Small Players – Day Trading for Beginners


Hari Swaminathan – ETFMax Class
ETFs are one of the most under-rated instruments. This ETF class shows you how to make extraordinary returns in a safe manner
Create income with ETFs in a safe way
ETFs are highly under-rated instruments
Master the business cycle analysis
Join the ETFMAX Class
Advantages of ETFs
Instant diversification with low Volatility

Perfect for smaller accounts
Perfect for retirement accounts –IRA, 401K
Perfect for investors with time zone issues
Perfect for busy investors who need a hands- approach
Limited risk with high reward possibilities
Ability to produce high returns from “hot” segments
No exposure to earnings / company specific news
No assignment of stock (assignment of ETF possible)
Very high liquidity even in the Options market
“Supersize” income with Leveraged ETFs
Can take advantage of “trending” situations

What You’ll Learn In ETFMax Class
First Section

Intro (11:26)
Trade-the-Trend (10:18)
Build-ETF-Watchlist (11:45)
Indicator-Bollinger-Bands (8:30)
MoneyFlow (6:49)
Relative-Strength (10:41)
Indicators-Recap (3:15)
ETF-Baskets (26:45)
Trading-Plan-Options (12:40)
Index-ETFs-Analysis (13:01)
XLF-FAS (14:28)
All-ETFs (18:27)
FXE-Trade (5:43)
Arbitrage-Trade (9:44)
XLK-SPY-Trade (4:28)
Trade-Update-Mar10 (5:50)
Mar21-Update (6:52)
FXE-Update-Mar24 (0:48)
The-End (4:39)