Steady Compounding Investing Academy Course


Steady Compounding Investing Academy CourseFor investors dedicated to the steady compounding of wealth:Identify winning stocks in 2024 using my proven Steady Compounding Investing FrameworkGain mastery over financial analysis, understand growth potential, and learn the art of valuation. Confidently identify winning stocks and exponentially grow your wealth.If you want to accelerate your financial independence by mastering a steadfast investing framework that makes your money work for you, this is for you.Here’s the deal:There has never been a better time to be a retail investor, yet picking the right stocks seems to elude the grasp of many investors.Now, I’m not sure what investing means to you.For some, it’s the gateway to growing wealth. For others, it’s about achieving financial freedom to cherish more moments with loved ones. Or perhaps, it’s the key to unlocking a life of travel and pursuing passions without restraint.Or perhaps…  You are a giant nerd like me and want to be rewarded financially for learning.But one thing’s certain:To carve out your success in the stock market in 2024 and beyond, you can’t afford to play the same game as everyone else.To explain how I can help, let me tell you what I learned going from navigating financial constraints with zero investing know-how 15 years ago to thriving as a full-time investor today.What’s wrong with investing in 2024?I don’t want to waste your time — the next 5 minutes are worth reading if:🙁 You have no idea which company’s stock to invest in, at what price to buy it at, and whether those companies have the resilience and growth potential you seek.🙁 Watching the news causes you to second-guess your investment decisions. You are stuck in an emotional whirlwind, swinging between euphoria at positive headlines and despair at negative ones, clouding your investment judgment.🙁 You find yourself buying a company’s stock without fully understanding why you’ve chosen it. When its value dips by 30% or more, you panic and start questioning your decision.🙁 Valuing a business seems like a complex puzzle, you aren’t sure if a stock is under or overvalued. When market crashes happen, fear gets the better of you and you sell off without knowing the true worth of your investment, often resulting in losses.🙁 Your 9-to-5 job or other life commitments leave little time for thorough company analysis, yet you want to cultivate the skill and knowledge to know what information to focus on  to make informed investment decisions.🙁 You tried learning to invest by watching YouTube or reading up on a bunch of books, but you’re still unsure and lack a clear framework on how to analyze stocks.If these challenges resonate, you’re not alone.In my conversations with investors over the last few years, I’ve heard these concerns echoed time and again.A large number of investors entered the stock market in 2020, venturing into speculative positions, and fled when the stock market plummeted in 2022, only for the stock market to rebound in 2023.Those who sold in 2022, hoping to buy back at lower prices, bit the bullet twice as they missed the recovery.You’re told to…Buy when the market crashes, yet not catch the falling knife.Invest in fast growing companies, yet not pay an ‘expensive’ price.Invest in cheap companies, yet avoid those that are suffering a secular decline.If the answer were this simple, you wouldn’t be reading this now.Investing ISN’T getting harder, but it’s certainly getting noisier. In this era of information overload, which often comes with misleading advice, it can feel like an uphill battle.The stock market is still one of the best opportunities to grow your wealth.What you need is a framework to cut through all that noise.What they’re doing that you’re notThere’s a pattern among investors thriving long term (not speculators, but people who invest like business owners):They invest in stocks of wonderful businesses.This, by the way, is very different from what most “investors” are doing. Owning a stock isn’t just about trading the flashing prices on your brokerage app.“Charlie’s most important architectural feat was the design of today’s Berkshire. The blueprint he gave me was simple: Forget what you know about buying fair businesses at wonderful prices; instead, buy wonderful businesses at fair prices.“– Warren BuffettIf you have a portfolio of wonderful businesses, these stocks will take over the heavy lifting of growing your wealth for you.Simple enough, right?But you know as well as I do, it ain’t.Anyone can invest in stocks… but only a few can build wealthMost investors act when they shouldn’t.And hesitate when action is needed.Investors pile into stocks when valuations are high and everything seems rosy.In times of panic and decline in the stock market, they sell.Unfortunately, most investors do not know what to look out for when analyzing businesses.They buy based on what their colleagues say, the next hot stock, or worse, take investing advice from the trendiest TikToker or YouTuber.See…I realized that most investors aren’t successful because they are investing on borrowed conviction.In other words, they rely on someone else’s research or opinion rather than conducting their own analysis and forming their own opinions.When the market goes down, their shaky foundation crumbles because they don’t know what they own and sell at a loss.When you look at the top investors in the world, guess what they all swear by?Only invest in what you understand.Success leaves clues.By understanding your investments, you will be able to weather market downturns and seize opportunities to buy when everyone else is losing their minds.That’s when you set yourself up future returns, and watch your wealth compound.Investing isn’t about chasing the latest fads or being glued to the news.It’s about conducting your own thorough analysis, making decisions with calm confidence through all market conditions.People trip up because they don’t have a robust framework for analyzing businesses, assessing their value, and navigating risks.They fail to recognize that the essence of successful investing lies in identifying wonderful businesses and then, simply stepping aside to let them flourish.Which is where I’d like to help. Introducing:The Steady Compounding Investing AcademySteady Compounding Investing Academy is a self-paced video course with lifetime access (and updates) that aims to:Empower you with the skill to analyze and value a stock yourself from scratch, enabling you to pick winning stocks with confidence.It’s designed for those who are serious about mastering how to invest in the stock market — a zero-fluff, easy-to-execute, actionable framework.How it works:Step 1:Identify the traits of Steady CompoundersSuccess leaves behind a trail of clues.Modules 1 to 3 will teach you what it means to invest in the stock market and recognize the patterns of great businesses.Step 2:Analyze business performanceMake sense of a company’s financials and tell a story.Modules 4 to 10 will teach you how to analyze financials, management earnings calls and how to easily keep track of quarterly business performance.Step 3:Master the art & science of valuationLearn how to value businesses so you never overpay.Modules 11 to 14 will teach you how to value businesses using first principles.Step 4:Portfolio & risk managementConstruct a resilient portfolio that will stand the test of time.Modules 15 to 16 will cover business risks, diversification, portfolio construction and behavioral psychology.Each lesson has clear real life case studies and is categorized into 16 modules, making it easy to follow whether you’re a beginner or intermediate investor.Here’s a quick video showing you around:And here’s the module breakdown:Modules 1 to 3:How to identify the traits of Steady CompoundersIn a world where the latest trends often lead to financial pitfalls, we guide you through the essence of true investment. Discover the art of discerning exceptional businesses, understanding their models, and recognizing their enduring competitive edges.Module 1:Fundamentals of investing➡️ Understand the power of compounding and set your financial goals➡️ How to think like an owner in the stock market to develop holding power➡️ Identify your circle of competence so you won’t get burned investing in what you don’t understand➡️ Why we always need a margin of safety when investing in the stock marketModule 2:How businesses make money➡️ Learn about how a business makes money, and where its revenue comes from➡️ What business models are good for long term investments (and what to avoid)➡️ Understand the pros and cons of each business model➡️ Where to find the information needed to determine a company’s business modelModule 3:Economic moats➡️ Learn why some companies are mighty profitable while others barely break even➡️ Understand the difference between legacy moat and reinvestment moat➡️ How to identify the competitive advantages of a business Modules 4 to 10:How to analyze the performance of businessesTurn complex financials into compelling stories. We demystify financial statements, spot ‘hidden’ potential before others, highlight red flags, and uncover the segments critical for thorough analysis.Module 4, 5 & 6:Analyzing financial statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, & Cash Flow Statement➡️ Understanding what numbers to zoom into when analyzing an income statement➡️ Where exactly to find the crucial financial information to help you understand a business➡️ Understand why cash is king and how to determine if a company’s earnings is fake➡️ Analyze the balance sheet to determine if the company has what it takes to withstand crises💪 BONUS: Financial performance tracker includedModule 7:Financial ratios➡️ Simple key ratios and formulas you must understand to evaluate a business’ strengths and ability to survive a recession➡️ Where to find these key ratios and formulas, and how to calculate them in just a few short minutes➡️ Identify the best businesses in each industry by comparing the ratios with competitionModule 8 & 9:Dissecting quarterly earnings and annual reports➡️ Where to find the documents for quarterly earnings and annual reports➡️ How to tune in to management’s earnings call with analyst➡️ Learn how to read between the lines of what management says➡️What are the operational metrics to focus onModule 10:Tracking business performances like a pro➡️ How to keep track of businesses quarterly results using our proprietary spreadsheet➡️ Learn about the platforms that automate the tracking and charting of business performances for you Modules 11 to 14:Mastering the art and science of valuationValuation isn’t just numbers; it’s your stock market compass. From discounted cash flows to multiple valuation techniques, we equip you with the tools to make informed decisions, supplemented by real-world case studies. We will cover how to value profitable, unprofitable, conglomerates and for the income focused investor, dividend stocks.Module 11:Valuation principles➡️ Learn how to value businesses and how to forecast a business performance➡️ Understand what are the key value drivers of shareholder returns➡️ Master concepts such as determining terminal value, share buybacks and dilution➡️ Live case studies on how to value profitable businesses💪BONUS: Valuation calculator includedModule 12:Valuing unprofitable businesses➡️ Learn why some loss-making companies could turn out to be great businesses and what are the traits to look out for➡️ Master unit-economics and operating leverage➡️ Live case studies on how to value a loss-making growth companyModule 13:Advance valuation techniques➡️ Learn how to value conglomerates using the Sum-of-The-Parts model➡️ Perform your valuation in under 5 minutes using the Back-of-the-Envelope approach➡️ Let the market tell you what its assumptions are with the Reverse Discounted Cash Flow model➡️ Deep Value investing techniquesModule 14:Dividend investing➡️ Identifying companies with a stable and rising dividend stream➡️ The metrics to look for when evaluating the sustainability of dividends of a company➡️ How to analyze Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) Modules 15 to 16:How to manage and construct your investment portfolioPortfolio management is the backbone of compounding — managing risks with proper position sizing and adequate diversification. To finish first, we must first finish. We’ll discuss how to construct a resilient portfolio that will withstand the test of time and master the behavioral insights needed to invest in the stock market.Module 15:Business risks➡️ Discover the risks associated with each sector of business➡️ Identify when a company is at risk of declining and exit the investment➡️ Detect early warning signs and how to respondModule 16:Portfolio management➡️ Strategic position sizing for optimal risk management➡️ Learn to navigate market downturns with confidence➡️ Understand why cash is king and how to determine if a company’s earnings is fake➡️ How much cash you should keep and how should you deploy your cash during bear markets➡️ Learn how to generate investment ideas for further analysis ⏰ Your (time sensitive) invitation ⏰The lessons in this course are the distillation of more than a decade of in-depth learning, practical execution, and meticulous refinement.This is for you if you finally want to do investing right.When I started out 15 years ago, I wanted to take investing courses to speed up my learning, but many courses came with a price tag of over $5,000.And to take a class at Columbia Business School (where Warren Buffett learned investing) would cost tens of thousands of dollars.The courses were out of my reach back then, even though I knew they’d help me leapfrog my investing journey.I want to make sound investing education accessible to as many people as possible after this experience.I’m confident Steady Compounding Investing Academy will empower you with the knowledge to make informed investment decisions..So I’m offering it at a steal — but on one condition.There’re many fluffs in my space. Your word helps me prove I’m not one of them. When your results roll in, it would be great if you tell some friends that this course is the real deal.Sounds fair?If so, you can get instant access to everything we’ve discussed, plus seven valuable bonuses, for just $1,200 $996 by enrolling before Monday, July 1st, at Midnight Pacific Time.That includes all future updates (investing evolves and I’ll make sure you evolve with it).Because unlike a lot of courses, this isn’t a buy-it-once and goodbye thing.I’m always looking for better ways to help you. And I don’t keep what I find secret.Ready to join close to 400 students who’ve transformed their investing approach?There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.