SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo


This course is available – Download immediatelySame author: Ritamarie Loscalzo Lifetime support – Unlimited downloads.The quality exactly the same as salepageOver +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.Purchase SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo courses at here with PRICE $397 $72“Here’s Exactly How to Consistently Solve Even the Most Complex Health Challenges and Become a Superstar Holistic Health Practitioner with a Waiting List Practice!”…plus enjoy unprecedented success with your clients when you demystify the complexities of their chronic health challenges that no one else has been able to solve.October 2014 Conference Focus:Solving the Mystery of Balancing the HPAT Axis (Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Thyroid)Become the master of getting to the root cause of your clients’ low energy, mood swings, and chronic low vitality!What you may have already noticed is that a huge percentage of your clients present with symptoms that can be attributed to disregulation of their adrenals, their thyroid, or both.You’ll walk away from the S.H.I.N.E. Conference armed with the knowledge and tools to be the “go-to person” for solving tough hormone imbalance cases.Implementing the nutritional endocrinology approaches to HPAT Axis imbalances will set you apart from the thousands of other health coaches and practitioners who simply don’t understand the intricate inner workings of these key glands, let alone how to restore balance.You’ll love the checklists, charts, and resources designed to make your practice SHINE.From: Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBNDate: Thursday, March 26, 2020Austin, TexasDear Holistic Health Practitioner,If you’re reading this, chances are you are passionately committed to making a profound difference in the world. You are dedicated to getting the absolute best results for your patients and clients.Yet sometimes, it feels like you’re not making headway. Your confidence becomes shattered when you encounter those tough cases that you don’t feel qualified to solve.You became a Health Professional because you want to help those who need it most. You may already be able to help lots of clients; however, you still feel defeated if even just one or two individuals leave because you are unable to help them solve their chronic and more complex health challenges.The Ultimate Confidence Booster: When YOUR expertise and knowledge gets results and takes a client from frustration to elation!The clients that get phenomenal results, especially after they’d just about given up hope, will become your raving fans.What do I mean by “raving fans?”Those are the people who will tell EVERYONE about you and provide you with the very best type of marketing… word of mouth advertising!When you get incredible results with your clients, word of mouth referrals spread like wildfire!With each complex case that you solve, you gain more and more confidence, satisfaction, and prosperity.If you’re not making a huge impact as a healer due to a lack of confidence in your ability to help people with complex health issues, it’s time to add some tools to your health coaching toolkit.Your lack of confidence in your skill set, in your ability to dig deep and truly understand what is going on in these challenging cases, has an impact on your practice.Insecurity impacts your ability to market your business, set up consultations, and communicate in a way that exudes confidence and entices clients to sign up with you to get the results they desire and deserve.I totally understand. It’s only natural, and I used to feel the same way.When I used to speak to prospective patients, whenever I was very tentative in explaining what I did (fearing that they would have a health problem that I just couldn’t help to solve), they did not sign up because *I* gave those clients the feeling that I may not be able to help.I can empower you to have a breakthrough in your confidence and ability to deliver results to your clients — even the difficult ones.As someone who’s been in practice for over 20 years, not only have I worked with thousands of clients and patients, I’ve worked with hundreds of practitioners as well, helping them to improve their competency with their clients.And the thing I hear all the time is, “Dr. Ritamarie, I’d like to work with more people, but I’m not sure if I am going to be able to help them get results.”I don’t know of a single practitioner who hasn’t had the experience of listening to a client’s complex history – their concerns, troubles, and the pile of tried and failed protocols – and thought, “I don’t even know where to start…”You try the holistic nutrition approaches, the ones that often work like a charm, but the protocols don’t work this time. You suffer in quiet desperation because you know there absolutely has to be a way to help this person. You just wish you knew how.I’ve learned the secret to consistently unravel even the most complex health mysteries and provide reliable solutions that inspire clients to rave about their results and refer new patients my way.I took the bull by the horns and researched, dug in, investigated, questioned, read, and assessed until I began to see predictable patterns, WHEN I asked the right questions and looked in the right places.I became a “master health detective” of sorts.And wow, did that determination end up paying off for my clients as well as my practice…big time! I developed the strategies to help me solve even the toughest cases, break through that deep fear and doubt, and create a thriving practice.My practice exploded very quickly. So quickly that I knew I had to train other practitioners to reach as many people as possible. My mission is to end needless, totally preventable suffering due to poor health.I am still getting lots of requests for consults and it upsets me to have to turn them down because I simply don’t have the time anymore. The types of people who seek me out are those who have tried everything and are serious about restoring vibrant health.That’s why I have decided to train other practitioners who are serious about learning and can handle my overflow…The Best Way to Grow Your Practice is to Discover the Key to Unlocking Even the Most Difficult Client CasesAnd the best way to get results with even the most challenging clients is to understand the complexities of the endocrine system.After all, hormones are the “messengers of life”. They are powerful messages that travel through the blood stream from one part of the body to another.Mastering the physiology and biochemistry of the intricate workings of hormones allowed me to understand what was really going on in chronic and complex cases and to create powerful, healing protocols personalized for each individual.Correcting hormone imbalance requires sleuthing way beyond the obvious “sex hormones” of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone. There are many, many more hormones involved than just those three, and usually they need to be balanced before going directly for the groin.Hormonal imbalance is at the crux of a whole myriad of health issues (even some that don’t seem related) like:fatigueheadachesmood swingsskin eruptions (acne)low libidosexual dysfunctionmemory lossarthritisanxiety attacksfibromyalgiainsomniadigestive issuesblood sugar imbalancedifficulty losing or gaining weight…and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.By acting as a hormone detective, I have guided thousands to restore their vitality, and now I would love to share my system with you, so you can balance your own and your clients’ hormones…no matter how “out of whack” they are.The opportunity to be on the leading edge of health is NOW!Nutritional Endocrinology offers you the key to unravel the profound impact of hormone imbalance on EVERY system of the body!Join Me, Dr. Ritamarie, in Austin, Texas for the S.H.I.N.E Conference Scientific and Holistic Investigation of Nutritional Endocrinology a 3-Day Transformational Workshop (Attend In Person or Via LIVE Webcast)…where I’ll share powerful tools and take you by the hand, guiding you step-by-step through a system that you can utilize in your practice.Learn to SHINE with tough cases, go beyond the basics, and set yourself apart in your community as a Shining Star health coach who is the “go-to” person for getting results.Face it, there are now a lot of health coaches, health coaching programs, and a lot of people who need help. You learned the basics.Now it’s time to step beyond and make your skill set brilliant and unique.You’ll learn my step-by-step process for assessing your client’s health and bringing things into balance. Walk away from the weekend empowered to make a difference and put protocols to work for you on Monday morning.Become a shining star health practitioner with a waiting list practice when you incorporate the S.H.I.N.E methodology.During the SHINE weekend, you’ll learn to evaluate hormone imbalances using functional medicine assessment tools and apply nature-based, holistic protocols to restore balance.The hierarchy of interventions taught will be whole foods and herbs, lifestyle practices, specific targeted nutrients, holistic modalites and energetic practices, and bio-identical hormone replacement when necessary.At this, our second S.H.I.N.E. Conference, we’ll focus in-depth on the HPAT Axis.You’ve likely heard of the HPA Axis – it’s a buzz word in functional medicine circles. It involves evaluating and balancing the complexities of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal interactions.The “T” stands for thyroid. Imbalances in HPA are a key factor in thyroid disorders. And in case you haven’t noticed, thyroid issues are epidemic. Synthroid and Levothyroxine (synthetic T4, the primary hormone made by the thyroid) are among the most widely prescribed medications in the US and possibly worldwide.Get SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo , Only Price $67Who Needs To Be At This Live Event? (In Person or Via LiveStream Webcast)This unique live event is for:Health practitionersNutrition coachesInstitute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) grads looking to go deeperChiropractors who are ready to dig deep into functional nutritionNaturopaths (new grads) who want an organized proven system for assessing and managing their clientsMD’s and Nurse Practitioners who are expanding into the functional medicine realmExtremely serious health enthusiasts who have done so much self-study that they can jump inHealth coaches of all varietiesFitness-personal trainers and coachesAnyone in the health field or who aspires to be in the health fieldDietitiansAcupuncturistsMassage therapistsPeople who may not be practitioners but are extremely well researched and serious about their own self-care and taking care of their familiesPutting SHINE Principles to Work With Complex Cases: Is It Really Possible To Get Real Results?After I started to S.H.I.N.E. in my own practice, I had countless breakthroughs with chronically ill patients whom no other practitioner could help. Well-meaning traditional doctors lead these patients down dead-end paths, because they didn’t dig deep enough or know how to find the right clues.Here are just three of many successful and happy patient examples from my case files:Real-World Patient Hormone Success Case File #1: Fatigue, depression, chronic pain, and weight that just wouldn’t budgeThis client had been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, was on antidepressants, anti-inflammatories, and pain medications; still she suffered. A trip to the grocery store left her in need of a nap. Helping her kids with homework was like running a marathon. She was tired of being tired, in pain, and in need of so many medications.We did some tests, discovered imbalances in her adrenals and thyroid hormones, some food sensitivities, and fatty acid imbalances. Through a personalized supplement program, detoxification, diet changes, and instruction on how to care for her body, she improved.Within 9 months she was off all medications, had regained her energy, and was happily referring friends and family members. Now she holds a full-time job, volunteers at her church, and has plenty of energy to socialize and take care of her granddaughter.Real-World Patient Hormone Success Case File #2: Two decades of fatigue, weight gain, digestive problems, and brain fog so thick she was about to lose her business because she couldn’t focusCase Client #2 had switched to all-natural home and self-care products, was eating organic food, and “thinking positive thoughts”, so she was mystified as to why her health was still wretched.She’d been to doctor after doctor, looking for answers. No one could find anything wrong with her. After a thorough case history, I ordered some lab tests and discovered she had an autoimmune thyroid condition, adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, low stomach acid, fat maldigestion and a toxic liver.I customized a diet, supplement, and lifestyle program for her, coached her through implementation, and within 4 months her weight was down 30 pounds, her brain function had returned, and she was able to quadruple her income.None of her doctors had realized that her problems were hormonal. Through application of my Nutritional Endocrinology principles, we were able to give her back her life.Real-World Patient Case Hormone Success Case File #3: Depression at mid-cycle, no libido, and fatigueCase Client #3’s doctor prescribed Prozac, which she did not want to take, so she consulted with me for an alternative.Testing revealed she was low in testosterone, had adrenal fatigue, and had an imbalance in the neurotransmitter serotonin triggered by excess estrogen mid-cycle.After a few months, the depression was gone, some OCD symptoms she’d experienced her whole life disappeared, and her husband told her he couldn’t keep up with her sexually.The couple had been trying to conceive a second child a few years before, but since nothing was happening, they’d given up on getting pregnant again. Can you imagine their surprise when she got pregnant less than a year later?Instead of stacks of frustrating folders you feel afraid to open, wouldn’t you love to have file cabinets full of happy success cases like these?The great news is you can!“After years of working with many different clinical practitioners who couldn’t get to the bottom of my life-long health problems… I dropped 65 lbs of fat (and I look better than I did in high school) but what’s better than that is that I am no longer at risk for diabetes.”Holistic practitioners and health coaches: Do you ever secretly wonder if you have the skills to get real-lasting results for your clients and patients?If you’ve ever doubted your healing abilities, you’re not alone. When I first got my acupuncture license, I felt like a fraud. It’s not unusual to only get incremental shifts in wellness for your clients when you’re first starting off.What every holistic practitioner dreams of is to become so phenomenal at what they do that the referrals start streaming in.This is why I want to introduce you to MY health coach for the past two years. Here is what she did for me (after years of working with many different clinical practitioners who couldn’t get to the bottom of my life-long health problems).I dropped 65 lbs of fat (and I look better than I did in high school) but what’s better than that is that I am no longer at risk for diabetes.She discovered the following problems during our work together:leptin resistancecandidaborderline hypothyroid (not fully diagnosable on lab tests but still causing lethargy)methylation cycle mutationsH. pyloriinsufficient iodineleaky gutnot just gluten intolerance but intolerance to ALL grainsfood sensitivitiesadrenal exhaustionThe list goes on. One-by-one, we tackled these difficult problems and I am a new woman.Now, Dr. Ritamarie has been practicing for over 20 years and she is the founder of the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology.And it is so fortunate that she is now teaching other holistic practitioners and health coaches how to use the diagnostic and treatment protocols that have been responsible for major healing and lifestyle changes for so many people.~ Sharla Jacobswww.thrive-academy.comSharla Jacobs teaches conscious entrepreneurs how to attract their ideal clients and get paid well for the great work they do.Fringe Benefit: The Magic That Happens When You Come To a Live EventLive Event Payoffs!You get to:Mastermind with amazing like-minded peopleShare new and innovative ideasEngage in productive eye-opening role playingNetwork with other colleaguesEnjoy goodhearted camaraderieStrike mutually beneficial business relationshipsGain referral partnersBottom line: YOU NEED TO BE HERE!(Attend Either In Person or Via LiveStream Webcast)Incredible Add-a-Colleague Opportunity for Those Attending In PersonShare the Superstar SHINE!’Do you share your practice or business with another colleague?Do you work with other health professionals who also seek to be on the leading edge?The only thing better than attending the S.H.I.N.E. Conference yourself is attending with an enthusiastic colleague.Once you register, you’ll receive easy instructions on how to invite a colleague for a special guest-rate!The Power of Light: Imagine a Practice Where…You are 100% confident that you have TAKEN CHARGE over your own hormonal health and are doing the best things for your body, mind, and spirit.You are armed with accurate, specific information that you can use to solve cases that previously would have intimidated you.You have a realistic methodology to put into your practice immediately.You have an expert team of Powerful Mentors like Dr. Ritamarie, as well as an entire community of passionate Practitioners just like you, who are WITH you for the long haul. HINT: If you are worried about how to keep the momentum going once you get home, you won’t be after the event.You can finally put your worried mind at rest about WHAT to do, HOW to do it, WHEN to do it, and HOW to help even the toughest hormonal imbalance cases.You actually have proven investigative protocols to skyrocket your practice and the confidence to invite those tough cases!What You’ll Experience in 3 Amazing Days:NOTE: The exact order and day-to-day scheduling of topics may shift once all guest speakers are confirmed.Day 1: DemystifyOverview of nutritional endocrinology and the interconnections between hormones and body systemsClinical presentation of imbalances in the HPAT AxisBiochemistry and physiology of the HPAT AxisAdrenal fatigue and the epidemic of stress-related illnessThe inner workings of the thyroid and the role of digestion, stress, and the immune system as a cause of thyroid imbalancesDay 2: DecipherFunctional Assessments for HPATSleuth history takingFunctional exams that can be done long distanceHome testingBlood testingSpecialty labsGenetic testingPractical, hands-on testingCase studiesDay 3: DetermineDiet and lifestyle factors that contribute to HPAT Axis imbalanceHerbs that support HPAT axis balanceHow to put together effective protocols for restoring energy and well-being using HPAT Axis strategiesThe role of a gluten-free diet in managing HPAT Axis imbalancesThe role of exercise in the cause and management of HPAT Axis imbalanceTools for balancing mental and emotional factors in regards to HPAT Axis imbalanceHerbs and elixirs for HPAT hormone balanceKitchen wisdom for hormone balanceHormone balancing nutrient protocolsCreating community education and programs that balance the HPAT AxisGetting known for your expertise in this complex and highly in-demand areaBONUS: Meet Our Special Guest ExpertsIt is my great honor and pleasure to bring you Special Guest Experts that I’ve handpicked from among my many amazing colleagues, due to their expertise in applying Nutritional Endocrinology to restore balance to the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Thyroid Axis.Get SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo , Only Price $67Tag: SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo  Review. SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo  download. SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo  discount.Purchase SHINE January 2014 Conference – Ritamarie Loscalzo courses at here with PRICE $397 $72