Star Principle Activate Program With Perry Marshall


Sale page, Archive, Total size: 26.3 GBYou will discover:How to create a new market “out of thin air” in as little as hours to no more than a few weeks of pleasant, engaging exploration.How you can approach the daunting prospect of radically simplifying the customer experience – and a process by which you can crawl, then walk, then run – without borrowing money or making a pact with SatanWhy (and how) 75-90% of companies can build impressive assets WITH MOATS without a second mortgage, or giving away half your company to angel investors, private equity groups or Venture Capitalists.An “X-Ray” for identifying exactly what your customers want to buy; their bleeding neck; their unscratched itch; and as a result they come to you on very different terms – your terms – paying you both more money and more respect.How to assess the growth potential of markets without actual stats or hiring Harvard MBAs – and an exhaustive list of signals that give you GREEN / YELLOW / RED LIGHTS for moving forward. Life as a serial entrepreneur is so much more fun when the odds of failure get cut in half!An insidious way angel investors, private equity groups and venture capitalists seduce fine entrepreneurs into death traps – and the warning signsA double-deep-dive on SIMPLIFYING that will grant you the ability to recognize it any time, anywhere– and learn from it on-the-go much the same way “Marketing Maniacs” notice great marketers everywhere they go. This is a recipe for a business life that’s far more interesting and less frustrating.What You Get From This SeminarA state of the art treatment of his absolutely killer STAR PRINCIPLE. This is the strategy he uses to bat 50% where most Venture Capitalists bat 10%. He will explain the system, but updated, streamlined and refined based on the additional 5 years of experience (and $100 million of net worth) that he’s accumulated since his book of the same title was sent to the printer.Richard’s concept of DISRUPTION which has three components: Disruptive Simplification, Disruptive Sophistication, and Disruptive Optimization. Most people probably have a vague idea of how these three concepts can work; but almost nobody realizes how to approach markets and businesses in the proper sequence. When you do this properly, you jolt your market out of its stupor and leave competitors reeling. For example, old fashioned bookies will never recover from the Disruptive Simplification that Richard’s darling company Betfare wreaked upon the niche it’s in.You will discover exactly why most attempts at “outsourcing” and “reducing hours” never quite seem to work. Maybe you read 4-Hour Work Week? And you’re still not working four hours a week. Why? Richard is, after all. What’s the difference? He’s going to tell you. Richard is heart-attack serious about YOU whittling your work week from 60 to 20. You will never achieve the equity gains you really desire when you’re busting your ass 60 hours a week. You need the space to think, and to SENSE what is going on around you. You must have space. Otherwise you’re dead. (If you doubt me, ask your spouse.)You will also discover why simplicity is never enough. This is the real downfall in the “4 hour work week” as most people attempt it.Four types of money and how each is radically different from the other. Especially in terms of… simplicity.When you should ruthlessly simplify and when you should bomb your competitors with a bucket of sophistication bricks.Why most innovations do the exact opposite of what was intended (this is why projects spiral out of control and two years later you’re still trying to figure out how to get that thing launched, throwing good money after bad).Why, contrary to common entrepreneurial common sense, it’s an enormous advantage to BE the lowest-priced player in a commodity market! “Info marketers” and consultants are always striving to be the most expensive, and to an extent that is good. But Richard approach is completely different. He’s going to show you how even when you are the high end player, the most esteemed in your market, the EQUITY play usually means turning in the opposite direction. This seems like driving the wrong way on a six-lane freeway, and it is! But will make you extremely wealthy when you take that voyage in the right vehicle. (It’s fun to watch the SUVs go flying in every direction.)Goliath’s Challenge – How you maintain and extend market leadership. Steve Jobs said, “If you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone else will.” Very few entrepreneurs practice creative destruction within their own organizations. They’re too busy fixing stuff that’s broken for it to even occur to them. Richard will share eleven warning signals the number one firm in a market MUST be wary of.David’s Opportunity – When you’re the bottom player on the heap, what chance do you have? Richard will show you how to disrupt and exploit the weaknesses that all #1 players have. (Which is what Goliath’s Challenge warns you of.) Richard is going to show you BOTH sides of this coin, so you understand how you can be exploited, and how to exploit. But he expresses this in language that is foreign to all the MBAs and info marketers out there. This is why you are at such an advantage when you watch the seminar.