Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos


Access the wisdom of archetypal astrology to deepen your self-understanding and saturate your life with greater beauty, meaning and purpose.Open to the hidden, sacred forces within your own psyche and strengthen your sense of belonging in a loving, ensouled universe.Astrology holds a unique place in our culture. It’s one of the oldest integrated systems of knowledge in the world — with 5,000+ years of history — and has been championed by some of history’s greatest scholars and philosophers, from Ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and beyond.And yet, astrology is almost universally rejected by scientists and intellectuals as a gateway to magical thinking, devoid of predictive value.If astrology is pure fantasy, why would it endure for millennia?And if it’s grounded in predictable planetary patterns, why does science not connect the dots between the cause and its effects?According to Rick Tarnas, a Harvard-trained philosopher and former “skeptic,” archetypal astrology explores the connection between planetary patterns in the solar system and archetypal patterns in human experience and holds remarkable predictive value for the essence of each period in history.When he shared his findings with Stan Grof, the eminent founder of transpersonal psychology and one of the foremost thinkers of our day, they came to see that each of us is born as an individual expression of the archetypal energies that are saturating the collective at the time.Archetypal astrology is the bridge that connects your individual psyche to the cosmos…It not only provides predictive information about your life, it gives you a better understanding of the character of the era we’re living in… and enables you to reconcile the two.As you begin to view challenges in your life through this lens, you begin to see your experience as unfolding in the larger context of an “ensouled universe” — a depth of intelligent, sacred presence that permeates all that is. And rather than feel victimized or disoriented, you become empowered to meet these challenges consciously and with confidence.In short, archetypal astrology allows us to perceive a sacred and synchronistic universe, as opposed to the cold, soulless void that much of science regards as the ultimate truth.Over the course of Rick and Stan’s 30 years of collaboration, the evidence of archetypal astrology’s role in understanding the depths of one’s personal psyche and the collective psyche became so convincing that, despite professional risks and intellectual ridicule, these two pioneers simply had to share the truth of their journey.And now, Stan and Rick have distilled their mind-expanding explorations into a cohesive, online course in which you’ll expand your understanding of yourself and the nature of the cosmos.Astrological UnderpinningsWhen you join Stan and Rick for the 8-week Psyche & Cosmos program, you’ll have a unique opportunity to explore this new paradigm and its implications.You’ll discover how archetypal astrology is founded on the principle that planets have a fundamental, cosmically based influence on human existence.Each planet corresponds to an archetypal dimension of consciousness — a deep pattern that “tilts” reality in a particular direction.For instance, Saturn governs structure and connotes responsibility but also a form of constriction. Mars correlates with the movement of masculine energy and the impulse toward forceful activity, aggression and war.In his research, Rick tracked patterns of upheaval that corresponded without fail to the movement of Uranus, which governs breakthroughs and periods of rapid change. And the last time we experienced the Pluto Transit that started in 2007 and will end in 2020 was from 1960 to 1972, also a time of radical change, destructive energies, and abuse of political power.On a collective basis, archetypal astrology reveals why certain periods are marked by crisis and others by great breakthroughs — and how the times we live in correlate with specific individual psychological qualities in a person’s natal chart.The legendary Carl Jung told a friend that he had come to use astrology with every patient because there was no other means to provide that level of precision for understanding the archetypal dynamics of a given individual’s experience.It’s been said that psychology textbooks of the future will look back on modern psychologists working without the aid of astrology as being like medieval astronomers working without the aid of the telescope.Fate vs. Free WillConsulting your birth chart is akin to finding out which way the wind will be blowing on a particular day before you go out sailing. It’s valuable information, but how your astrological predispositions and potentialities play out depends on how much consciousness, intelligence, courage and compassion you bring to each moment.Ultimately, it’s the exercise of your free will that determines how the day — and your life — unfolds.As Rick and Stan illuminate in the program, you can express archetypal energies in a range of ways, from the most life-enhancing to the most destructive. It is how you choose to think and act that will determine how they are brought forth and expressed.So, no, we are not the helpless subject of an unknowable force beyond our control. While each individual’s potential destiny may be written in the stars, astrology is by no means deterministic. Understanding the energies operating inside you can help you manifest them in the most constructive and life-supporting ways possible.Astrology is archetypally predictive, not concretely predictive. We can determine the “experiential flavor” of a given planetary energy but can never know exactly how the Universal Mind will ultimately be expressed through human free will.To the exact extent that we are conscious of the archetypes, we can respond with greater autonomy and self-awareness.Astrology’s great merit, which Stan and Rick will help you discover, is that it seems to reveal very precisely which archetypes are especially important for each person, how they interact with each other, and when and how they are most likely to be expressed in the course of each life.Access the wisdom of archetypal astrology to deepen your self-understanding and saturate your life with greater beauty, meaning and purpose.Open to the hidden, sacred forces within your own psyche and strengthen your sense of belonging in a loving, ensouled universe.Astrology holds a unique place in our culture. It’s one of the oldest integrated systems of knowledge in the world — with 5,000+ years of history — and has been championed by some of history’s greatest scholars and philosophers, from Ancient Egypt to the Roman Empire to the Renaissance and beyond.Get Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos – Anonymous, Only Price $57And yet, astrology is almost universally rejected by scientists and intellectuals as a gateway to magical thinking, devoid of predictive value.If astrology is pure fantasy, why would it endure for millennia?And if it’s grounded in predictable planetary patterns, why does science not connect the dots between the cause and its effects?According to Rick Tarnas, a Harvard-trained philosopher and former “skeptic,” archetypal astrology explores the connection between planetary patterns in the solar system and archetypal patterns in human experience and holds remarkable predictive value for the essence of each period in history.When he shared his findings with Stan Grof, the eminent founder of transpersonal psychology and one of the foremost thinkers of our day, they came to see that each of us is born as an individual expression of the archetypal energies that are saturating the collective at the time.Archetypal astrology is the bridge that connects your individual psyche to the cosmos…It not only provides predictive information about your life, it gives you a better understanding of the character of the era we’re living in… and enables you to reconcile the two.As you begin to view challenges in your life through this lens, you begin to see your experience as unfolding in the larger context of an “ensouled universe” — a depth of intelligent, sacred presence that permeates all that is. And rather than feel victimized or disoriented, you become empowered to meet these challenges consciously and with confidence.In short, archetypal astrology allows us to perceive a sacred and synchronistic universe, as opposed to the cold, soulless void that much of science regards as the ultimate truth.Over the course of Rick and Stan’s 30 years of collaboration, the evidence of archetypal astrology’s role in understanding the depths of one’s personal psyche and the collective psyche became so convincing that, despite professional risks and intellectual ridicule, these two pioneers simply had to share the truth of their journey.And now, Stan and Rick have distilled their mind-expanding explorations into a cohesive, online course in which you’ll expand your understanding of yourself and the nature of the cosmos.Astrological UnderpinningsWhen you join Stan and Rick for the 8-week Psyche & Cosmos program, you’ll have a unique opportunity to explore this new paradigm and its implications.You’ll discover how archetypal astrology is founded on the principle that planets have a fundamental, cosmically based influence on human existence.Each planet corresponds to an archetypal dimension of consciousness — a deep pattern that “tilts” reality in a particular direction.For instance, Saturn governs structure and connotes responsibility but also a form of constriction. Mars correlates with the movement of masculine energy and the impulse toward forceful activity, aggression and war.In his research, Rick tracked patterns of upheaval that corresponded without fail to the movement of Uranus, which governs breakthroughs and periods of rapid change. And the last time we experienced the Pluto Transit that started in 2007 and will end in 2020 was from 1960 to 1972, also a time of radical change, destructive energies, and abuse of political power.Get Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos – Anonymous, Only Price $57On a collective basis, archetypal astrology reveals why certain periods are marked by crisis and others by great breakthroughs — and how the times we live in correlate with specific individual psychological qualities in a person’s natal chart.The legendary Carl Jung told a friend that he had come to use astrology with every patient because there was no other means to provide that level of precision for understanding the archetypal dynamics of a given individual’s experience.It’s been said that psychology textbooks of the future will look back on modern psychologists working without the aid of astrology as being like medieval astronomers working without the aid of the telescope.Fate vs. Free WillConsulting your birth chart is akin to finding out which way the wind will be blowing on a particular day before you go out sailing. It’s valuable information, but how your astrological predispositions and potentialities play out depends on how much consciousness, intelligence, courage and compassion you bring to each moment.Ultimately, it’s the exercise of your free will that determines how the day — and your life — unfolds.As Rick and Stan illuminate in the program, you can express archetypal energies in a range of ways, from the most life-enhancing to the most destructive. It is how you choose to think and act that will determine how they are brought forth and expressed.So, no, we are not the helpless subject of an unknowable force beyond our control. While each individual’s potential destiny may be written in the stars, astrology is by no means deterministic. Understanding the energies operating inside you can help you manifest them in the most constructive and life-supporting ways possible.Astrology is archetypally predictive, not concretely predictive. We can determine the “experiential flavor” of a given planetary energy but can never know exactly how the Universal Mind will ultimately be expressed through human free will.To the exact extent that we are conscious of the archetypes, we can respond with greater autonomy and self-awareness.Astrology’s great merit, which Stan and Rick will help you discover, is that it seems to reveal very precisely which archetypes are especially important for each person, how they interact with each other, and when and how they are most likely to be expressed in the course of each life.Two Brilliant Pioneers to Guide YouIf Carl Jung himself were offering an online program — highlighted by video teaching sessions — would you register for it?Of course you would.Jung is a legendary figure who revolutionized his field with brilliant insights, uncommon wisdom, and powerful methods of self-exploration.And just as we revere Jung today and wish we could step back into the mists of time to learn directly from him, so will future generations regret they never had the chance to take a course with the “father of transpersonal psychology” himself, Stan Grof.Stan’s six decades of research into non-ordinary states of consciousness — overlaid with his vast knowledge of archetypal astrology — has produced a new “cartography” of the human psyche.By exploring this new map of reality through the lens of archetypal astrology — through this first-ever online course — you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your potential and a more profound vision for your life… and be liberated from limited ideas of who you truly are.Together, Stan and Rick illuminate archetypal astrology in a way that makes sense to your mind, heart and soul, leading to a deeper understanding of life, new awareness of the underlying forces at work in your depths, and a healing recognition that we live in an “ensouled” universe.Get Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos – Anonymous, Only Price $57Tag: Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos Review. Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos  download. Stanislav Grof, MD and Richard Tarnas, PhD – Psyche & Cosmos discount.