
Sophia Lee – Perfecting Blogging

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Are you wondering how to start a blog? Or, have you thought about it for a while but just aren’t sure how to set it up?
This post will show you the exact directions for setting up a beautiful blog that will have you earning money quickly.
I have been able to earn more than $30,000 dollars a month on my blog while being a full-time college student and working part-time (was able to quit my job!). In just three years, I have turned my blog into a business that earns me over six-figures. Within the first year, I was earning over a thousand a month and you can too!
This shows you exactly how I set up my blog and the most asked questions I receive about blogging.
These are the 6 steps to follow when starting a blog:
1. Decide what you will be blogging about.
2. Choose your blogging platform.
3. Pick a host.
4. Find your domain name & start your WordPress blog.
5. Design your website.
6. Get blogging!

I’m a girl that thrives on a schedule and I remember in the beginning of starting my blog I wasn’t really sure what that schedule should be.
On top of the other million questions I had floating around in my brain, I was thinking things like “how many times a week should I be posting?” and “what schedule would make me the most productive?” and “what the heck do I even need to be doing on my blog to make money?”.
I’m going over my schedule and how I managed my time blogging. Obviously, this schedule has changed over the years as my blogging business has grown but I’m showing you the key fundamentals that I have relied on to schedule out my time successfully with my website.

How I Manage My Time Blogging As A Full-Time College Student

The second I started my blog, I treated it as a job…

When I first started my blog back in 2017, I was a sophomore in college. I actually started it one week before my sophomore year.
(okay, side note- I technically started my blog as a junior in high school…would post on it once a month maybe…and then basically stopped it when I went to college and completely deleted and restarted it as a sophomore. HAH! So for all of you that have started a blog once before and failed, your girl has been through the same thing and made a comeback just like you can ).
While many people my age were figuring out the next party they were going to go to, I was figuring out how I was going to juggle taking 18 credits in college, nannying 10 hours a week, and starting a successful blog that would make me money.
I was basically in survival mode trying to figure out how the heck I was going to afford paying for college on my own.
From the very beginning of my blog, I had one mindset and to this day I owe my entire career to this mindset…
My blog was a business. I was going to treat it and plan for it as a business which meant that I had to be VERY strategic with how I was scheduling my time.

I was so headstrong about getting this blog to be successful because I knew it was one of the only careers that could make me money around my quickly changing college schedule and other jobs.

I’m the type of person that loves a strict schedule. Before every single semester, I would spend hours analyzing my calendar trying to figure out the best schedule for me in order to manage school and blogging in the most productive way possible.
Obviously, in the beginning of starting my blog I had NO IDEA what was the most important things to be focusing on in order to grow my blog and what things were a waste of time. That first year was a total year of trial and error.
By my senior year (2019-2020), I finally had figured it out (mostly, I’m not perfect hahaha).
Whether you’re a college student or someone with a full-time job looking to start a blog, these were some scheduling game-changers that really helped me figure out what I needed to be doing.

Why Time-Blocking Is Game-Changing

When I started my blog my sophomore year, I began researching the best way to put together a schedule. I ended up stumbling on The Skinny Confidential podcast where she preaches about time-blocking.
After really looking into it, I decided to buy a planner that had time-blocking and ever since then I have sworn by it.
So what is time-blocking? Time-blocking is when you go through your day and have a plan for every single minute.
Don’t let that scare you…it’s actually really easy.
I continue to use my Day Designer (my favorite planner for time-blocking) but also use other time-management systems on top of that to really keep me organized.