SMB Training – The TEA Ratio Iron Condors


SMB Training – SMB Options Training
The SMB Options Training Program is a twelve month program designed for novice and intermediate level options traders who are seeking an intensive training process to learn how to trade options spreads for monthly income.
The program involves a thorough review of the fundamentals of options, after which we delve into effective market neutral, directional and speculative strategies. Through videotaped lectures, we explore the many ways to produce income on a monthly basis.
Then, through personal mentoring we will strive with all of our resources to find the income trades that fit your personality and trading style best and work with you to become the best options income trader that you can become.
What You’ll Learn In SMB Options Training?

Session 1: Course Overview: Gain a solid understanding of successful trading and the importance of focusing on one good trade, the SMBU core philosophy.
Session 2: Fundamental Option Concepts: Learn the cornerstone concepts such as strike price, what it means to buy or sell and the all-important premium.
Session 3: Options Analysis Software: Learn how to record options trades in powerful software that creates critical metrics and provides important risk management tools.
Session 4: The Greeks: How to measure the effect of changes in price, time and volatility on options valuations.
Session 5: Options Spread Theory: How to trade options for income and profit from time decay.
Session 6: Condors: Learn the entry, exit and all important adjustment tactics for this most popular of options spread strategies
Session 7: Butterflies: How to enter, adjust and exit iron, call side and put side butterflies—a powerful strategy for profiting from the high time decay of at-the–money short options.
Session 8: Calendar Spreads: Popular and core strategy which takes advantage of the relative time decay of near and far term options. Learn how to enter, adjust and exit.
Session 9: Double Diagonal Spreads: Learn the nuances of this popular market neutral strategy which combines elements of the calendar spread and the condor spread.
Session 10: Online Broker Training: Introduction to three major online options broker platforms.
Session 11: Credit Spreads: Learn a simple yet powerful technique for taking advantage of your directional opinion on a stock, ETF or index while having the flexibility to being directionally incorrect and STILL profiting through understanding the importance of options time decay.
Session 12: Covered Calls: Learn a technique for managing this most popular of long term options strategies.
Session 13: Cash Secured Puts: A powerful technique for creating options income methodically through selling puts.
Session 14: Expiration Week Plays: There are unique phenomena that occur during monthly options expiration week. Learn techniques for identifying and profiting from those opportunities.
Session 15: Earnings Plays: Learn how to take advantage of the huge options volatility shifts that occur during earnings season.
Session 16: SMB Fundamentals: SMBU believes that all successful traders follow certain fundamental principles and practices which if carefully applied will result ultimately in a successful trading track record. This section covers the seven principles of elite trading performance.