SLR Lounge – Marketing and SEO for Photographers


Available for Pre-Order. This product will be available within a few days.

SLR Lounge – Marketing and SEO for Photographers

Creating an abundance of leads that you don’t have to pay for is a critical competent of business success. Using these strategies, our studio averages over 150 leads per month for wedding, maternity, newborn and family photography.
Key Concepts

Organically Increase Your Leads
Learn Our 4 Pronged Approach to Lead Gen
Increase Your Google Rankings
Master Social Media for Photographers
Create Free Sustainable Lead Gen Funnels
Runtime: 8 Hours 54 Minutes

Important Note: This Is Course 3 Of 4

We recommend our students purchase the entire training system, as each course builds upon the last.
Important | How to Access This Course
This new platform is an upgraded user experience, with more reliable streaming and other highly requested features.
For Previous Purchasers and Legacy Premium Members  – If you purchased this workshop prior to the launch of, we sent you an email with instructions on how to access the course on the new and improved platform. If you did not receive an email, please email [email protected] from the email you used to make the purchase and we’ll resend the instructions.
The Secret | Diversify Your Lead Sources
Never rely on a single source for leads! What happens if Instagram loses popularity or your site drops in Google’s rankings? Our 4 Pronged Marketing Approach guarantees sustainable business growth! Below is how you SHOULD spend their time and resources:
40% on SEO/Content, 10% in Directories and Listings, 10% on Social Media, and 40% Networking.
How to you land your first client without a portfolio, a business network, and without any starting visibility?
Styled Shoots
– Use test shoots and styled shoots to build your portfolio

– Create brand ambassadors from your existing network

– Use free listings to market to your first clients!

– How to turn free shoots into paid shoots
– Use test shoots and styled shoots to build your portfolio

– Create brand ambassadors from your existing network

– Use free listings to market to your first clients!

– How to turn free shoots into paid shoots
– Use test shoots and styled shoots to build your portfolio

– Create brand ambassadors from your existing network

– Use free listings to market to your first clients!

– How to turn free shoots into paid shoots
Get SLR Lounge – Marketing and SEO for Photographers download right now!