Stage to Scale Method Digital Course – Pete Vargas


GET THE EXACT SYSTEM THE WORLD’S TOP BUSINESS OWNERS USE TO STAY IN FRONT OF THEIR IDEAL AUDIENCES AND ACCELERATE THEIR SUCCESS.YOU’RE BUSY TRYING TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS, NON-PROFIT, OR MINISTRY.You know you need qualified leads and customers. You’re well aware that they are the lifeblood of your business.You’ve probably tried all kinds of marketing tools, tips, strategies…supposed “magic bullets”  to get steady leads and consistent customers. Things like:Running Facebook adsGoogle AdwordsBloggingWriting and setting up email funnelsSitting on seemingly never-ending sales calls“Networking” eventsHiring more team members to implement all the strategies aboveBut all of these tactics take a ton of time and a significant amount of money. And, so far, your results have been uninspiring.Your ads are too expensive to scale.And very few people even open your emails.All the time you spend on sales callsFeels like a waste. Most prospects say they “need to think about it” and never circle back to buy from you.And you know that the reality is you’re going to run out of money unless you start seeing a better return on your investment.Or maybe you’re just beginning in your business. You’ve got a bit of start-up capital and you want to make the most of it. You’re uncertain of the best way to invest your seed money and you want to know what’ll get you the most bang for your buck. So, you’re at a standstill. Overwhelmed by all the options, you haven’t chosen ANYTHING to help move your business forward. And the clock is ticking. Every day that you don’t act, you’re losing more clients and customers.Or perhaps you’re someone who’s running a successful business already. Your ads, webinars, and emails ARE working for you, but you want to grow faster!You’re ready to scale your success to new heights and all you need is the right vehicle to do it and Stages are that vehicle.STAGES ARE THE FASTEST WAY TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS, NONPROFIT, OR MINISTRY.The power of the right stage, whether it’s an ONLINE or OFFLINE stage, can get you the results you want in your business without taking years or even months. Imagine what your business will be like when you:Exponentially grow your impact and income just by sharing your story with the right peopleQUICKLY get the kind of raving fans and followers who sing your praises from the rooftopsBuild a reliable, proven system for scaling your business – whatever type of business you runCreate an unforgettable “Signature Talk” that speaks to the hearts (and wallets) of your ideal clientsTransform gatekeepers into allies so you’re invited to the BEST speaking opportunitiesAnd do it all in less time than you’re probably spending on your business already…ONEMAN ON ONESTAGE.Over 16 years ago, my life was changed by ONE man on ONE stage. It was someone just like you…who shared their message…That ONE man sharing his ONE powerful message revolutionized my life in less than an hour. His message helped me reconcile with my estranged father.Experience the power of ONE stage.That one talk by that one man helped me accomplish what I’d been longing for my whole life…a relationship with my DAD.THAT is the POWER of stages.Once I experienced it, I dedicated my entire professional life to helping people like YOU spread and scale your own powerful message so that you can impact lives while growing your business.YOU ARE ONE STAGE AWAY FROM CHANGINGYOUR BUSINESSYOUR LIFEMy team and I spent the last 16+ years in our “lab” perfecting the methodology of getting the RIGHT offer on the RIGHT stage in front of the RIGHT audience for ourselves and for thousands of clients.From individuals to non-profits…from start-ups to 8-figure companies, we’ve booked more than 25,000 events worldwide and generated tens of millions of dollars in revenue for our clients.We’ve made those dreams into a reality for our clients.COMPANIES THAT HAVE USED THE STAGE TO SCALE METHOD YOUR MESSAGE MATTERS.We saw what a huge impact the people we worked with were having, but we wanted to serve more people. We wanted our tools to be in YOUR hands.You…your message…your story. We know the world needs YOU.Because the thing is…I can’t change the world by myself, but TOGETHER we can change the world.And now we’ve taken our tried and tested system and placed it into one comprehensive program so you can get the results you want in your business using the power of stages.IN THE 18 MONTHS SINCE WE OPENED UP OUR METHODOLOGY TO THE MARKET, OUR STUDENTS HAVE BOOKED OVER 47,000 STAGES.Stages Are The Secret Weapon For FAST Business Growth.Instead of spending months growing an email list, thousands of dollars on ads, writing dozens of tedious emails, and then hoping you can close sales from the small percentage of people you can actually get on the phone, imagine giving ONE talk in front of a room full of perfectly qualified, ideal clients.It’s easy to get caught up in the newest marketing fad…all the bright shiny objects……but it can be more simple than that.All you need to do is get in front of the right people at the right time.ONE hour on a stage can do more for your business than an entire year of slick funnels and product launches.A stage gives you instant credibility and authority.With a stage, you don’t need a list or fancy, complicated marketing tactics. You’re just sharing with people.Communicating with them. Building a relationship with them.And you already know that relationships are a key factor in the success of your business. When you have a group of clients, customers and fans who are committed to supporting your vision, you’ll grow exponentially faster than someone who’s trying to go it alone.Many of your favorite experts got their start just this way, but this method isn’t only for famous people. Regular folks use it too: consultants, entrepreneurs, service providers, you name it.And while everybody assumes you need fancy technology to get your name out there, the truth is that people have been doing it for centuries without big marketing budgets or complicated funnels and auto-responders.People decide to follow you because they know, like and trust you.Because you have a relationship.Not because of your ads, funnels or emails.But because you connect with them…AND FROM A STAGE YOU CAN CONNECT WITH MANY PEOPLE AT ONE TIME…WHETHER ITS 10 PEOPLE…OR 100 PEOPLE…OR 1,000 PEOPLE.IN JUST ONE HOURSTAGES ARE EVERYWHEREYou Can Get Your Message In Front Of The Biggest & Most Qualified Audiences Without Ever Leaving Your Home!Does using “Stages” mean you have to travel constantly?You can…if that lights you up.But you don’t have to.In today’s world, you don’t even have to leave your house to use Stages. With a click of a button you can connect with millions.Get ready to tap into the power of both online and offline platforms like:PodcastsDinnersTrainingsMembership SitesInterviewsAssociationsSummitsCoursesWebinarsCharitiesVlogsSocial MediaTeleseminarsConferencesBlogsLivestreamsMastermindsMeetingsStages are EVERYWHERE! A stage, whether online or offline, is ANYWHERE YOUR AUDIENCE spends their time.A stage could be as small as your living room, as big as a stadium, or anything in between. Wherever two or more people are gathered together, you can bring your message with impact!Wherever you can meet people, you have the power to close a deal or transform a life – that is a stage.There are 7.6 billion people on the planet …YOUR BUSINESS WILL EXPLODE WHEN YOU CAN FINALLY REACH THEM! GET READY TO LEARN EXACTLY HOW TO FIND THEM.INTRODUCING . . .The Stage to Scale Method is the EXACT System Used by the World’s TOP Business Leaders to Stay in Front of Their Ideal Audience and Accelerate Their Business Growth.3 Elements…STORY…STAGE…SCALEWe spent 16 years…refining, perfecting and optimizing our system, and we’ve condensed the entirety of what we do into a simple 3 part Framework…Story…Stage…and Scale.Story…is your Signature Talk – what you say on stage.Stage…is finding and booking the RIGHT stages – the ones that are full of your ideal clients, in a systematized way.Scale…how you REALLY generate revenue and make a lasting impact.These 3 elements work together to create ON DEMAND customer acquisition.And it works in EVERY niche and EVERY industry.The Stage to Scale Method shows you exactly how toShare your storyBuild instant credibility in the marketplaceTurn your talks into money-making machines for your business.In fact, when you leverage the power of stages, you won’t need anything else to keep your business, nonprofit or ministry going strong; no matter what kind of turns the economy takes or what the newest, latest, and greatest social media craze is.Stages work no matter what business you’re in!Because whatever you’re doing, you need qualified leads and consistent sales. You need customers, fans, press and publicity to survive and thrive, and you can get ALL of them in less than 60 minutes on the RIGHT stage.When you get on the best stages, you can leap past your competitors and accomplish in months (or days) what takes other people years.And you can command much, much higher prices while you do it because of the instant authority and expert credibility that stages convey.Here’s how Stage to Scale works and what you can expect from the moment you enroll today . . .You’ll get tried, tested and proven guidance on how to craft and present your signature story, how to book dream stages, and how to scale your business by weaving an irresistible offer into every single talk you give.This eight-week training program gives you the exact formula that my team and I have used to grow businesses to the 7 and 8-figure levels and get our clients on the best stages in the world.You’ll learn how to leverage the power of the One-Hour Launch™ instead of spending your precious time and money on endless shiny marketing objects.The Stage to Scale Method is broken into five simple-to-implement, value-packed sections so that you master each necessary topic.You keep lifetime access to the more than 50 video lessons, transcriptions (in case you prefer to read the lessons instead of watching them), and audio files so you can learn at the pace and in the format you prefer.Each and every lesson gives you ONE bite-sized action item or tactic that you can implement immediately. You’ll see quick progress as you move through the program.HERE’S YOUR PREVIEW OF THE STAGE TO SCALE METHOD:We start with the foundation of the Stage to Scale system so you know immediately:Why stages matter and how they can transform your business quickly.What the Stage to Scale Success Path is and how you can follow it for the best results in your business.Discover & develop YOUR “big why” – the big, hairy, audacious goal that drives your business.Why you MUST align the 3 components of Story, Scale, and Stage for your business to thrive.“NOW, YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR VALUE BY 50 PERCENT JUST BY LEARNING COMMUNICATION SKILLS – PUBLIC SPEAKING.”– WARREN BUFFETGiving your Signature Talk to the right audience is the best way to market your products, services, and mission. And there’s more good news! You don’t need to craft a different talk for each speaking gig. In fact, that’s a sure-fire way to miss the mark and leave a ton of money on the table.In the Stage to Scale Method, we teach you how to build ONE high-value presentation you can use over and over again – your Signature Talk.You’ll utilize our signature Story Braid Framework to craft a Signature Talk that speaks directly to the hearts and minds of your ideal clients and customers and creates a long-lasting relationship between them and you.CRAFT A COMPELLING PRESENTATION.Why you should teach, not tease, in your presentationThe exact things to say — and avoid saying — to maximize your profits from the stageHow to leave your audience hungry to take the next step with youHow to create a Signature Talk that reliably converts between 50% – 90% of your audience into qualified leadsDELIVER A FLAWLESS SIGNATURE TALK.Conquer stage fright, once and for all – these top strategies work EVEN if speaking on stage gives you the shakes (many of our clients DREADED speaking on stage until they met us).Land MORE clients without feeling “salesy” – you’ll seamlessly transition from content delivery to the sale on stage without sounding sleazy or slimy.The “room set-up disasters” you’ll find in almost every speaking venue – and how you can fix them before you ever set foot on stage (saving your presentation and your profits).Presentation Magic: “Little hinges that swing big doors.” These small style tweaks make you into a world-class speaker, even if you’re afraid of speaking.Use “story couplets” to connect with the audience on a deeper levelKnow EXACTLY how to  pace your delivery so the audience stays on the edge of their seats for the entire time that you’re on stage (our simple process makes this easy-peasy)MAXIMIZE YOUR IMPACT ON STAGE.How to land clients from stages, even when you’re not allowed to pitch.The exact point in your presentation to share your call to action for maximum results (hint: it’s not when you think).The #1 technique you can use to open and close your talk to ensure the audience feels connected to you. Remember, that connection = more clients and customers.The five key things you must do during your offer to maximize your revenue (most speakers AREN’T doing all 5)After Story Section, you will have your Signature Talk DONE – and have the key tools and strategies knock that talk out of the park! The audience will be on the edge of their seats throughout your Signature Talk. You’ll build the key connection necessary to skyrocket your sales from stage.“I’VE NEVER CHANGED SOMEONE’S LIFE WITH A SPEAKING GIG, BUT SOMETIMES I DO A SPEAKING GIG AND THEY BUY MY CASSETTES…AND IF THEY BUY MY CASSETTES I HAVE A SHOT AT CHANGING THEIR LIFE.”– ZIG ZIGLARSCALETHIS is where you bring in customers, generate revenue and make a lasting impact!Most “professional speakers” are ONLY relying on their keynote fee to generate revenue! That is only ONE of EIGHT ways to scale past the stage. In fact, if you’re only relying on a Keynote fee – you could be leaving thousands, if not millions, of dollars on the table.And more than that…you’re not impacting the people that YOU can help. There are a lot of people who do what you do…but no one who can do it how YOU do it.In the Scale Section of the program, you’ll use our simple process create YOUR Perfect Product Suite. You’ll have everything you need to offer the the RIGHT things to the RIGHT people – so you are generating the revenue you desire while making the impact you’re here to make.CREATE YOUR IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS.Get our exclusive Stage Revenue Model. We pull back the curtain on the 8 specific, battle-tested ways to generate revenue after the stage – PLUS know which ones are the RIGHT ones for you.Use our simple process to build YOUR Perfect Product Suite – one that will have your prospects clamouring to go deeper with you.Find your “sweet spot” – Create offers that are irresistible to your ideal clients AND fun for you to deliver! COLLECT THE CONTACT INFO OF YOUR LISTENERS.The #1 way to collect leads from stage – and EXACTLY how to implement it (this method gets a 60%, 70%…even up to 90% of the audience to “opt in”)Learn the art of collecting leads elegantly. We show you how to maximize the number of opt-ins you receive from each and every presentation.CONVERT YOUR AUDIENCE INTO CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS.You get our exclusive Step-by-step Playbook of what to do Pre-Game, Game Time, and Post-Game to maximize your results. We’ll even give you Pete’s own, personal, complete checklist!How to land clients from EVERY stage – even when you’re not allowed to “pitch” or make an offer.How to systematically increase your revenue per stage.Maximize revenue from both free and sponsored stages (with this ONE strategy, you can make back your investment in the entire program with only ONE talk).“I’VE NOT FOUND A SAFER, FASTER, EASIER LOW/NO-COST WAY TO GENERATE ANYTHING FROM A FEW THOUSAND DOLLARS TO WELL OVER SEVEN-FIGURES IN 30 TO 90 MINUTES.IF I HAD NO MONEY AND NO CONTACTS, THIS IS THE VEHICLE I WOULD CHOOSE TO CREATE A SUBSTANTIAL INCOME FROM SCRATCH.”– ROLAND FRASIERNow it’s time to start winning stages!At this point in the program, you have your Signature Talk. And you have your products and services – so you know how you will generate revenue.Now it’s time to GET on stage. In the “Stage” section of the Stage to Scale Method, you will WIN stages. You’ll get the EXACT campaign we used to book over 25,000 stages. You’ll develop your personal plan for how to get on the dream stages that can absolutely make your business or ministry. And you will have all the tools you need to execute the plan!GET INTO THE MIND OF THE MEETING PLANNER.Know who Meeting Planners are…what they need…and what their audience craves. You’ll be “inside the mind” of the people who control YOUR Dream Stages – this is the difference between success and failure as a speaker!The “insider secrets” to becoming a “go-to speaker” – someone they hire again and again, and endorse with raving reviews.POSITION YOURSELF FOR SUCCESS ON STAGE.Be known as THE expert in your field with our exclusive Positioning Checklist so you can set yourself apart as THE expert in your field.Implement the Business Model of Speaking. You’ll get our detailed report on the Five Types of Revenue-Generating Stages, and learn which ones you should pursue + which ones to steer clear of.Leverage the 8 Types of Online Stages. Yes, you read that right, there are eight kinds of stages you can use online – you don’t even have to leave your house (if you don’t want to)!Capitalize on the 8 types of Offline Stages. Get on the right physical stages where you can wow your ideal audience and land more clients!Use our proven methodology to create your personal “dream stage” list – and make a concrete plan to win that stage much sooner than you think.DISCOVER YOUR DREAM STAGES.Find the perfect stages for your market: whether they are corporate, associations, education, small business, faith-based, sponsorship, donations, non-profit, entrepreneur, health & wellness – your “ideal stage” is one that is FULL of your ideal clients. We show you how to find them in this section.The FASTEST way to FIND and WIN the RIGHT stages: identify and tap into the power of your personal champions.Woo and wow your “Champions” – the individuals who will catapult you onto your dream stages and make a major difference to your bottom line in business.WIN THE RIGHT AUDIENCES.The 5 BEST marketing channels to win stages, and exactly how to use all 5 of them.Create your customized stage-winning campaign with a personalized Stage Action Plan – so you can systematically court and win each stage you desire in the coming months.WE ARE ALL ABOUT CELEBRATING WINS.Inside the fifth and final section of the Stage to Scale Method, we CELEBRATE you and everything that you have accomplished. You get graduation surprises, advanced content, and other goodies!Yep…you will graduate and we will ALL celebrate. Our course completion rate is about 10x greater than the industry standard…and we firmly believe that NO student should be left behind.We have your back every step of the way with our ENTIRE TEAM (dozens of full-time, committed employees) to answer your questions and give feedback.We celebrate YOUR wins.Here’s the breakdown of everything you’ll get inside the Stage to Scale Method:Each module is broken down into bite-sized pieces with ONE action step. If you complete each action step, by the end of the course you will have our FULL system implemented!Lifetime access to 50 video lessons (available online 24/7) fully transcribed so you can read along.Each lesson comes with audio so you can download and listen on the goLifetime access to any additional program updates (we’re always giving you the best and most current information).WIN THESE STAGESWHEN YOU GRADUATE…YOU’LL BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN THESE STAGESI am HUMBLED by the outpouring of support and belief the Meeting Planner community has in our students – they are giving a record number of stages away to our graduating class. These are LIFE-CHANGING stages. Some of the most impactful stages on the planet.Yes, you read that right. . . when you graduate from Stage to Scale, you’ll be eligible to throw your hat in the ring for some of the world’s top stages, including: Pedro Adao:  up to 1 spot at 100x Event LiveTodd Herman:  up to 1 spot Online StageTom Schwab: 12 Podcasts split between 6 people (2 podcasts each)Jarrod Glandt:  up to 1 spot at 10X GrowthConKarl Krummenacher: up to 1 spot at Mindshare Summit 2020Karl Krummenacher: Mindshare PodcastChad Cannon: Michael Hyatt Podcast  Lead to WinDean Graziosi / KBB: up to 1 spot at Knowledge Broker Summit 2020 StagePat Flynn: up to 4 spots on the Smart Passive Income PodcastPat Flynn: up to 1 spot at LIVE Flynn Con + AYR coaching prior to eventStu McLaren: up to 3 spots at Tribe LIVEStu McLaren: Marketing Your Business podcast for up to 5 peopleMeghan Walker: up to 1 spot at Mastering Mindset Intensive 2020 Stage Grad Class LIVEJennifer Allwood: Podcast ShowDolores Hirschman: up to 1 Tedx Stage PackageDolores Hirschman: 2 Hrs of Ask Me Anything TedX Stages for all graduated S2S studentsPete Vargas: Inside the Greenroom w/ PV3 PodcastJohn Ruhlin / Giftology: 10 people get $1,000 credit of gifts through GiftologyRob Dial: 1 FB Live to his group w/ 1.2 Mil FollowersSean Cannel: 1 Interview on Video Influencers Youtube ChannelRay Edwards: at least 1 Spot at Copywriting LiveRay Edwards: at least 1 Interview on The Ray Edwards Show PodcastShanda Sumpter: 1 FB live to her audienceJLD Podcast: Entrepreneur on Fire podcast*there is a submission process for each stage. Get Stage to Scale Method Digital Course – Pete Vargas, Only Price $170Tag: Stage to Scale Method Digital Course – Pete Vargas Review. 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