Shinzen Young – Science of Enlightenment


Identify the differences in reaching the source. of consciousness/enlightenment, and the realm of Power/New Age Manifestations File Size: 480.98 Mb

Shinzen Young – Science of Enlightenment

What is enlightenment exactly? Is it a mythical concept or real? The. Science of EnlightenmentThen you will see that the liberated state is just as real as the sensations that you are experiencing right now. It is only through investigation that it can be achieved. of You can use your own thoughts and emotions to gain clarity and happiness. of Conditions: The state of enlightenment. Meditation teacher through his expertise in both science as well as spirituality. Shinzen Young These principles are made easy of You can find the hidden treasures of spiritual traditions around the world and learn how to apply them to your own life. This is an unrivalled 14-You will discover the secrets of science and tradition through this CD course. of The great wisdom traditions such as Buddhism and Christianity, Jewish mysticism, Sufismsm, Hinduismsm, Shamanism, and many more. Why is one?-Why is pointed concentration so important in contemplative paths? How do you move beyond emotional/intellectual blocks and into a state of highest presence? Where does psychic powers and other mysterious phenomena fit into the architecture? of enlightenment? How can you know if your meditation practice has been successful? The Science of Enlightenment, Shinzen Young He answers these questions with intelligence and precision, which is why he is considered one of the best. of The West’s most articulate, understandable and articulate teachers of Classic mystical experience. The search for awakening isn’t limited to a few. It is a field that you can explore once you have the inner technologies. With The, you can start that investigation. Science of Enlightenment. Includes six guided meditation sessions. Learn More about: Six common traps on your path to awakening and how to avoid them

– Ancient mystical teachings translated into modern language

– Interesting research about meditation and your mind-Wave states, perceptual ability, oxygen levels and aging

Meditation can improve your performance in sports, learning, relationships, and your emotional life.

– Why your body is the greatest teacher of mystical knowledge

– Inner work to help you digest mental blockages

– Samadhi–your inner microscope for self-understanding

– Inner healing techniques you won’t learn in psychotherapy

How to manage your lack of discipline

– An expansive survey of The Information Age is a transition from tribal roots to awakening practices

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Course objectives: Discuss the advantages of Regular meditation practice

– Recognize the similarities among the world’s largest and oldest spiritual traditions in terms of Pragmatism of Concentration and ideas of enlightenment

– Use meditation practices that are focused on relaxation, the body and thinking, as well as the senses of Self, expanding, contracting, and the sensor field

– Describe the meaning of The Buddhist practices used to attain enlightenment.

– Summarize the Buddhist perspective of the self and the no.-Meditation practice and self

– To understand the benefits of Eastern spiritual practices, you can apply Western scientific knowledge to Eastern religious practices of Both

Identify the differences between reaching and getting to the source of consciousness/enlightenment, and the realm of Power/New Age Phenomena