Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Lisa SasevichLifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +7000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich courses at here with PRICE $997 $92FINALLY – a speaking training designed SPECIFICALLY for coaches, authors, speakers, trainers, experts and heart-centered entrepreneurs who are committed to providing amazing content AND ready to enjoy BIG sales results…all without being “salesy”!Imagine – In Just a Few Weeks, You’ll Be Ready to Step Into the Spotlight With a Signature Talk that you LOVE, Irresistible Offers That Sell and all the Confidence That comes with Being Prepared!No more stepping over $1,000s in missed opportunity every time you speak. No more stressful, panicked late nights struggling to create your talk & offers for your gig the next day. No more wondering when you’re going to finally get out there with your gifts & be seen!This is the first step! You’ll have everything you need to take advantage of the most powerful marketing tool around – Speaking!Any of this sound familiar?Getting out there to speak about what you love is your dream, but you have no idea where to start.Every time you speak you hear “Wow, I LOVE what you said, and I’ll FOR SURE have to work with you ONE OF THESE DAYS.”You’re lucky to sell 1 or 2 packages when you speak (you usually sell nada).You know speaking is a great way to market your business, so why is it such a struggle to actually sell anything? You’re frustrated and thinking about throwing in the towel – it really shouldn’t be this difficult.When you ARE asked to speak, you’re up all night preparing. Worse, you find yourself crafting unique talks EVERY time you speak. (There has to be an easier way, right?)Or maybe you go the other way and “wing it” – leaving it up to your intuition and the Universe. You do better when you don’t plan anyway, right? Really? Be honest here. Besides, do you REALLY want to let your results happen by chance?You’ve taken speaking courses before, and when you try and follow what they teach, you feel slimy and inauthentic. But when you speak from the heart, you make zero sales. You long to be able to make money while also contributing to and connecting with your audience.You know you’re sitting on a goldmine and you’re ready to finally dig that gold up and cash it in! (And since you know speaking is the #1 way to do that you want a step-by-step system so you can create a Signature Talk that Sells without being Salesy as fast as possible!)If any of this rings true, then I have a special treat for you. I’d like to invite you to the FIRST and ONLY speaking-to-sell training program designed for heart-centered, conscious entrepreneurs, experts and agents of change – “The Invisible Close Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp and Home Study Program: Step into the Spotlight with a Talk that you Love, Offers that Sell and the Confidence that comes with being Ready!”I will take you by the hand and PERSONALLY walk you through creating a Signature Talk that effortlessly sells your core products and services without you feeling “salesy.”You see, I’ve figured it all out AND I’m laying it out for you so you can easily duplicate my success. Creating an authentic and powerful Signature Talk was one of the keys to me having a multi-million dollar year last year from speaking on stages and teleseminars. That’s why I’m ready to walk you through the same process that works so successfully for me, over and over again.But it’s deeper than that. You see, I LOVE more than anything teaching speaking to sell. Why? Because it’s such a FAST and EASY way to get results. (At least, once you have that killer Signature Talk!)Here’s what I used to do. I used to drop my kids off at pre-school, drive to a free speaking gig that was taking place over the lunch hour, sell 4-6 $500 packages (yes that’s approximately $2500 for an hour talk) go grocery shopping, pick up the kids and go home.Pretty nice for an hour’s worth of work, wouldn’t you say?Here’s the thing. There are more free speaking opportunities out there than you can shake a stick at. And I really believe free speaking is where you’ll find the big bucks. NOT, as you might have thought, through being paid to keynote. VERY few people make 6-figures or more through paid keynote speaking.But speaking to sell back-of-the-room products and services… that’s where the big money is at. I’ve evaluated this 14 ways from Tuesday and I haven’t come up with anything better. Why? Because of how many benefits you get from free speaking.First off, you can usually sell anything you want. Don’t have a product? Sell coaching! Or sell a product you haven’t created yet.That’s what I did. I pre-sold my flagship product “The Invisible Close” ebook for $47 and 60% of the 50 women in the room bought. I didn’t take credit cards yet so I was back there struggling to make change as women threw their $47 dollars at me. I sold a coaching gig too that day… and I immediately took all the money and used it to finish the darn ebook!“Yes, I made $1800 on that first free gig… and used that money to get my first product done!”*** Four years later that product brings me approximately $8,000/month in passive income. ***But you can also use speaking to figure out what you SHOULD be selling. And, even more importantly, how you should be BRANDING yourself. So many people think they should figure out their branding and then go out and speak. I think that’s BACKWARDS. You’re sitting by yourself in front of a computer and trying to come up with a brand when you could be speaking, getting yourself in front of your ideal clients, and finding out what THEY’RE attracted to. You’ll come face to face with your blessing. And you’ll know EXACTLY how you should brand yourself. (And you won’t have to spend thousands of dollars branding yourself WRONG before you figure it out.)But before you can do ANY of this, you need to craft a kick-butt Signature Talk that sells. And that’s where my Speak-to-Sell Bootcamp comes in.“Lisa is an absolute master, and whether you’re a beginner or you have a lot of experience, don’t be too cool for school. If it’s a fit for you, if you want to take your message out to the world, especially if you want to speak and you want to get paid to do it, so maybe you can even make a greater impact going forward, I can’t recommend Lisa highly enough.”Jeff WalkerCreator of the Product Launch FormulaThis is the ONLY training available that walks heart-centered entrepreneurs and agents of change through EXACTLY how to craft your Signature Talk that sells!It’s designed to help you:Massively increase your back-of-the-room salesAdd speaking to your marketing mixCreate a line of excited customers at your back table ready to purchaseIt’s designed specifically for entrepreneurs, coaches, experts, speakers, authors and service professionals who prefer an authentic style of speaking and want to use their authentic style to draw people in without being “salesy”. Most speaking trainings out there teach an aggressive style, and focus on being more pushy, “salesy” and well, tricky.If you resonate with my Invisible Close philosophy, then you’ll love learning how to craft a Signature Talk that magically transforms interested prospects into invested clients on-the-spot and leaves both you and them feeling good about it.And since I know your time is gold, there’s no reason to wade through a long complicated process. I’m all about combining simplicity and systems, which means you’re going to be able to craft a Signature Talk that Sells without being Salesy faster and with less stress than you ever thought possible.In just a few weeks, you’re going to walk away with:Your IRRESISTIBLE OFFERS that SELL.Knowing how to LEVERAGE your time and effort far beyond 1:1 sales.Knowing the specific steps to easily TRANSITION from your talk to your offer without being “salesy.” This is the part heart-centered entrepreneurs usually struggle with!Insider secrets to keeping the sales you make (aka: Stick Strategies!)How to create hunger and desire in your audience without pressuring them at all.How to craft your introduction so you gain instant credibility with your audience and gain their trust quickly.The secret to telling powerful stories from the stage. This is a skill you’ll use throughout your business!Five ways to maximize your speaking efforts beyond making money and gaining clients. Most speakers miss this and leave thousands of dollars behind.What to do if you’re asked to speak but told you can’t sell. I’ll show you exactly what to do instead so that it’s still really worth your while to get on that stage!How to easily turn one gig into many. This will make your efforts to get booked SO much easier!A bunch of simple little behind-the-scenes tips that will save you tons of time, money and energy and keep you from learning the hard and frustrating way! I wish someone told me these things.A Signature Talk you LOVE. And no, you’re not going to be scripting it out word-for-word. You’re going to learn my “magic” formula on how I structure my Signature Talk so it’s crafted to get sales, and you’ll still have room to be “in the moment” and sound natural and spontaneous. And best yet, once you HAVE that Signature Talk created, watch how many opportunities flow effortlessly to you. (Unlike other things, once you “build” the talk, they WILL come. You’ll see opportunities you never thought possible appear!)The exact language and structure I use to convert 100% of exactly the right people into PAYING clients, on-the-spot.The CONFIDENCE that comes with being READY!Best yet, you’re going to know how to be paid well for doing what you love, on teleseminars or from the stage, you will be ready for massive sales results!Let me also share a few things you WON’T get with my Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp:NO scripting an unnatural talk you have no choice but to memorize (it sounds so unnatural you HAVE to memorize it to get through it)NO presentation skills. I don’t even know all those complicated rules – where you’re supposed to stand, to point, to look. All that stuff makes me feel stiff! I’m going to empower you to be yourself, have fun and sell a ton!NO sneaky, tricky tactics that may get you the sale but give you bad karma!Here’s just a sampling of what you’ll get in our comprehensive virtual training:Step 1 – Craft your Irresistible Offer“This is the heart of your sale from the stage. Get crystal clear on the outcomeyour clients will get from your service and know how to communicate it!”We start here because your offer is the core of your Signature Talk. Everything else is reverse engineered from here. It’s also what you’re probably most resisting. So we start here and pull it together so you have no excuses creating the rest of your talk.You’ll also get my 7-step process that will “juice” up your offer and transform it from falling flat to fabulous.You’ll also learn:How to craft an offer you love and that sells! You’ll get totally clear on your offer and how to articulate it so your ideal clients can’t wait to invest with youHow you can feel confident presenting this offer because you know it’s exactly what your ideal clients need and want from youThe biggest mistake most entrepreneurs make when presenting an offer (you’re probably doing it but after this module, you’ll never do this again)How you can leverage your service to increase your reach and rates by 10-40XEasy ways to add urgency without being slimy or hypey. You feel authentic and powerful, not desperate. And your ideal clients pressure themselvesMy exact formula for crafting offers so amazing your competition just disappears!3 simple steps to help you quickly determine the perfect price for your products and programs (not too little and not too much!)tep 2 – Reverse Engineering the Body of Your Talk“This is where we create instant trust and credibility as we transition into a talk that you LOVE”Now that we have your offer, we’re ready to craft the rest of the talk. We’ll work on the content to sell that offer AND we craft your introduction. You’ll be amazed at how effortless your talk just unfolds once you know my easy formula. (It practically writes itself!)You’ll also learn:Exactly how to create the body of your talk so that it leads seamlessly into your offerA simple formula you can use forever to create talks you love that support offers that sell (it’s so simple you’ll feel like you’re doing paint-by-numbers!)Create an instant connection with your audience so you quickly become someone they know, like and trust (and remember, people buy from people they know, like and trust)Timing! How to tweak your talk on a dime so it can fit in whatever time you’re allotted (from 20 minutes to 2 hours, you’ll be covered!)My secret for how to create a structure (not a word-for-word script) that allows you to be in the moment and STILL deliver a talk that sells!Step 3 – Seed and Grow Rich“Now we go back and seed your talk so that you are creating hunger and desire in your audience from the very beginning!”Ah, now we’ve gotten to the “secret sauce.” This is what sets my Invisible Close method apart from all the rest of those trainings out there. Knowing how to seed and tell stories is the key for selling without being salesy.You’ll also learn:6 ways to seed your Signature Talk so you get results and feel authentic at the same timeThe mindset behind the money — to make it easy for you to feel good while you’re making sales!Specific examples you can model so your talk creates IMMEDIATE desire in your audience and they can’t WAIT to invest with youHow to tell killer stories people love AND moves them into actionThe secret to knowing exactly what to include and what to omit so that you give your audience just the right amount of amazing information and education without filling them up so much that they have no space to buy from youStep 4 – Transition to Your Offer“I’ll show you how to make a smooth transition from giving value to offering your packagesthat feels good to you and to your audience…whew!”Yes there IS a way you can transition to your offer and have it flow easily and effortlessly. I want you to feel completely comfortable making an offer and by the time you’re done with this module, you’ll wonder why you struggled with this for so long!You’ll also learn:How NOT to end up sounding like a sleazy pitchman. You can be your authentic self and feel confident and prepared to make your offer7 Secrets for a Painless Transition from Talk to OfferThe biggest mistake entrepreneurs make that kill their salesThe RIGHT way to use testimonials (a lot of speakers mess this up)The first thing you should do after you finish speaking and step off the stage…this is CRITICAL. Many sales are lost because the speaker doesn’t know thisWhen to hand out your order form and exactly what to say once they have it in their hands. (We’ll take all the awkwardness out of this part.)Step 5 – Maximize Each Opportunity“Let’s make sure that every time you speak you enjoy new clients, great moneyAND a whole slew of additional results beyond that that most speakers miss, shall we?”Getting the sale is obviously pretty important. But it’s not the only way to maximize your speaking opportunity. There are other techniques you could be incorporating to squeeze every drop of goodness from each opportunity. (After all, you’re all dressed up anyway, why NOT get the most out of it? The most money, sales, new clients, leads for your list, JV opportunities, invitations to speak at other events, etc.)You’ll also learn:My 7 easy strategies on maximizing each speaking opportunityHow to easily and effortlessly stay connected and keep milking those opportunities.Making it Stick – how to keep the sales you madeMy secret for turning each gig into more gigs! (So much easier than soliciting new opportunities all the time)My simple secrets for building your list every time you speak. A VERY important reason to get out there as much as possible!Social Media strategies you need to be ready for. Yes, bring that smart phone so you have both a video and still camera!So now you may be wondering, “Lisa, how EXACTLY are you going to teach me to…”Craft my Irresistible OfferReverse Engineer the Body of My TalkSeed and Grow RichTransition to My Offerand then Maximize Every Opportunity……All without being salesy.so that I can enjoy the kind of consistent results and ability to get out there and make a difference that you have?”Valid question!Here’s my answer…I’ve designed this training to go much deeper than one of those “in-a-box” info products that gets you all excited and then leaves you alone to struggle your way through finding the time and the focus to get going. Sorry, I care too much to do that to you.I’m going to hold your hand all the way through this one. It’s not okay with me for you to do anything but maximize your sales and your ability to serve from your investment here.Here’s are the SPECIFICS of how we’re going to do this:You’ll be sent an invitation to join our exclusive online forum. There you’ll find the entire “Speak-to-Sell” steps laid out for you in a clear, easy-to-follow format.Each week you’ll have assignments to complete from the program. You’ll need to watch the webinars and go through the worksheets. Then, you’ll join me for a 75-minute Q&A call where I’ll answer your questions, provide hot seat coaching and more.The only catch? You really need to do the work to participate in the group calls (otherwise it’s not much of an accountability program, is it?).You’ll have 5 calls throughout April and May. The schedule is below so you can block those dates off in your calendar right away.Have to miss a call? No worries, each call will be recorded, transcribed and posted on the forum for you.Get Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich, Only Price 92$Tag: Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich Review. Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich download. Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich discount.Purchase Speak-to-Sell Virtual Bootcamp – Spring 2015 – Lisa Sasevich courses at here with PRICE $997 $92