
Simon Black – Sovereign Man – Blueprint

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(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days!)Increasingly, random strangers think they can — and should — have full authority over your most private decisions, your thoughts and your beliefs. File Size: 34.06 MB

Simon Black – Sovereign Man – Blueprint

Take Back Control of Your FREEDOM, Your MONEY and Your LIFE in an Unfree World

Tired of being controlled?

Sovereign Man: Blueprint Will Teach You How To:

Obtain a second residency or second passport… so you can go somewhere more free…
Build a stronger fence around your assets… especially your home…
Fight inflation and protect your hard-earned savings…
Invest in REAL assets through special retirement accounts that YOU control… and lower your taxes while doing so.

Would you rather be free… or be controlled?
When it comes to…

The ability to see friends and family, and to come and go as you please
The purchasing power of your income and savings
Whether your assets remain yours in an increasingly socialist world
Whether you are deemed “essential” or a throwaway
Where your money should live
How your retirement money is invested
How to legally protect your earnings from government overreach
Whether you can protect your home and other assets
How far your savings can go
And much more…

So… Would you rather be in charge? Or would you prefer other people to be in charge?
Look, you already know there’s no shortage of people looking to control you right now. Many of them have never been elected to office… and that’s just the media pigs.
Increasingly, random strangers think they can — and should — have full authority over your most private decisions, your thoughts and your beliefs.
They are zealots in a new religion, one that’s “at the intersection,” as they like to say, of Wokeism and Covid-1984.
If you don’t convert, they want you excommunicated on the spot. From society. From your job. From your kid’s school. From airplanes. Even from the hospital.
The writer H.L. Menken once famously described Puritanism as “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”
The 2021 version?
“… that someone, somewhere, may be free.”
Here’s the good news:
There are still pockets of freedom in the US and abroad. And there are proven strategies to help you create MORE freedom and opportunities for yourself, wherever you are.
We’ll tell you about those in a moment. First, though:

If you seek freedom…

… then you’re surely alarmed at how quickly liberty is eroding.
In 2020, it happened seemingly overnight. Suddenly, you were stuck in your home like a house cat. For weeks, or even months.
You were probably concerned about the rush to lockdowns, the conflicting mask rules, and the arbitrary definitions of “essential”.
You quickly understood which counties, states, and even countries were more free than others. You noted which politicians grabbed as much power as they could, and as quickly as they could, under the pretext of the virus.
And you watched as they refused — still refuse — to loosen their grip.
Maybe that’s when you realized — if you seek freedom, then you need to create it for yourself. You need a plan.

We call this a Plan B.

(Although, in reality, Plan B is now Plan A.)

A strong, robust, actionable Plan B can give you the support you need when making your own decisions about:

Your freedom
Your assets
Your children’s wellbeing
Your allegiances, opinions and beliefs…
Your family’s future
And much more.

A Plan B is useful if someone sues you. (The US is the most litigious society in the history of the world, and getting worse.)
It’s also useful if you’re ‘canceled’ from your job.
And it’s useful if you simply decide you need a break from the madness.
A great Plan B makes sense no matter what’s going on in the world.
Pilots always have one. Military generals have one. Successful investors and business leaders do, too.
At Sovereign Man, we’ve been pounding the table about creating a Plan B for your life, money and assets for over a decade.
But now…

Plan B has become Plan A

It’s go-time. Listen, you don’t want to be making critical decisions during an emotional upheaval or an attack on your money.
Which means you don’t just need a plan; you need a gameplan, a step-by-step blueprint… so that you can put your plan together as smoothly as possible.
A blueprint puts all the steps together cohesively. It shows you what the final result will look like, and it shows you what you need to do when.
For example, it’s one thing to realize that you want to increase your freedom, protect your savings, enhance your retirement, lower your taxes, and take more control over your life and your money.
It’s another thing to know how the heck to go about it.
What do you do first? What are the easier steps? What are the harder ones? Which part of this Plan B thing is the most important one to tackle first?
And which ones can you do from your home, without having to travel?
Finding these answers is critical as a two-tier society develops.
We have answers, and we’ve folded them into our step-by-step, turnkey subscription service Sovereign Man: Blueprint.
We’ll show you exactly what to do. And you’ll immediately know which solutions you can implement first.
A well-built home owes its craftsmanship to a great, properly devised blueprint.
Likewise, a robust, well-crafted Plan B stems directly from an intelligent blueprint. And like a well-built house, it too helps shield you and your assets against the prevailing winds.
Sovereign Man: Blueprint is our least expensive product… but it’s also one of our most impactful ones, because it distills our most impactful  knowledge and strategies into concrete actionable steps…
And during these chaotic times, we want to help as many people as possible take back control.

As a Sovereign Man: Blueprint member, you’ll learn how to:

Protect your savings from the massive risks in the financial system (especially post-COVID)

All it takes is a quick trip to the grocery store to confirm that inflation is here.
Short-sighted economic policies and staggering sovereign debt present a HUGE risk to your savings. And if your money is in a bank, its purchasing power is diminishing as you read this.
Financially savvy folks recognize the threat of inflation, but they also know there are solutions to protect and even grow the power of their savings.
As a Sovereign Man: Blueprint subscriber, you’ll learn how to:

Move a portion of your assets abroad and outside of the traditional financial system… into collectibles, precious metals stored offshore and domestic and foreign real estate…
Own your stocks in a safer way, in your own name… (Yes, most of the stocks you think you “own” are actually owned by your broker and not you…)
Leverage the cheapest way to buy silver (as much as 20% cheaper than what most people are paying)…
Move your precious metals abroad and store them in one of the safest storage facilities on the planet…
Secure your savings using gold and silver – while earning up to 4% interest or more per year (as opposed to the 0.01% you’re likely “making” now).

Once you’re done protecting your money, we’ll show you how to…

Legally slash your taxes and protect yourself from the socialists…

As Margaret Thatcher famously put it, “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
In the meantime, though, Socialists tap those ‘other people’ dry.
Make no mistake; higher taxes are coming your way even if you’re not part of the top 1%. That’s why it’s so critical to take steps now to legally lower them.
From a financial perspective, reducing your tax burden is the easiest return on investment you’ll ever make. If you can cut your taxes from 30% to 10%, then you’ve just achieved a risk-free, 20% return on investment.
We’ll teach you:

How business owners and self-employed professionals can slash their business’ corporate tax to just 4% (and pay NO tax on dividend payments…)
How Day Traders & Investors can legally cut their capital gains tax rate to 0%
How location independent individuals can earn upwards of $150,000+ per year, nearly TAX-FREE
How to take advantage of an overlooked tax incentive that could save you thousands of dollars over the next few years
And much, much more…

Additionally, we teach you how to turn your retirement account into a major tax saver…

Protect against the mathematical certainty that Social Security will run out of money in just a few years…

The uncomfortable truth is that in the US, Social Security is massively and terminally underfunded.
Every year, the US government’s Board of Trustees publishes a report on the financial health of Social Security.
They themselves predict that the primary Social Security’s trust fund will be fully depleted by 2034!
You’d think this would be considered some kind of national emergency… that politicians would be doing everything they could to fix this, working day and night until coming up with a plan.
But instead they just ignore the problem.
This is NOT an issue exclusive to the United States. Europe is no better off. For example, Greece and Russia have ALREADY made adjustments to their pension payouts.
It’s clear as day: Pensions are promises that governments will not be able to keep.
Additionally, most IRAs and 401(k)s are invested in mutual funds and other anemic instruments.
Did you know that YOU — not some faceless suit in a Manhattan highrise — can control what you buy with your retirement funds? And that those investments can include things like real estate… or even crypto?
We’ll show you how to take back control and MASTER retirement.
You’ll learn:

How to set up an extraordinary retirement structure that allows you to stash away up to $64,500 in 2021, TAX-FREE, for retirement.
The 4 critical elements of a robust retirement plan.
How you can invest your retirement savings in compelling, lucrative investments like private equity, cash-producing international real estate, secure lending opportunities, and even venture capital and crypto.
And much, much more…

Escape the Lockdowns – Secure a Second Citizenship & Passport or Residency Abroad

Did you know that if you’re flying within Scandinavia, face masks are no longer required? 
And that Norway, Sweden and Denmark all lifted most of their coronavirus restrictions in October 2021?
And did you know that Mexico currently has no plans to implement any kind of vaccine mandate?
When not working from her lovely, inexpensive oceanfront rental, our CEO is currently enjoying the sun and surf in Playa del Carmen.
Depending on when you’re reading this, all of the above may have changed. But the point remains the same: Even when certain countries are ramping up the insanity, there are places that pull back.
Imagine being able to go live in a free country. Right now.
You could do just that — if you had the right passport or residency in place.
For example, if you have Italian or Irish grandparents, you might qualify for a second passport based on ancestry.
And that passport… would be an EU passport, not merely an Italian or Irish one. That EU passport would unlock several countries on the continent… including, under most circumstances, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
You might be thinking that a second passport is only for the rich and famous. But nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, the founder of Sovereign Man acquired his second citizenship before making his money, when he was just out of the United States Army.
And in 2020, when Europe closed its doors to American tourists, he knew he could waltz right in with that passport, no questions asked.
As a Sovereign Man: Blueprint member, you’ll learn how to:

Acquire a second passport (potentially for free) that will provide you the lifelong benefit of more options to live, work, invest, travel, and do business around the world…
Obtain foreign citizenship & passport in as little as two years if you are planning on having a baby soon…
In the meantime, establish legal residency abroad. This can often be a cheaper and faster way to secure your route into another country during a time of crisis…
Use that legal residency as an avenue towards citizenship, if that’s the better path for you…

Acquiring legal access to an “escape hatch” destination might be the single-most life-changing, freedom-creating step you’ll ever take.

Protect Your Assets (Especially Your Home)

Another risk no one is thinking about: Frivolous lawsuits are about to explode.
During times of chaos and when economies crash, people become more litigious. Happy people generally don’t sue other people, but angry people certainly do.
With over 20 million people unemployed already, we expect frivolous lawsuits to become alarmingly common shortly.
But as a Sovereign Man: Blueprint subscriber, you’ll discover:

The most iron-clad ways we know of to protect your assets (including your home) from expensive lawsuits…
How to set up a simple, cost-effective structure to thwart ambulance chasers…
Which states in the US (and territories of Canada) offer the most robust asset protection. In a few of them, it’s nearly impossible for someone to take your house…
A powerful (and quirky) technique at your disposal to protect your home if you live somewhere with weak laws…
A “first line of defense” that puts a wall around your assets. For an even taller, more fortified wall, we include an additional, international strategy…
How to pass on 100% of your assets, tax-free, to your family when you pass away, and ensure the government doesn’t receive a penny…

None of the solutions we outline are “exotic” or out of reach for most people. They are tried-and-true, solid strategies.

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