Shift Network – Somatic Movement Summit 2023


Shift Network Somatic Movement Summit 2023
The recent Shift Network “Somatic Movement Summit” was hosted by a Feldenkrais Method student and included half dozen practitioners presenting their spins on the work.

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The recent Shift Network “Somatic Movement Summit” was hosted by a Feldenkrais Method student and included half dozen practitioners presenting their spins on the work.
File Size:25.525 GB Format File:90 MP4, 18 MP3, 73 PDF, 2 DOC

Shift Network – Somatic Movement Summit 2023

Shift Network Somatic Movement Summit Featured Feldies
Lavinia Plonk, Mia Segal and Leora Gaster, Anat Baniel, Linda and Russell Delman Representing!

Awareness Through Movement® and The Feldenkrais Method® are beginning to penetrate the ‘new age’ mainstream.
The recent Shift Network “Somatic Movement Summit” was hosted by a Feldenkrais Method student and included half dozen practitioners presenting their spins on the work.
My friend Jamee Culbertson, with whom I trained in the International Healing Tao practices, is an Internationally Certified Alexander Technique Instructor.
She presented on Chi Kung and the Alexander Technique.

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