Sifu Mark Rasmus – Initiation into Hermetics (June 2022 – site rip of existing videos)


Sifu Mark Rasmus – Initiation into Hermetics (June 2022 – site rip of existing videos)This program covers the ten steps of Franz Bardon’s system and tips and tricks to get you faster success in the Initiation process. In addition, the course will be continuously updated with new weekly videos throughout 2022, including video updates with Q&A and guest teacher presentations. Thus, you can expect over 100 hours of in-depth instruction on Hermetics as new content is added and the course is updated.Course InstructionsTitles are coded: Step 1 M, is step one mental training. Step 1 A is, step one astral training and so forth. The video lessons are posted by date and not in a specific order, as there will be follow-up videos for each level. Start from the beginning, watch, journal, practice, journal results, contemplate your method, refine, and practice more. Repeat this process with each video as needed.Requirements:An open mind and willingness to delve deep into the internal realm of mental development.The ability to listen and follow instructionsWho this course is for:Martial artistsMeditatorsQi Gong practitionersEnergy workersWhat you’ll learn:Hermetic scienceMental trainingMeditationMastery of the elementsUnwavering focusMastery of the mindCourse ContentGetting started1. Step 1. M. Lets begin2. Step 1. M. Observing the mental landscape3. Step 1. M. Mental noting4. Step 1. M. Morphing5. Step 1. M. Reverend contemplation of the journal6. Step 1. M. Root of consciousness while journaling7. Step 1. M. Time and space, vibrational scale8. Step 1. M. transfering experiences into the journal9. Step 1.M. Observing the mental matrix functionLevel 110. Step 1. M. Concentration11. Step 1. M. Vital breathing to fuel the mind12. Step 1. M. Akasha foundation, entering Stillness13. Step 1. M. Entering Stillness14. Step 1. M. Eye consciousness 115. Step 1. M. Sound consciousness16. Step 1. M. Eye consciousness 217. Step 1. A. Black and white mirror of the soul18. Step 1. P. Developing an elastic body19. Step 1. P. Effects of food on meditationLevel 220. Step 1. P. Sacredness of food21. Step 1. P. Purification through water22. Step 1. P. Moderation of lifestyle23. Step 1. P. Water rituals24. Step 2. M. Visualization25. Step 2. A. Entering the astral26. Step 2. A. Transforming personality qualities27. Step 4. Volting crystals28. Step 2. A. Establishing a vibrational scale29. Step 2. A. Astral workLevel 330. Step 2. A. Understanding the mental and astral matrices31. Balancing intellect with intuition – time efficiency32. Step 4. Reptilian brain and balancing the elements33. Step 4. Mental transference into peak experiences34. Step 3. Separating fire and water35. Side effects of practice – theory36. Step 2. Astral. Esoteric Pyschology37. Step 2. A. Esoteric psychology of your personal path38. Step 2. A. Esoteric psychology of the vibrational scale39. Step 3. Awakening clairvoyance – vital energy stageLevel 440. Releasing methods41. Step 1. P. Alchemy of a happy life42. Step 1. P. Alchemy of spiritual practice43. Fire pillar – strength training44. Thoughts on prenatal Chi45. Effects of alcohol on meditation46. Foundations of Alchemy47. Building the elements48. Step 1. M. Mental library of stillnessLevel 549. Step 2. A. Contemplation as a method of release50. Step 2. A. Alchemical releasing methods51. Entering the astral52. Air element methods53. Water element – healing the past54. Vital field awareness55. Psychic protection56. Step1. P. Biofeedback lab at home57. Step1. P. The book of law58. Step1. P. Understanding leads to skill59. Step 2. A. Resetting emotional triggersLevel 660. Step 2. A. Resetting your relationship to your environment61. Step 2. A. Resetting your relationship to food62. Step 2. A. Resetting your relationship to drinking63. Step 2. A. Anchoring equanimity to your home life64. Step 1. P. The essence of spiritual growth65. Hermetic Glossary Part 166. Stages of development – Monad- light bodies – Rainbow body67. Basic training for managing ghosts – Part 268. Basic training for managing ghosts – Part 369. Pendulum alternative – finger element relationshipLevel 770. Volting a crystal71. Identifying and separating the three bodies72. Theory and practice of entering Akasha – Wuji73. Managing incubus and succubus74. Psychic self defense – Part 175. Remaining grounded in magical training76. How to speed up progress77. Continual spiritual awareness78. Activating powerful habits through living mind and cosmic synchronicity79. Vital breathing through the eye gateLevel 880. Vital breathing through the ear gate81. Vital breathing through the feeling gate82. Vital breathing through the scent gate83. Vital breathing through the taste gate84. Mental noting – journaling skill85. Equanimity – law of rhythm86. Separating electric and magnetic fluid87. Four bases of supernatural power – quadrapolar magnet88. Building the ball Chi Gong set89. Synchronizing with your life partnerLevel 990. Harmonizing with your environment – Part 191. Harmonizing with your environment – Part 292. Harmonizing with your environment – Part 393. How to use sacred objects94. Transforming personality traits95. Foundations of ritual magic96. Enlivening personality traits with the elements97. Loading the unconscious with the elements98. Mindfulness is a synchronicity of Vipassana and Samadhi99. Astral releasing methodsLevel 10100. Astral releasing, raising frequency101. Revision – clairsentience102. Law of vibration, law of resonance103. Tantric sex series – Part 1104. Tantric sex series – Part 2105. Three tricks to master visualization skills106. Step 1. Journaling & automatic writing107. Tantric sex series – Part 3108. Journey from personal truth to universal truth109. Tantric sex series – Part 4Level 11110. Managing plateaus in practice111. Introduction to the elements112. Working with the Sun Sphere – Solar fire113. Why visualization is important for clairvoyance114. Step 3 introduction115. Tantric sex series 5. Dragon breathing116. Three transformations117. Foot alignment in meditation118. Synchronicity of the three bodies119. Law of VibrationLevel 12120. Traditions of Mental Expansion and Spiritual Mastery121. Thinning the Astral Matrix122. The Holographic Process of the Initiation Process123. Space Impregnation124. Snapping fascia into form to Summon Power125. Preliminary Basics for Mental Training126. From Egocentric to Mental Transference for Practice and Ascension127. Equalizing with Vibrational Scale of Planets for Immunity and clair-faculties128. Different ways to Demagnetizie the Mental Astral Matrix129. Charging Mental SpaceLevel 13130. Astral Travel vs Mental Travel, The Astral Cord131. Accumulating Stillness & Moving up the Vibrational Scale132. Reverse Magnetism with The Water Element133. Reverse Magnetism134. Clairsentience and Observing, Rising and Falling Away135. Separating the Skills From Frequencies136. Creating a Bridge for Sound and Sight Sense Gates137. O Umlaut session Rustic Orange138. Different Places to pack Energy (And Why You Don’t want a Taoist Immortal Body)139. Packing energy that seeks to express thought impregnation and using lord of elements to change DNALevel 14140. Packing the Energy like Taoist Immortals (Caution About Supernatural Egos)141. Neutralizing & Softening the Three bodies to energize other’s potential142. Using Akasha to Pack Energy into Bone Marrow143. Generating change on all levels144. Storing energy basics145. Review visualizing and decompressing146. Vital Vs. Astral Healing147. Your Body as a Tuning Fork for Energy Weakening and Strengthening Energy for Healing and Internal Alchemy148. Linking and Unlinking Physical Center of Gravity to Akasha – Part 1149. Linking and Unlinking Physical Center of Gravity to Akasha – Part 2Level 15150. The Metaphysics of a Training Schedule151. Collective Linking of Rituals, Altars and Energy Flow152. The Metaphysics of your Training Space153. Lifeforce vs Vital Energy for Nature Spirits and other beings154. Linking and Unlinking into Bones for Vital and Astral Energy155. Linking and Unlinking for Bridge Development156. Linking and Unlinking for the Vital and Astral fields157. Facing the GateKeepers to Nirvana and the esoteric secrets to equanimity on the ascension path158. Using Water, Earth, or akasha to demagnetize and Giving Group Conciousness Attunements versus Etheric Attune159. Earth Element Connect to the Unified Vital, Astral, mental, akashic, and Non-dual light FieldsLevel 16160. Air Element Condense Air Element into Pineal. Gland to Awaken Inner Genius and Astral clairvoyance161. Water Element Releasing all of the past in seven year blocks162. Fire Element Concentration and Law of Rhythm163. Dangers of Using the Astral Plane for Prophetic Vision and Using Water Element for Forex predictions164. Being in Equanimity for Astral Clairvoyance (the Easiest way)165. Astral Field Meditation166. Awakening the Inner Genius of Spirit – Part One167. Developing An Ascention (Spirit) Path and a Service (astral) Path168. Openess vs closednesss for teaching and the brain-chemistry connection to astral energy169. Using the Pillar of Light to Realize one’s Life purpose ExerciseLevel 17170. Linking Unlinking Mental and Akasha Meditation without Physical Triggers for Tai Chi and Clairvoyance171. Creating an Akashic Vital Field Through Linking (Prevent Akashic Injury through developing this ONE simple u172. Grounding Physically, Astrally, and Spiritually173. Charging Amulets and Creating Elementals174. How long it Takes to Get Successful with Exercises, Understanding Universal Laws175. Moon Magic and the Quantative and. Qualitative Keys to Working with the Moon, A Sun Sphere Gateway176. Practice Enviroments for working with Beings of the Four Elements177. Three stages of interacting with Akasha, Creating an Ascension Path through Tai Chi and Various practices178. White Light Meditation to Finish the 10 day course, A backstory on William Cook Edward’s Classroom enviromen179. Creating Large Mental Spaces through Any Religious System, Unveiling the Root of Concentration as emptiLevel 18180. Akasha transmission – Revision181. Akasha side effects182. Preconditions for entering samadhi183. Qabbalah letter J184. Higher intelligence – Quabballah letter A185. Mental wandering, mental body training186. Clairvoyant work187. Vital Breathing188. Sigils Theory189. Creating Sigils – Part 1Level 19190. Creating Sigils – Part 2191. The Magician Resonance192. Charging Sigils193. Hermetics Theory – Part 1194. Hermetics Theory – Part 2195. Hermetics Theory – Part 3196. Drawing Energy from Sigils197. Q&A – Franz Bardon group198. Releasing emotions199. Using earth element to speed up progressLevel 20200. Mechanics of the three energy bodies in chi kung201. Journaling202. Mindfulness203. Vital breathing into large spaces204. Understanding the elements205. White light206. Mental transference into the realm of the air element207. Mental transference into the realm of the water element208. Quadrapolar magnetic209. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 7 – 1st stage clairvoyanceLevel 21210. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 8 Feeling peoples inner Genius211. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 9 Engaging nature212. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 10 unconscious resonance with truth213. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 11 precepts214. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 12 spirit of water215. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 13 magentizing food and drink216. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 14 Sacred space217. Integrating Hermetic Magic into daily life pt 15 glowing skin218. Hypnosis219. Mantra magicLevel 21220. Power vs equanimity in awakening the sense gates221. Syncing conscious and unconscious – Part 1222. Syncing conscious and unconscious – Part 2223. Syncing conscious and unconscious – Part 3224. Energy storage methods225. Tuning astral light, tuning forks226. Astral light, tuning forks227. Astral vibrational scale, emotion pairing228. Alchemy of emotions, charging crystals229. Akasha side effectsLevel 23230. Journaling, graphing, contemplating, improving – Part 1231. Journaling, graphing, contemplating, improving – Part 2232. Aspects of trance induction233. Working with cosmic energies234. Water Magic235. Transferring energy to large groups of people236. Stimulating vitality237. Spirit of the mountain238. Speeding up progress239. Sacred objects from natureLEVEL 24240. Principles of earth magic241. Managing low level psychic attack242. Immortality243. Deepening the black and white mirror244. Testicular health exercise245. Sexual power exercise, shunting246. Sequencing your exercises247. Clairvoyance aptitude test248. Measuring success in each exercise249. Regulating the mental body and mental matrixLEVEL 25250. Sleep251. Healing 101252. Magnetic fluid and the mental matrices253. Living energy254. Cosmic ray energies255. Beginners advice to feel vital energy256. Vital energy – intermediate principles257. Letter L, healing258. Monitoring qualities of the mental body259. Mental matrixLEVEL 26260. Mastering vital energy261. Listening energy262. Building the mental matrix263. Rate of energy transformation264. Theory leading to functionality265. Clairsentience266. Blueprint of the Hermetic path267. Clairaudience – vital level268. The Law of Resonance for Practice269. Dissolving with White LightLEVEL 27270. White Light Partner Exercise271. Vizualization Exercise272. White Light Pore Breathing273. Equinimity of Elements Partner Drill274. Merit Field Activation275. Merit Field – Part 2276. Psychology & Quality of Stillness277. Law of Polarization278. Law of Resonance – Manifestation of Karma279. Law of Rhythm – Skill ImprovementLEVEL 28280. Law of Vibration281. Cosmic Synchronicity282. Measurment Metrics For Initiation into Hermetics283. Tuning To Frequencies Through Light284. Building the Ball – Start Here285. Linking and unlinking the Body286. Om Meditation287. Akasha Drills for Faster Development288. 4 elements Practices advanced289. 3 Transformations in other areasLEVEL 29290. Activating Dharma Bodies291. White Light Practise – Akasha Theory292. White Light Charging293. Doorways into Clairsentience294. Increasing Sensitivity with Water Element295. Letter G Kabbalah Exercise296. Transforming Fire into Water – Part 1297. Transforming Fire into Water – Part 2298. Running Akasha through Intrinsic Energies299. Opening the Spine – Letter E Preliminary PracticeLEVEL 30300. Elemental Alchemy – Partner Exercise301. Intuition Development for Martial Artists302. Alchemy of Skill Building & Matrices303. Basics of Alchemy – Matrixes304. Sung – Importance and Applications305. Akasha – Fire Method306. Akasha – Work In Other Areas307. Grounding Non-Physical States308. Releasing with Light309. Transitioning SpiritsLEVEL 31310. Sung Amplification Methods – Part 1311. Sung Amplification Methods – Part 2312. Astral Abisheka313. Astral Abisheka – Loading Sense Gate314. Grounding the Astral Body315. Mental Exercise – Elements & Visualisation316. White Light Meditation317. White Light Meditation – Process Theory318. Sense Gates Akasha Meditation – Practice319. Sense Gates Akasha Meditation – TheoryLEVEL 32320. Sense Gates Akasha Meditation – Questions321. Releasing & Conducting Energy Simultaneously – Part 1322. Releasing & Conducting Energy Simultaneously – Part 2323. Quality of Sung – Release324. Building Elementals325. Charging Amulets326. Mental wandering and Letter U327. Magical Equilibrium328. 3 Transformations Fire Element – Part 1329. 3 Transformations Fire Element – Part 2LEVEL 33330. 3 Transformations Air Element – Part 1331. 3 Transformations Air Element – Part 2332. Air Element Theory333. 3 Transformations Water Element334. 3 Transformations – Earth Element335. Muscle and Fascia Changing Exercises336. Question about akasha answered337. Clarity of Intent – How to train338. Opening 1 – with Magnetic Fluid339. Opening 2 – with SungLEVEL 34340. Opening 3 – Discussion341. Clairvoyance and Equanimity342. Step 7. A. Clairsentience343. Pulling Light from Akasha344. Elements discussion -fire345. Aligning to the living mind of life-force346. Akasha – Light – Stillness Pt-1 Practice347. Akasha – Light – Stillness Pt-2 Discussion 1348. Akasha – Light – Stillness Pt-3 Discussion 2349. Clearing with Light Partner Work350. Three Transformations – Up and DownAbout InstructorSifu Mark RasmusInstructor of Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Hermetic science, and internal power training.Proof ContentSale Page: Method– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from esy[GB].– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC+8).Thank You For Shopping With Us!