
Smart Reale State Coach – Seller Calls

Original price was: ₹119,100.00.Current price is: ₹8,632.00.


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You won’t regret it!
Listen to hours of calls between Sellers and the Smart Real Estate Coach Community.
Smart Reale State Coach – Seller Calls
We have pieced together calls from all different scenarios and circumstances to show you how to handle all different types of sellers. You can hear members of the Smart Real Estate Coach Family Team as well as our personal VAs and the Associates on these calls! Expand your vocabulary and perfect how you speak with Sellers on the phone!
Experience is NOT Needed!
Become an EXPERT on the phone!
See how Zach went from ZERO experience to being the Smart Real Estate Coach Family Team’s Seller Specialist!

Welcome from Zach
Messsage from Chris



SREC Team Seller Calls

SREC Team Seller Calls

VA Seller Calls

VA Seller Calls

Associate Seller Calls

Associate Seller Calls

SREC Team Calling Sellers For Associates

SREC Team Calling Sellers for Associates

BONUS: Role Playing

Role Playing Introduction
Bonus: Role Playing

BONUS: Buyer Calls

Bonus: Buyer Calls


Conclusion with Chris
What Next?