Start and Grow Your Professional Live Video Show – Luria and David


The “Start & Grow My LIVE Video Show” Implementation ProgramWe were frustrated by seeing so many amazing people like you with incredible knowledge or products that can HELP PEOPLE… if only you could reach more people!Thrown to the wayside by Facebook’s or YouTube’s algorithms.We hated seeing you put so much work into your LIVE streams only to find out that it’s NOT MAGIC like many people make it out to be.We wanted to put a STOP TO THE OVERWHELMand the FEAR that’s HOLDING YOU BACK!You got this!Step-by-step TRAINING, advice and the SUPPORT you need to use LIVE Video strategically to STAND OUTfrom the crowd, and GROW YOUR BUSINESS so that you can HELP MORE PEOPLE.12 years of LIVE Video Experience… broken down into what you need to know to get started… and then grow your show, and grow your business.This program will allow you to…STOP struggling with the TECH… with creating CONTENT… with the fear of being ON CAMERA…Finally get more VIEWS, ENGAGEMENT & SALES!Focus on GROWING your business and HELPING MORE PEOPLE!Get SUPPORT from a community who’ve been where you are, and have gotten results.Shortcode could not be renderedWhat’s this Program all about?Learn how to create a LIVE Video Show for CONSISTENT CONTENTLearn how to use “Life Streams” to buildMASSIVE TRUST & PROMOTE your LIVE Show strategically!Learn how to create a SCHEDULE andSTOP WASTING TIME!Beat Facebook Algorithms & take control of your VIEWS & ENGAGEMENT!Section 1: TECHThe 4 Levels of LIVE StreamingLevel 1: PhoneLevel 2: Browser Based Platforms (like or BeLive)Level 3: Software on a Laptop (like Ecamm or Wirecast)Level 4: TV Quality StudioLearn how to get setup and implement Levels 1 – 3 Understand the Pros & Cons of each & where YOU need to be to match your goals!Buying Guides so you don’t have to waste moneyPrivate Practice Group to PRACTICE your Tech Setup anytime you want!Section 2: CONTENTLIVE Video ESSENTIALS: All the little hidden details you need to know!What NOT TO DO in LIVE Video (just as important as what TO DO, right?!?)How to create a PURPOSEFUL & COHESIVE Content StrategyHow to generate IDEAS for your LIVE ShowHow to FORMAT & SCRIPT your show to maximize value & engagement!Sections 3 & 4: VIEWS, ENGAGEMENT & SALESHow to create a SUPER ENGAGED & DEDICATED COMMUNITYPromotion Strategies to get MORE VIEWS and more people to SHOW UP LIVE!How to be effective with SELLING on LIVE Video!GROW My Show with ADVANCED Strategies(Advanced Program)What’s this Program all about?Take your LIVE Video to the NEXT LEVEL with Level 4: TV QUALITY streams!Advance your KNOWLEDGE, your STRATEGIES& your RESULTS!GROW your audience even BIGGER!Create DEEP LOYALTY with advanced strategies on camera (and off)!Section 1: TECHLearn to setup Level 4 (TV Quality with a Dedicated PC + Software) Buying Guides so you don’t have to waste moneyPrivate Practice Group to PRACTICE your Tech Setup anytime you want!Section 2: CONTENTAdvanced Content Creation StrategiesAdvanced Show Flows (structure your show for maximum benefit)Generate more LEADS with “LIVE Video for Leads” ContentGenerate more SALES with “LIVE Video for Launches” ContentSections 3 & 4: VIEWS, ENGAGEMENT & SALESAdvanced Promotion Strategies to DRIVE TRAFFIC to your LIVE Show!Advanced Promotion Strategies to GENERATE BUZZ and promote your products!How to CREATE DEEP LOYALTY and ENGAGEMENT… even after they buy!In Person LIVE EventThe “LIVE Video Summit” is an in person event that will help you advance even further with your LIVE Video and Community Building Strategy.1 Day Advanced Training Sessions beyond your online program trainingHands On TECH Training with gear and software for you to touch and experienceAccess to LIVE Stream to watch training sessions if you can’t make it in personAccess to Replays of the Advanced Training SessionsThere’s nothing like having dedicated time in person to FOCUS and connect with others! The relationships you’ll make here will expand beyond this event and beyond your LIVE video training! Many of our community members have become friends who support each other in lifeoutside this group.The event will be in Vancouver, Washington (you’ll fly into Portland, Oregon) and Luria and David will provide hands on and additional training for you to take your LIVE Videos to the Next NEXT Level! 🙂 DATE: July 20thMeals will be on your own and we highly encourage you use that time to connect with your fellow students and take a mental break so you can come back refreshed and ready for more training!Spend time with us & your community! Go even deeper with additional training and hands on tech time!Shortcode could not be renderedWhat EXACTLY is an Implementation Program?It means you’re not taking just another course that you’ll never do anything with!We created the L.P.P. Implementation Method to help avoid overwhelm and keep you moving!LPP Implementation MethodLEARN a small amount of informationPRACTICE that new knowledge in our private group and get comfortablePREP so that it’s ready for prime timeIMPLEMENT it in “the real world”!Each section of this program walks you through the LPP Implementation Method BEFORE YOU MOVE ON to another section!This way you don’t CRAM ALL THE INFO in at once… then try to implement it! Things WILL get lost!What you get in “Start My Show”In Depth Training5 Modules of training done at your own pace that will build a solid foundation for your LIVE Video efforts!Private Practice GroupA PRIVATE and SAFE place to practice what you learn… before launching it to “the real world”!Workbooks & GuidesImplementation Guides and Workbooks to help you USE the info you learn more effectively!Plus these additional benefits in  “Grow with Advanced Strategies”Advanced Training Program10 Modules of training (bundle of 2 programs) to advance your LIVE Video results & ROI!Weekly LIVE Training + Q&A with LuriaTraining for the Advanced Program is done LIVE with Q&A. And if you can’t make it to the LIVE videos, you’ll be able to watch the replays (edited to maximize your time spent)!These will begin first week of April and continue until the Live Event.Weekly LIVE Tech Q&A with DavidYou’ll have plenty of training for your Level 4 setup, but when you get stuck, jump on a weekly Tech Call with David to get your questions answered!Access to the Super Supportive Private CommunityIn addition to having a place to practice what you learn, you’ll also have access to our PRIVATE COMMUNITY so you can connect with others and get unstuck!Private In-Person LIVE EventThis Live Event is ONLY open to students of this program. You’ll get ADDITIONAL training, time with us and your community in person (the best kind of connection!)!You’ll receive 1 Ticket to a single day of Advanced & Hands On Training, held in Portland, Oregon.Access to Event LIVE Stream & ReplaysCan’t make it to the event? That’s okay, you’ll still get the additional Advanced Training via a special, private LIVE Stream!And yes… you’ll have access to the REPLAY too!Are you the right fit?If you’ve read this far… chances are you and I are about to be super fast friends!But, this program isn’t for everyone, so let’s make sure it’s right for you!This is right for you if…You know you have something to offer this world and you want to HELP or CONNECT WITH PEOPLEYou’re willing to put in the work to see the results you want (nothing worth doing is easy… including LIVE Video!)You’re willing to step outside of your comfort zone. You can’t reach your full potential by playing small!This is NOT right for you if…You’re looking for TACTICS to allow you to get fancy numbers without true community.You just don’t care about people.You’re unwilling to spend time growing your show.Which Package is Right for You?Start My ShowIf you want to GET STARTED quickly and you’re not ready for Advanced Techniques, this On Demand Program will give you a SOLID foundation for your LIVE Video Strategy!Advanced: Start & Grow BundleIf you know you’re ready to take LIVE Video SERIOUSLY and you want it to be a big part of your audience and business growth, then this Program is for you! With a combination of On Demand + LIVE Training & Q&A’s, you get support to help you get unstuck! Don’t forget! You ALSO get access to our In Person Live Event where you’ll get additional training + access to the live stream & replays!Why me?I’ve been doing LIVE Video for 12 years and have experience on every level.From my home studio building a community of 2 million followers and racking up 4,000 videos with 1 Billion Views. To high pressure super professional streams working with Panasonic, Samsung, AT&T and more. All that from a shy girl who never wanted to be in front of a camera. I’d LOVE to share all this knowledge with you and help you achieve your goals! If I can do this… you can do it!!!!Tag: Start and Grow Your Professional Live Video Show – Luria and David Review. Start and Grow Your Professional Live Video Show – Luria and David download. Start and Grow Your Professional Live Video Show – Luria and David discount.