Six Primal Life Pillars Course – REWW Academy


GET ON THE RIGHT PATHFor Prosperity And AbundanceStarting and running any new business is a 24/7 endeavor. Understanding how to “hit on all cylinders” is vital to your overall success and achieving your goals.The problem is that most programs ignore this critical area of your “success journey”. Simply put, without the right tools, training, motivation, inspiration, and laser-focused clarity….you will most likely fail. The statistics all tell the same story, most businesses fail in their first 5 years.In order to accel in today’s market, you have to play a different game. You need to understand the mental game as well as the tactical game. You need to understand how to create the “ultimate you” and tap into your inner strength to compete and succeed.THE SIX PRIMAL LIFE PILLARS COURSE IS DESIGNED TO HELP YOU TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS AT MULTIPLE LEVELS AND IN 6 STRATEGIC AREAS:LEADERSHIP: Leading ourselves first and learning to “sell”Selling is living. Selling is how we communicate with the world and with ourselves. It’s how we convince ourselves to overcome challenges and to achieve more. Selling is how we spread our message and it’s how we build our team. When you think about it – selling is how we earn a living, it’s how we inspire a family, it’s how we overcome our little voice. EVERYONE can sell. EVERYONE must sell. Not everyone sells in the same manner.PASSION: Finding your WHY and understand your “self concept”The Truth Of Who We Are – Establish our self-confidence, and we must have self confidence to succeed, rooted in WHY we are here.Developing a humble rock solid faith in our innate self with absolute sincere inner convictions.Self Esteem – How we feel about ourselves and how to develop a strong empowered feeling of ourselves.Self Image – How we see ourselves and learning to see the true “me” in all my potential.Self Ideal – The characteristics of those we look up to and that we want to be like. Modeling those who we aspire to be like, and being true to ourselves.LIFE LAWS: Creating Your Own Personal Code Of HonorThe laws we live by. How to write your laws based on your beliefs, your priorities and your desired outcomes in life. Laws kick in when intelligence is low which is every time emotions are high. Understanding the power of accountability and empowering those you trust to hold you accountable. The laws prevent us from failing as we receive massive abundance.TOTAL HEALTH: Your Total Health PlanMental, physical, emotional, spiritual. The connection between physical health and outrageous wealth. How to fix your mental health with your body and to fix your body’s health with your mind. A step by step success driven strategy that allows daily baby step to produce massive results providing a lifestyle of health- mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Learn about SOURCE energy and how to tap into its abundance whenever you need it.RELATIONSHIPS: Your Support Team To Lead An Abundant LifeOur support team for receiving abundance. Surrounding yourself with those you want to be with, that bring you up and that see more in you that you can. Creating daily environments with intent, creating your thoughts, decisions, actions, results and now, a NEW past. Increasing your competence as measured by your ability to achieve what you say you are going to do.WEALTH : The Fundamental Laws For Attracting Wealth, Happiness, and ProsperityWho we are and who we want to be. Everything begins with the truth. EMC2 (emotions,mental (attitudes), confidence and communication)Self Esteem- How we feel about ourselvesSelf Image – How we see ourselvesSelf Ideal – The characteristics of others that we look up to that we want to be likeAuthenticity- being true to ourselvesBeliefs and attitudesWe attract who we are…and much, much more.WHY SHOULD YOU INVEST IN THIS LIFE-CHANGING COURSE? BECAUSE, UPON COMPLETION YOU WILL HAVE:Elevated self-confidence, self-concept and self-worth.Increased intrinsic drive, less reliant on external motivation.Increased leadership and team building skills.Mastery of self-defeating negative talk, our internal little voice.Higher level of conscious decision making and controlling results and outcomes.Specific tools to control external influences and to control the influence of the surrounding environments.A process to achieve outrageous results through small, continuous, consistent daily steps.The ability to overcome setbacks quicker, turn challenges to learning experiences and grow forward.A genuine real understanding of the three dimensions of health (mental, physical and emotional) and how to embrace a healthy lifestyle in all three.A step by step plan to LIVE BIG every day by out-performing our yesterday.…and much, much moreHOW IT WILL WORK1.If this course sounds like it will provide you with the solid foundation for performance you need, then click on the button below to order it NOW!2. Within minutes, you will have the login information and course details sent straight to your inbox. The course is designed to be completed over 6 weeks, giving you a new focus for each week.3.Over the 6 weeks of the course implement that skill you learn and spend time reflecting on the areas of life that are addressed. Do the works and watch your life change. If you are honest and just do the work, there is no way that you won’t be amazed by the power of small consistent actions.WHAT YOU’LL GETWhen you enroll today, you’ll receive instant access to:The 6 Primal Life Pillars6 Core Modules6 Video Lessons6 Handouts (4 worksheets and 2 flowcharts)7 Quizzes (one for each lesson AND a final exam) COURSE DETAILSTuition: Limited Time Special Just $495 (Normally $995)Level: Intermediate/AdvancedSetting: Online/VirtualCourse Length: 8 HoursExpected Completion Time: 3 – 7 DaysWHY SHOULD YOU GET CERTIFIED?IF YOU’RE AN INDIVIDUAL……this certification will set you apart from the pack.Unlike everyone else who simply calls themselves a “content marketing expert,” you’ll have the certificate and the badge to prove it, from a source that businesses trust.More importantly, it will make you a better marketer.And we held nothing back.So, if you want to:Enhance your career (or start a new one)Learn the latest and greatest tactics (that actually work)Expand your skill set, distance yourself from the competition, and jump to a higher pay grade……this course and certification is for you.IF YOU’RE A BUSINESS OWNER……maybe you don’t need the certification.But what about your team? Do you know for a fact that they’re up to speed on all the latest and greatest content marketing strategies?If you’re not sure, or if you just want them to receive the exact same training the team at DM receives, then get them certified!They’ll love the fact that you’re investing in them, and you’ll love the fact that they’re performing at the highest level possible for your company.Also, there’s no rule that you have to sit for the test. If the training is more important to you than the certification, then just take the training and look at the test as an optional extra. (But if I were you I’d take it anyway just to make sure you’re fully grasping all the concepts.)Oh yeah, and if you’re an agency or other marketing professional, then you already know how important certifications are to distancing yourself from the competition. And who knows? It might even help you claim higher fees for the work you’re already doing.Either way, if you expect the best for your company, then this course and certification is for you.​REWW ACADEMY IS DIFFERENTYes, you can find other trainings and certifications that cover similar topics, but a REWW Academy certification is unique because it’s built and taught by real marketers who actually sell their own products and services online.In other words, we aren’t journalists or “researchers.” We’re in-the-trenches doers who despise untested theory and believe that the best way to learn something is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands a little dirty. If that sounds appealing, then welcome! You’ve found your home.LESSONSCreating a Strong Foundation for SuccessCreating Relationships that Support Your SuccessYour Gateway to Living an Amazingly Outrageous LifeHow to Experience True WealthLiving with Intention and PurposeMastering Leadership through Communications and SalesTag: Six Primal Life Pillars Course – REWW Academy Review. Six Primal Life Pillars Course – REWW Academy download. Six Primal Life Pillars Course – REWW Academy discount.