SMB Training – Super Simple Spreads Course


John has helped me with trading concepts, choosing the right trading style and developing a trading plan, technical analysis and goal setting. File size: 8.38 GB

SMB Training – Super Simple Spreads Course

In Super Simple Spreads, John Locke teaches you:
    Why traditional “high probability” options trades aren’t as great as they seem.

How to properly calculate your odds in options trades… (hint: it’s probably not what you think)

Why some high probability income strategies actually have worse probabilities than buy-and-hold strategies.

How a proper management strategy can dramatically improve your probabilities of success over time
The Course Includes:

John Locke give you multiple trading plans in one course
Learn Super Simple Spreads Including:
The Bull – Everything you love about high probability premium selling — plus everything you need to know to keep from blowing up your account. Learn the when, where, and how of selling high probability spreads, plus simple money management rules that have been back tested for success over 80% of the time.

The Bear – A super simple spread trade that has an excellent risk:reward ratio, provides income in many market conditions, and particularly does well in a bearish trend.

The Bull vs. Bear – A strategic combination of the first two Super Simple Spreads. Learn how these trades can work together to increase probabilities. Manage the trades independently depending on market conditions.

The V-Condor – A Somewhat Simple Spread that provides an introduction to managing a trade based on the Greeks. Still a fully systematic trade that can be traded with once-per-day management and a list of rules.
John Has Taught Thousands of Traders…
In his experience working with so many traders — there is a simple and unfortunately sad truth that John has learned about most traders: He has seen that most traders avoid simple strategies because they don’t want to “let something lose”.
Here’s what we mean.
A simple strategy is one in which you have to let the market decide if you are going to win or lose this month. A Super Simple Spread doesn’t allow you to decide how you are going to “out-think” or “outmaneuver” the market.
Too many traders see this as an unacceptable proposition.
So instead, they fight with complex spreads when they don’t have enough experience to navigate them properly. The end result is that most traders actually create losses in their efforts to save the trade. This means that for the vast majority of traders, simple strategies yield better results.
Here’s the mentality that causes this barrier. Most traders can’t look past THIS TIME. They want the current trade to win… and they’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen. Successful traders, however, do what needs to be done to win OVER TIME. They know that trades need to be allowed to work, losses need to be taken when prescribed, and the wins will add up to create positive returns over time.
If you are struggling with complex spreads — it could be time to take a step back and apply some simpler strategies that will get your account moving in the right direction.
OR, if you are looking for more strategies to trade in addition to your complex spreads, then John Locke’s Super Simple Spreads can help you diversify your strategies without taking a lot more time to manage.
John Locke Trades These Strategies Live
John trades Super Simple Spreads in addition to more complex strategies that he manages for the firm. SMB Capital is backing John Locke’s strategies with multiple seven figures. We believe in these strategies enough put real capital at risk in them every day.

This is what you learn in the course..
In Session #1, you will learn about the SS Bull Trade
The Bull Trade has:
A super simple seven point trading plan

Generated positive returns in 10 of the last 12 years

Averaged over 23% annual returns in the last 12 years

Management strategy that keeps draw downs under control — Even in 2008

No technical analysis and no subjectivity required — because it’s completely rule-based

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In Session #2, John teaches the SS Bearish Butterfly
Like “The Bull”, the SS Bearish Butterfly has a simple trading plan. You’ll learn how the SS Bearish Butterfly is:
A great trade for slow moving bullish markets and bearish trends alike

A great hedge for long portfolios

Ideally paired with “The Bull”

Completely systematic with no subjectivity or personal interpretation required

A solution to profiting in a bear market
If you’ve seen John’s Bearish Butterfly trade in the past — this is very similar. However, the SS Bearish Butterfly includes a technical filter that gives the trade a higher probability. Also, some of the advanced Greek management has been eliminated to focus on the key aspects that matter most.
John gives a step by step example that shows a SS Bearish Butterfly that was entered when John’s filter had a bearish bias in the market. However, the filter was wrong and the market went straight up. What happened to the trade? John followed the simple trading plan and was able to exit the trade for a profit anyway.
John shows why the place most traders strive to keep their trades is actually the most dangerous place to be… “this is where I usually like to exit”, John says.
After running through example after example, month after month, you will see exactly how to set up the trades and successfully manage them from day to day.
Unlike some trader education, John doesn’t pick the easy trades. The examples he picks show how to deal with difficult market environments.
There is no better way to learn how to trade like a professional options trader than to be looking “over the shoulder” of an experienced trading professional. That’s what this course gives you.
In Session #3, You’ll Learn John’s Combined Strategy Called: “Bull vs. Bear”.
This is a systematic process for you to appropriately combine the first two Super Simple Spreads.
Over time, the trades work very well together — but there are specific reasons why you may want to reduce or remove one of the spreads. John shows you how to navigate the combination like a pro.
As always, John has gone to great lengths to cover just about every conceivable if/then scenario to help you understand the how and why behind each decision.
Then he walks you through multiple examples with a complete explanation of each step.
In Session #4, John teaches the The V-Condor
This trade is a Somewhat Simple Spread that introduces an options strategy that is managed by the Greeks.
In John’s usual fashion, he doesn’t cherry pick an easy trade. Instead, he dives right into a challenging trade to show the nuances and management criteria in action.
In Session #5 … Because Four Hours of Training Just Wasn’t Enough…
John extended the schedule to include another full session of move by move examples of the V-Condor. If you like to learn by watching examples — then you’re going to love this final session. You will see many examples of how to enter, manage, and exit the V-Condor trade.
There is no better way to simulate years of experience in such a short time than to watch a master give examples the way
You my friend, have made ALL the difference in my trading. I am so blessed and grateful beyond words.
The strategy is one of the best I have used. I got my money back in the very first month, & been having successful months since Jan, thanks to you & SMB.
Appreciate you sharing the knowledge. This has completely turned around my options trading success! Keep up the great work.
…many thanks to you Seth and the Options Tribe for presenting this information and many thanks to John for developing the trade and sharing it with the community!
Get immediately download SMB Training – Super Simple Spreads Course

-Mike S.
 Working with John has helped immensely in my development as a trader. He has deep
knowledge of Options concepts and strategies as well as great comprehension of the challenges any retail trader will face in these volatile markets. His trade planning methodology is detailed and extremely well thought out. I have really benefitted from working with him on becoming a more knowledgeable and well rounded trader.
-Erik in MA
I have been investing in stocks and options since the early 90’s. During that time, I have had some large winners but also some large losers. Over the years, I also traveled to Chicago and Atlanta to attend trading seminars. At the end of the day, I was not achieving the financial results I was looking for.
John has helped me with trading concepts, choosing the right trading style and developing a trading plan, technical analysis and goal setting.
Although still learning, for the first time in my investing career I feel confident about trading and have realized consistent and additional monthly income. I can honestly say that my results over the past year would not have been possible without John
-Matt from Massachusetts
Over the past 4 years I have been trading and as every beginner I ran around in circles wasting time and money, I had all the desire but what I felt I was really getting nowhere. It was like a light going on when I found John and his style of trading Options, it has been the key to opening the door for my success and financial future
-Chris from Australia
I have been trading options for 10 years. Never successful. Being to local trading seminar and Las Vega. Never successful. A lot of information was given but the how to is still lacking for individual trader. Nobody to blame except myself. Then found John.
He is my plug to my leaking account. Thanks John. Without you I would have given up trading totally after preserve for 10 years and losing lots of money.
-Ben from Singapore
His strategies work because he has such a good innate feel for the multi-dimensional interplay of price, volatility, and the Greeks. John has the ability to take something very complex and make it accessible to the less experienced trader. John also works extensively with the all-important “soft factors” of psychology, emotions and discipline
I just wanted to drop you a quick line and say THANK YOU for all your help in teaching me how to become a better trader.
-Kevin, AZ
John is an innovator who has helped my trading immensely.
I have found his methods and philosophies about trading to be life-changing.
Since working with him, for the first time in my life, after years of trying, I have become a profitable trader.
the journey to becoming a full time trader has been challenging and rewarding. I’m grateful you have helped me to start this wonderful journey
-Vincent in Singapore
I purchased this course for a couple of reasons. I do trade the M3 however, I have a full time job, so I can not manage multiple trades of this type. So I am thinking these strategies will work for my smaller accounts. Also I think this is a great way to introduce my Wife and 2 teenage kids into the options world without blowing them away.
Thank you Seth, SMB and especially John.