Social 365 – Get 365+ Killer Post Strategies


12-MONTH CONTENT CALENDAR Over 365 Days Of Social Media Post Ideas 12 Month Marketing Calendar 510 Copy-And-Paste Tweets Social Media Management Checklist Social Media Brainstorming Sheets Best & Worst Times To Post Social Media Editorial Calendar 21 Ideas For More Engagement Checklist Daily & Weekly Content Planner With Social 365 You Get 4 Powerful Tools To Drive More Followers, Get More Engagement And More Subscribers… Tool #1 365 Proven Post Ideas As Used By Top Influencers… For Virtually Any Niche. That’s One For EVERY Day Of The Year! 12 Months Of Proven Social Posts NEVER Struggle with social post ideas ever again! We’re giving you over 365 days worth of powerful social media post ideas from professional social media marketers and influencers. These exact post types can be used in ANY niche to drive an insane amount of engagement and social likes and shares to build a tribe of loyal fans and followers. Tool #2 21 Super Powerful Engagement Methods Get Up To 10X More Your Likes, Comments And Shares! Proven Engagement Strategies. The key to social media engagement is delivering on topic content at the right times, triggering emotions and being consistent with your posting frequency. And you can implement these 21 powerful engagement strategies right away to maximise the effectiveness of your posts… leading to more comments, likes and shares and of course more sales! Tool #3 The Absolute BEST And WORST Times To Post… On Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest & Instagram Post At The PERFECT Time… If you’re just posting whenever you feel like it, you may be missing out on A LOT of FREE Traffic! All social media platforms have statistics of the perfect times to post for when your audience is the most active at different times of the day or night. When you know these golden hours yourself then you can post or schedule posts to go out at the perfect time. This will give you maximum exposure for EVERY post you make! Tool #4 PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS Give Away For FREE Or Sell & KEEP 100% PROFIT!! This Product Will Be Yours! Private Label Rights means you can take this product and make it your own! You can re-brand and edit it however you like. You can give it away for FREE to build your email list. You can use it as a high value BONUS for affiliate promotions. Or you can sell it as your own product and keep 100% Profit for EVERY sale! BONUS ONE! 495 510 Ready To Post Personal Development & Success Tweets! Simple yet powerful short quotes, tips and ideas can be used as Tweets, Facebook Posts, Instagram Image Posts and Much More… 30 Time Management Tweets 50 Focus & Productivity Tweets 50 Personal Organization Tweets 50 Profit Through Re-Investing Tweets 50 Success Mindset Tweets 60 Overcoming Procrastination Tweets 70 Positive Thinking Tweets 70 Increase Productivity Tweets 80 Connect With Influencers Tweets BONUS TWO! The Social Media Management Checklist. Identify what you need to create an effective social media marketing plan on any network. Develop Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Identify Your Resources & Budget How You’ll Manage Social Media Marketing Develop Campaign Goals & Objectives Optimize All Content & Marketing Materials Optimize & Improve Online Real Estate Customize Your Social Media Profiles Build Your Social Media Networks Monitor Your Metrics Image BONUS THREE! 12 Month Editorial Calendar. Simple yet powerful short quotes, tips and ideas can be used as Tweets, Facebook Posts, Instagram Image Posts and Much More… Copy & Paste Content Into The Calendar Plan Social Media Posts Ahead Of Time! Know The Exact Posts To Share Each Day Strategic Posts Leading To A Promotion Schedule Promotions Months In Advance Create Offers & Content For Public Holidays BONUS FOUR! Social Media Brainstorming Sheets. Identify what you need to create an effective social media marketing plan on any network. Develop Your Social Media Marketing Strategy Identify Your Resources & Budget How You’ll Manage Social Media Marketing Develop Campaign Goals & Objectives Image BONUS FIVE! Social Content Daily & Weekly Planners. Stay organised by knowing EXACTLY what what content and promotions you’ve already shared and what you have coming up… 10 X Your Productivity With Set Tasks Maximise Focus And Limit Distractions Laser Targeted Content For Ideal Customers Trigger Emotions And Buying Decisions Hit Pain Points That Influence Your Viewers Set Clear Goals Your Content Will Achieve Track Your Content And Measure Results Build A Tribe Of Action Takers!