy download. Steal The Show A Crash Course In Heroic Public Speaking – Michael & Amy discount.