Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Robert B. Cialdini Regent


Compliant With The World’s Leading Authority On E-Commerce Conversion And Usability Best PracticeThe Baymard Institute is the world’s leading authority on e-commerce best practice conversion rate optimization guidelines. The Shoptimized theme has been developed following these proven principals so your store converts better than with any other theme. Baymard created 5 Benchmark Databases from 300 site reviews, 1,883 web pages, and 12,784 ‘best practice’ examples, across 5 different usability themes:The Shoptimized theme complies with every applicable recommendation.Baymard InstituteE-Commerce CheckoutHomepage & CategoryE-Commerce SearchE-Commerce Product ListsMobile E-CommerceGet Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Bradley Long, Only Price $77The Science Behind Persuading More Visitors To Become CustomersSocial proof, scarcity and authority are three of the six principles of persuasion, (along with reciprocity, commitment/consistency and liking) that Dr Robert Cialdini lays out in his bestselling book ‘Influence the Psychology of Persuasion’.The Shoptimized Theme fully embraces these time-tested principals:Social proof: Easily integrate review apps and showcase your best reviews to give visitors the confidence that others have had a good buying experience. Plus the theme provides optional placeholders for you to show off additional testimonials from happy customers in the footer and on the home page.Scarcity: Give your fence-sitting visitors the nudge they need to buy today by displaying a countdown timer and remaining stock bar on any or all of your product pages.Authority: If you’re established enough to have won awards or have media mentions, we’ve created a banner space in the header so you can easily add proof. If you’re not there yet, add a widget to your store’s header showing the number of Facebook fans your business page has.Conversion Boosting FeaturesConversion Boosting Feature #1Urgency with countdown timerIt’s a known psychological fact that the fear of losing something is far more motivating than the prospect of gaining something. If your product is only available for a limited time or you have a special offer that ends soon, it’s a fantastic leverage tool to get people to act now.Shoptimized lets you simply add a tag to whichever products you want to display a countdown timer for. Choose the number of days or hours that the timer will count down from. It even automatically resets when it reaches zero. This means you can set it and forget it.Conversion Boosting Feature #2Scarcity with remaining stockIt’s a known psychological fact that the fear of losing something is far more motivating than the prospect of gaining something. If your product is only available for a limited time or you have a special offer that ends soon, it’s a fantastic leverage tool to get people to act now.Shoptimized lets you simply add a tag to whichever products you want to display a countdown timer for. Choose the number of days or hours that the timer will count down from. It even automatically resets when it reaches zero. This means you can set it and forget it.Conversion Boosting Feature #3GEO-IP RecognitionTo better serve your international customers, recognize which country they are visiting from to personalise their shopping experience.Conversion Boosting Feature #4Currency SwitcherIt’s no secret that international customers are proven to convert better when they view your products in their own currency. Because of this, we’ve added currency conversion natively in the app saving you at least $120 per year on an app subscription.Conversion Boosting Feature #5Get-it-By TimerUser testing has proven that “When will I receive my order?” is one of the biggest questions a shopper has. No other theme allows you to give estimated delivery dates.Conversion Boosting Feature #6Email Pop-UpCollecting emails is key to growing your business with email marketing. This pop-up helps you collect emails so you can build a relationship with your customers and make more sales.Conversion Boosting Feature #7Marketing IntegrationsWe’ve made it ridiculously easy for you to add the javascript code snippets from some of the most popular tools we use to grow our Shopify stores.No need to get your developer involved, simply copy and paste the code into the relevant field in your theme settings and that’s it!Conversion Boosting Feature #8Risk-ReversalA weak guarantee is the fastest way to turn off would-be customers. And what’s worse is forcing customers to hunt around for the information on it before they buy.It’s an essential part of your unique value proposition so we’ve put it prominently in the footer so visitors can get the reassurance they need before they checkout.Conversion Boosting Feature #9Value PropositionYou can’t afford to assume your visitors already know why they should buy from you. You need to set yourself apart from your competition and one of the best ways of doing this is telling them why you’re better than the rest.And the best time to tell them why is just when they’re about to commit to buying. So we’ve added ‘Reasons Why’ icons under the ‘Add to Cart’ button and also on the cart page itself.You can choose from our template icons or load your own.Conversion Boosting Feature #10Video EmbeddingIt’s no secret that product videos increase conversions so we’ve made it easy for you to add your videos alongside your product images (instead of embedding them in the description like most themes force you to do).We’ve also added a place where you can add videos to the footer so you can tell your story and reinforce your unique value proposition. (You can turn this feature off at the click of a button if you’re not ready to get in front of the camera just yet.)Conversion Boosting Feature #11Sell Personalized Products Without The Need For Costly AppsIt’s no secret that selling personalized/customizable items increases conversions compared to non-customizable items. It also means you can charge higher prices too.The Shoptimized Theme has product customization features built-in. Saving you $180 per year on an equivalent app.Conversion Boosting Feature #12Mega-MenuThe Baymard Institute’s research into top performing e-commerce stores found that those that perform best consistently use a mega-menu. It makes sense that when users can see the entire landscape of what you have to offer in one vista, they’re more likely to find their way to products that they will buy.With Shoptimized you can customize the mega-menu to suit your niche and range of products making it easy for your visitors to find and buy your products.Only have a handful of products? That’s cool, you can switch the mega-menu off and stick to traditional navigation until your range grows big enough.Get Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Bradley Long, Only Price $77Conversion Boosting Feature #13Conversion-Optimized Header AreaYour header is hands-down the most important piece of real estate in your store. It sets the tone for your brand and it’s the most visually consistent element. Because of this fact, you have to make every pixel in your header earn its place.That’s why we’ve made it customizable in 8 crucial ways.Built-in ‘Hello bar’ lets you announce special offers like free shipping or flash sales.Add a strapline under your logo and test different value propositions to find out what brings you the highest conversions.Split navigation: Baymard Institute recommends an upper and a lower navigation for maximum usability. Use the upper navigation for your customer support links like about us, contact us, order tracking and FAQ’s. Use the lower to fast-track your visitors to your products.Promo /Deal of the Day banner: Use this as an additional way to promote offers or your deal of the day site-wide.Prominent search: It’s a proven fact that visitors who use your internal site search are up to 3 times more likely to convert than those that don’t. Most sites inadvertently camouflage their site search costing them precious conversions. With Shoptimized, yours will never be missed. You can also customise the prompt text in the search field to encourage more searches by using persuasive copy.Phone number: Having a phone number displayed on your store is a massive factor in building trust, whether visitors actually call you or not, it’s a reassurance they need to spend their money with you.Mega-menu: As recommended by The Baymard Institute, a mega-menu is essential for usability and conversion when you have several categories and multiple products. See above for more info.Sticky Header: A study by Smashing Magazine found that sticky navigation bars allowed users to find what they were looking for 22% faster. Since mobile users are looking for immediate results and quick access to key data, 22% faster navigation is a big deal. Furthermore, the same study found that an incredible 100% of participants preferred sites with sticky navigation bars, despite often not knowing why.Conversion Boosting Feature #14Built-in Social-Proof Pop-UpLike persuasion expert, Dr Cialdini says, people will do things that they see other people are doing. It’s a fundamental of human persuasion, so we built in a notification pop-up that randomly displays sales from your store. If your prospects see a buying frenzy, they’re more likely to join in.Conversion Boosting Feature #15Free Shipping BarA lack of free shipping will turn your customers away in droves and adding a free shipping threshold is a proven way to increase your average order value. Our free shipping bar also integrates with the built-in upsell pop-up to encourage shoppers to spend more.Conversion Boosting Feature #16Upsell Pop-UpYour average order value is a critical factor in whether your ad campaigns make money hand over fist, or are losing you money.This built-in upsell pop-up lets you bump up your average order value by encouraging customers to buy more than one item. It’s simple and effective.Third party apps that do this are notorious for slowing your site down and killing conversions.Conversion Boosting Feature #17Fully Customizable Call-to-Action ButtonGetting visitors to add an item to the cart is everything when they land on your product pages, if your button is camouflaged or hidden by clutter, your sales will suffer.We make it easy for you to test different button sizes, colours and call-to-action text. This way you can find the sweet spot that pulls in the maximum profits.Conversion Boosting Feature #18Cart Page UrgencyAs legendary copywriter Gary Bencivenga says “In most people, the fear of loss is a much stronger motivator than the desire for gain”. So by making users feel that the deal they want is going to go away, you can create a sense of urgency. That’s why we added an optional countdown timer on the cart page to help motivate users to complete their checkout.Conversion Boosting Feature #19Cross-sell Pop-upThe amount of money you’re able to extract from each customer will make or break your e-commerce business. That’s why our cross-sell pop-up helps your customers quickly add relevant products to their cart to increase your average order value.And because it’s built-in you’ll no longer need a costly and slow-loading third-party app to help you bank more profit.Conversion Boosting Feature #20Skip the CartMany of our theme users asked if we could create a way to skip the cart entirely from the funnel, this reduces friction and often increases conversions. We’ve made it super-easy for you to choose what converts best for your store with 5 options for what happens when someone adds an item to their cart:Skip Cart – go directly to checkoutSlide Out CartPop-Up ModalRedirect to Cart pageDropdown confirmationConversion Boosting Feature #21Product BadgingThis is a key merchandising feature to help highlight items on sale or with free shipping that e-commerce platforms like Monetate charge $30k per year for. We’ve included it for free.Conversion Boosting Feature #22Free + Shipping (Tripwire) OffersIt’s no secret that free + shipping offers or “tripwire” offers are a surefire way to rapidly acquire new customers and gain market share. You can now have dedicated call-to-action buttons for your Free + Shipping offers.Conversion Boosting Feature #23Product FilterImproving the user experience of your Shopify store helps channel visitors to your product pages and buy. Our easy to use product filter helps visitors find exactly what they’re shopping in no time.Conversion Boosting Feature #24Site Search Auto-CompleteAuto-complete on your Shopify store’s site search helps users to find their way to your products more easily. This plays a huge role in boosting your conversions because according to research from WebLinc, visitors who use your site search are 216% more likely to convert than regular visitors.Conversion Boosting Feature #25Volume Purchase Social-ProofTelling your shoppers how many other customers bought more than 1 of an item helps encourage people to buy in bulk. This catapults your average order value into the stratosphere.Conversion Boosting Feature #26Exit Pop-UpGrabbing abandoners’ attention with a last-minute discount offer is a proven way to capture more sales. Offer a percentage discount or money off. We’ve also included an optional countdown timer to leverage urgency/scarcity.Conversion Boosting Feature #27Sticky Add-to-Cart ButtonNever let your call-to-action button be out of sight on your product pages. As soon as your visitors are persuaded to buy the add-to-cart button is right there for the easy clicking.Conversion Boosting Feature #27Sticky Add-to-Cart ButtonNever let your call-to-action button be out of sight on your product pages. As soon as your visitors are persuaded to buy the add-to-cart button is right there for the easy clicking.Conversion Boosting Feature #29Instant Coupon Code DeliveryWhat’s the point forcing someone to leave your site the check their emails for a coupon code? You risk them getting distracted by another email and blowing the sale. As soon as someone enters their email address, their discount code is revealed so they can use it to checkout straightaway.Get Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Bradley Long, Only Price $77Tag: Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Bradley Long Review. Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Bradley Long download. Shopify Best Converting Theme To Make Money – Bradley Long discount.