Spark Rental – Fire from Real Estate Course – Masterclass Offer


Spark Rental – Fire from Real Estate Course – Masterclass OfferCreate Truly Passive Income from Real Estate(every month, without hassling with renters, repairs, loans, or finding deals)INTRODUCINGFIRE from Real Estate & SparkRental’s Co-Investing ClubThe Fast Track to Passive Income & Financial Independence with a TribeYou don’t have to be a millionaire to invest like one.Brian & Deni work when and where they like, doing work they love. And when they’re not working, they’re traveling with family and friends.How?Because they earn high returns on 100% passive investments. And they designed the lives of their dreams on modest budgets.Anyone can do the same. You just need a tribe of people around you to find great investments and pool funds together to meet the high minimums.FIRE from Real Estate is part online course, part real estate investing club, and part community. And it’s all about tangible results. What’s Included In FIRE from Real Estate1-Year Membership in Co-Investing ClubRoughly once a month, we propose a syndication deal for joint investing.We talk through the deal together on a video call, and bring the sponsor on to answer questions.Highlights:Invest in pooled private equity deals with $5KWe propose deals with established, reputable sponsorsBeyond multifamily: we try to find diverse deals including self-storage, mobile home parks, RV resorts, and moreContinued membership after the first year costs $497/year or $59/monthCOURSE SECTION 1Reaching a FIRE-y Savings RateEver hear the expression “It takes money to make money”? You do need capital for investing — and that comes from your savings.But a high savings rate doesn’t have to mean misery. We’ll show you the same budget tricks and hacks that we use ourselves, including:How to score free housing with house hacking strategiesHow to save money on transportation and foodHow to automate your savingsHow to come at budgeting from a different angle for better resultsOur Goal for You: Go from a 5-10% savings rate to a 25-75% savings rate.COURSE SECTION 2Start Investing in Real Estate Crowdfunding with $10Think it takes thousands of dollars to invest in real estate?It doesn’t.After an overview of exactly how real estate crowdfunding works, we take you behind the scenes in many of the platforms available to non-accredited investors. Some of them let you start investing with as little as $10, and we invest in many ourselves.A few examples of crowdfunding case studies we provide include:GroundfloorFundriseConcreitArrivedArk7StreitwiseOur Goal for You: Create at least two passive income streams from crowdfunding platforms.COURSE SECTION 3Invest in Real Estate Syndications for 15-50% ReturnsIf there’s an insider secret in real estate investing, it’s private equity syndications.Most middle-class Americans have never heard of them, but this is how the wealthy invest in real estate.While these passive investments typically require $50-100K minimum, our Co-Investing Club finds and proposes a deal every month or so. All open to non-accredited investors, and we all pool funds together with $5-10K per person.We’ll show you:How real estate syndications workHow to vet sponsorsHow to vet syndication dealsThe tax advantages of real estate syndicationsA sample Co-Investing Club deal analysisOur Goal for You: Earn at least the cost of this course on your first real estate syndication deal — then create thousands of dollars in passive income every year moving forward.COURSE SECTION 4How to Buy Rental Properties for Reliable Cash FlowWant to buy your own rental properties?It takes more skill and time than passively investing in crowdfunding or syndications, but can be fun and rewarding. We’ll give you the skills you need to predictably invest for strong cash flow. Specifically:How to forecast returns and cash flow for rental propertiesHow to choose markets to invest inFinancing — where to borrow money reliablyHow to score great deals on propertiesHow not to lose your shirt on renovationsOur Goal for You: Feel comfortable buying your first rental property with predictable cash flow.COURSE SECTION 5Living the FI Lifestyle (Before Reaching FI)Here’s another secret: you don’t have to be financially independent to live like you are.Brian doesn’t consider himself FI, but he still spends 10 months of each year traveling overseas with his wife and daughter.Step behind the scenes and see exactly what it takes to live your dream lifestyle long before reaching financial independence.Win the Game — The FI Life Before FIScaling your property investmentsDiversifying passive income streamsBasics of asset protectionOur Goal for You: Start living your ideal lifestyle within the next 12-24 months (even though it will take longer to actually reach FI).BONUS 1Monthly Check-InsYou’ll have questions as you go. So we’ll make ourselves available to offer feedback and ideas.After each month’s Co-Investing Club meeting, we stay on the line so you can ask us questions as they come up.Ask us questions in real time, on video callsCalls roughly every monthBONUS 2Accountability Partners & GroupA study by the American Society of Training and Development found that people who used accountability partners were 95% more likely to meet their goals.Which means that if you’re serious about saving and investing more money in real estate, you need an accountability partner.We’ll help pair you with someone who shares your goals, so you can push each other to reach them faster.No “forced” work or requirements — you’re in control FIRE from Real Estate is the only program of its kind that…Proposes passive real estate syndications each month, from established syndicators.Lets you pool funds with a tribe to invest with $5K per deal, instead of the $50-100K normally needed for syndications or property down payments.Shows you how to diversify passive income streams among real estate crowdfunding platforms, syndications, direct property ownership, and stock index funds.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be to post a review.