Social Network Marketing Academy


Is Your Home Business Keeping You Away From Home?Learn how top producers recruit 10-20 teammates every single month by working less and earning more!There’s no denying YOU WORK HARD. (TOO hard) !You’re out there making calls, presenting in living rooms, demonstrating in coffee shops, driving all around the city in hopes of building the biz of your dreams.You’re pushing as hard as you can to earn enough income to quit your day job, support your family, and live the freedom-focused lifestyle you’ve always desired.But so far this work-from-home biz has been way more work than freedom.You’re working 50, 60, 70+ hours every week but still not seeing the income that will allow you to break free. Instead, you feel TRAPPED, FRUSTRATED, EXHAUSTED, and BURNT OUT.Tell us, does it feel like you’re…Missing family moments, precious sleep, even a few showers? It’s like life keeps passing you by as you work, work, work, work, WORK.Constantly wasting money and time on leads that just don’t convert?  You spend ALL this time recruiting, but people either won’t commit or ghost after they do. Bottom line? No one’s helping fill your bank account.Flailing? You keep throwing different strategies and tactics at your business, but they just seem to add more work to your ‘to do list’ without bringing in a dime.Too shy to be a strong leader? You want to be seen as an expert in your field, get hired for public speaking events, and lead your recruits with ease, but you have no idea how to find that confidence. (Or even fake it!)Stuck? You can’t take a vacation, a break, or even a nap without the fear of losing money, traction, or your chance at success. You feel like a hamster in a wheel, and all you want to do is stop.You see other people succeeding all the time! You’re beginning to think: What am I doing wrong?How much harder am I expected to work?Am I even cut out for this kind of career? (Hint: you are!)Yet, you’re filled with so much passion and ambition! You can still hear the tiny voice calling you to GREATNESS and FREEDOM. You know why? Because THAT’S the path meant for YOU.Just take a second and imagine a life where…Your bank account is FULL.You have the freedom to quit your day job, buy your dream house, take luxurious vacations, donate to your favorite causes or whatever financial freedom means for YOU!You get to spend quality time with your friends and family instead of grinding away at your biz.You’re there for every soccer match, dance recital, and birthday party. You’re even able to be more present in your day-to-day life because you’re not just obsessing over your bottom line!You can conduct your business 100% online.No more 3-way calls, parties, or presentations (if you don’t want!) You’re closing way more leads and sales from the comfort of home!You’re free to take vacations, breaks, and all the naps you want because you’ve set up duplicable systems.There’s no need to work all the time just to maintain your cash flow. Let your systems handle the hard stuff!You’re filled with confidence and pride for everything you’ve accomplished.Whether that’s traveling, spending time with the family, or speaking at public events, you are finally living your best life. You feel accomplished, successful, and you know it’s only going to grow from there!Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? Well, we have some fantastic news for you… THIS gorgeous life can be YOURS.How do we know?Because we’ve helped thousands of struggling network marketers find success while working less and earning more!  And if they can do it, and we can do it, so can YOU.Get Social Network Marketing Academy – John & Nadya Melton, only price $64INTRODUCINGSOCIAL NETWORK MARKETING ACADEMYThis revolutionary, 5-module course blends 16 years of experience in offline “old school” strategies with the most modern, cutting-edge online marketing strategies to date. Through clear, step-by-step systems, you’ll learn how to become a hybrid networker and grow your business without all the time-consuming mumbo-jumbo like live parties, weekly meetings or 3-way calls!More Money + Less Time = Living the Dream!Hi! We’re Nadya and John!And believe it or not we did not pop out of the womb with a seven figure network marketing business. Nope! In fact, we’ve gone through SO MANY ups and downs with our business it’s hard to keep track. See, both John and I were recruited into network marketing straight out of college. (In fact, this is where we first met! Awe!)We LOVED it. The idea of mixing personal development and business was revolutionary. It opened our minds to all sorts of possibilities that we never thought possible. And it didn’t help that we were pretty darn good at it the 2nd time around!   We reached the 2nd highest level inside our company and were making well over six figures annually in less than 3 years!But you know what? We had ZERO life. Sure, we were making great money, but we had no time to enjoy it! It was one of the scariest places to be because we’d put everything into our dream…And it gave us handcuffs of meetings, phone calls and home parties every single day. We sacrificed so many precious years with our kids and family just to see those kinds of results. It wasn’t worth it. It just wasn’t. So, we left. And because we had been making them so much money the company tried wrongfully suing us for 2.5 million over our departure!After a ridiculous 18 month legal battle we finally settled for a tiny fraction of that.… and it was over. It sounds horrible, but it was an enormous lesson for us that made us so much stronger as business owners, as a couple, and as individuals.We thought our luck would surely turn around for us in our new company… And it did for awhile until it got shut down by the FTC in Sept of 2015.“You have got to be kidding me?!” we thought. We had enough.But instead of giving up, we decided to push ahead and transform the way we did business.We invested six figures into coaching, masterminds, and courses so we could learn EVERYTHING about social network marketing. This was a massive investment since we had lost our income, but we trusted the process. We knew the more we invested in coaching, the faster we’d succeed.The rest, of course, is history.We combined everything we learned about social media with our 16 year experience of traditional marketing and the results were insane. After only a few short months, we went from making zilch to 6 figure years MONTHS! We went onto recruit over 300 people on social media and built a team of over 7,000 people globally in less than 2 years!Today, our network marketing team consists of 3500 active marketers, and we do millions in sales/month with 80% of that volume coming directly from customers! Of course, many of our friends wanted to know our strategies and tactics, and we’ve never been stingy about sharing information, so we helped. But that’s when we realized there was a real need for this kind of hybrid marketing training on a larger scale!So, Social Network Marketing Academy was born!By teaching the same techniques we used to build our success, our goal was to create a program we WISH had existed when we first started our business. Now, we’ve helped THOUSANDS of network marketers (just like you) achieve unbelievable results with way less stress and struggle!Helping others succeed has become our greatest passion and life’s work. We truly believe we were sent here to help people achieve freedom. Some days we step back and thank God for not letting us stop when massive adversity hit and for not listening to all the naysayers back then.What if we believed what they told us? Honestly it scares us just to think about it.So, don’t listen to doubters (even if the only doubter is YOU).Don’t give up when you breakdown and burnout;.Don’t stop before you’ve truly started.Because the truth is:You deserve success.You have the confidence and tenacity to lead.You CAN build a rockstar lifestyle for you and your family!You just need a little push (and proven strategies) to get there.As a student of Social Network Marketing Academy, you’ll learn..Our exact strategies we’ve used to build a seven-figure business in less than two years so you can achieve similar results in substantially less time!Power prospecting and attraction marketing strategies to help you generate more leads, more sales, and build a bigger team using duplicable methods!Leadership skills so you can be the consistent and confident leader you’ve always wanted to be. Elevate your status from a distributor to an influential industry leader!How to create unstoppable growth and take over the leaderboard because your inbox is PACKED with so many top-level leads!The ATM Facebook Group Strategy, so you never have to host another home party again. (If you don’t want to!)Duplication techniques so you can scale with ease and better yet, take a vacation without anxiety!Organizational systems so you can track your prospects and avoid superstars slipping through the cracks!And so much MORE!What’s the difference between Social Network Marketing and Traditional Marketing?That’s a fantastic question. The short answer: duplication.With traditional marketing, you need boots on the ground. To get any traction you have to host parties, directly call prospects, and give countless presentations.You also need to write blogs, draft sales pages, create funnels, and so on.NONE of these actions are duplicable. (Unless you’ve discovered how to clone yourself!)But Social Network Marketing techniques are so easy. We like to say someone 8 years old or 88 years old could master them.For example, the ATM Facebook Group system is one of the most POWERFUL social networking techniques you can use to skyrocket your success. In fact, we credit this system with our success in building our million dollar organization.Why is it so successful?Because it allows you to harness power prospecting and attraction marketing strategies to help you quickly generate more leads, more sales, and build a bigger team using 100% duplicatable online methods (no websites and tech skills required!)Understand why we devote a WHOLE SECTION to the ATM Facebook Group system in our Academy?The goal of Social Network Marketing is to set up strategies and systems that run themselves, that your network can duplicate, and where you can run off to the beach and still make money! And when you combine Social Network Marketing with Traditional Marketing the results are pure magic.Take a Peek Inside the Academy!Each module is packed with short, fluff-free, highly entertaining videos and PDF’s so you can follow along. We know it’s a lot to learn so we like to keep things fun and light as you painlessly breeze through these lessons. Trust us; you won’t be sleeping in the back of the class in this Academy!Module 1: 6-Figure Business Building & Branding SecretsYour success is a direct result of your mindset. Successful people aren’t just born with the confidence to succeed. Many of us are held back by fear, procrastination, and a lack of self-confidence. In this module, we’ll break through those limiting beliefs!Social Media has become so important! It holds the power to transform your business and your life. We’ll teach you how to create a successful brand, and how to set up your social media infrastructure successfully.Module 2: The Ultimate Rejection-Free Prospecting StrategiesAre you ready to become a lean mean prospecting machine? Get our Social prospecting formula to 10X your business!Learn how to unlock Facebook’s entire database of 1.23 billion daily users so that you can identify ideal prospects for you and your business.When is the right time to pop the question? Discover the magic formula to turning leads into prospects!Module 3: Lead Generation Plan For FacebookIf you are struggling with what to post to attract leads, this module will unleash 7 smart content creation strategies to up your lead generation success.Make Facebook algorithm your bestie, so your posts always show up at the top of people’s newsfeed.Discover the power of the 3D-W Facebook Live Launch, the simplest, fastest and most effective method to launch your business online from scratch!Module 4: Complete Team Building FormulaDiscover our ATM Facebook Group Blueprint to creating massive momentum in your business (the exact strategy we’ve used to build a 7-figure business).Learn the best closing questions to ask your prospects and the secret to preventing objections in the first place.Following up is an art all of its own. In this module, we’ll show you how to follow-up effectively and without being annoying.Module 5: Top Earner Playbook for Hyper MomentumGet our explosive momentum blueprint: the best way to knock people off the fence, how to never run out of a warm market again and the secret to building stability in your organization.If you stink at everything in Network Marketing, but you master this one magical skill, you can crush it!Get Social Network Marketing Academy – John & Nadya Melton, only price $64Tag: Social Network Marketing Academy – John & Nadya Melton Review. Social Network Marketing Academy – John & Nadya Melton download. Social Network Marketing Academy – John & Nadya Melton discount.