Ship 30 for 30 – Dickie Bush Nicolas Cole


Ship 30 for 30 – Dickie Bush Nicolas ColeThe constraints you need to finally start writing consistently.All beginner writers face the same 10 problems:If you’re reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you up at night (and keeping you from writing online).And chances are, you know you should be writing – which is why you’re one this page in the first place.Whether it’s to improve your thinking, accelerate your career trajectory, or help you quit that job you hate, writing is something that’s been on your list for a while. ‍• Distractions• Over-editing• Perfectionism• Procrastination• Self-confidence• Generating ideas• Impostor syndrome• Writing consistently• Choosing a platform• Finding time to writeThe accountability you’ve been missing.Maybe you’ve tried writing before. But, time and time again, you fall off. Something comes up. What starts off exciting becomes too difficult. And before you know it, you’re back to square one.‍But this is because there was no accountability.‍You tried to start writing on your own, almost doomed from the beginning.‍But Ship 30 for 30 solves that problem. You write alongside hundreds of other writers all with the same goal as you: to start writing and publishing consistently.This creates accountability unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.Writing alone is hard‍Writing with a community is easyDemolish your bad writing habits.There are 3 killers of great writing.Bad Habit #1: OverthinkingSo many talented writers think success is about having the best ideas. It’s not. We have learned the best ideas come as a RESULT of producing a TON of ideas. Which means not overthinking the process.Bad Habit #2:Over-editingHave you ever re-written and edited a piece of work for so long, you started to hate it? This is one of the most common challenges among writers. They spend so long on a piece of writing that by the time they “finish” it, they hate it—and then never end up publishing it as a result.Bad Habit #3:Falling out of practiceAs soon as you skip a day of writing, it becomes easier the next day to skip again. Skip enough days in a row, and you’ll forget you ever had a daily writing habit in the first place. Getting started (or started “again”) is the HARDEST part for writers.Stop publishing into the void.The biggest mistake early writers make? Publishing weekly blog posts into the void. In the beginning, you think you know what you want to write about, and you think you know what people want to read.‍But newsflash: you don’t.‍With this assumption, early writers enter a sloth-like feedback loop, which makes writing consistently impossible.‍Instead, you want to make noise and listen for signal.By writing 30 essays in 30 days, you work through months worth of ideas. And by leveraging platform algorithms like Twitter, you get immediate feedback on your writing.Welcome to Ship 30 for 30Here’s how it worksLearn the fundamentals of digital writingOn the surface, Ship 30 for 30 is a course teaching you how to write effectively on the internet.Upon joining, you’ll unlock a 4-week curriculum packed with frameworks that guarantee you become a prolific digital writer.? 8 Live Sessions covering everything you need to know to write effectively on the internet‍? BONUS ACCESS to all prior Ship 30 for 30 live session recordings (over 100 hours of content)‍? 16 recorded modules digging deeper into the frameworks introduced in the live sessions (over 20 hours of recording you have access to forever)‍✍? Templates, examples, and swipe files for you to download and use (that will save you hours of headache in the future)‍? Weekly Q&A sessions to reinforce everything you’ve learned (and make sure nobody gets left behind)Put your learnings into practice by writing and publishing every day for 30 daysOther writing courses charge you thousands of dollars, only to wave their hands in the air with “theory.”And by the end, you leave with a bunch of notes that sit in a folder for eternity. Meanwhile, you’re still confused and unsure about the next step to take.‍But Ship 30 for 30 is about moving quickly, taking action, and keeping a tight feedback loop.You will write and publish an Atomic Essay (a short, 250-word essay on a single idea), every day for 30 days, all from your very own Social Blog (that you create during your first week).‍In just 30 days, you’ll build an entire library of content that serves as the foundation for months, if not years of future content.And by writing and publishing every day, you’ll demolish your perfectionism, impostor syndrome, and fear of hitting the publish button.Immerse yourself in a diverse community of other writers, all on the same journey as youWriting online doesn’t have to be lonely.But for most beginner writers, it certainly feels that way.Which is why Ship 30 for 30 is the best onboarding program to writing online.Other writing courses encourage you to write weekly blog posts into the void – and as a result you hear the sad crickets of indifference from the internet.But in Ship 30, you’ll surround yourself with like-minded people with the same goal as you: to start writing more and publishing more consistently. ⏳ Every age, from college students to working professionals to retired individuals and everything in between‍? Every profession, every socioeconomic background, and every possible life perspective‍? 67 different countries, every continent and every time zoneBuild lifelong friendships while using the community for accountability and feedbackThe internet has democratized access to friendship.No longer are your friends limited to the people on your street or at your school.Now, you have access to millions of people with the same interest as you. But, you need to know how to find them.And Ship 30 for 30 is that place.We have writers interested in every single topic under the sun, and we ensure you are meeting as many of them as possible.Upon joining, we pair you with groups of people with the same goals and interests as you.These groups provide the accountability, feedback, and motivation you need to finally start writing consistently.And throughout the cohort, you have dozens of chances to collaborate, build friendships, learn from one another, give and receive feedback, and everything in between.Want a sneak peek of some of the frameworks we teach?Download our FREE 13,000-word Ultimate Guide to Digital Writing Are you interested in? 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