Shelly Bullard – The Abundance Course


Shelly Bullard – The Abundance CourseFIND OUT HOW EASY MANIFESTING MONEY & ABUNDANCE CAN BEWEALTH IS THE NATURE OF YOUR BEING…THE NATURE OF YOUR SOULAnd to the degree that you claim, resonate with, and embody the Abundance that you are, is the degree that you will attract and create Abundance (in all forms) into your life.That’s what this course will teach you to do. STRESS, FEAR, & OVERWHELM ABOUT MONEYDo you have bills that need to be paid and you don’t know how to pay them?Do you have credit card debt that’s bogging you down?Do you want to pay off your student loans, but can’t?You feel like you can never get ahead with your money?Is it hard for you to save enough money to create the life you desire?​Do you want to buy experiences and things you can’t afford, which makes you feel stuck, paralized, and wishing you had a different reality with money?I HEAR YOU.IT WASN’T LONG AGO THAT I WAS THERE, TOO.IT WASN’T LONG AGO THAT…I was fearful, out-of-control, powerless, overwhelmed and contracted with moneyI felt like my desires, dreams, and ideal-life were completely out-of-reachI had tons of debt (credit card, tax, and graduate school) & no clue how I’d pay it offI longed for freedom, security, and overflowing abundance in my life, but had no idea how to actually make that happenTHE TRUTH WAS: I WAS TERRIFIED ABOUT MONEY.AND THESE FEARS & LIMITING BELIEFS BLOCKED MY ABILITY TO ATTRACT MONEY INTO MY LIFE.I ADMITTED (TO MYSELF) THAT I HAD BEEN IN FEAR ABOUT MONEY MY ENTIRE LIFE.And this seemingly-small Moment of Truth was the turning point of my entire reality with money…Because once I got real with myself about how much fear I felt about money…And once I felt completely DONE with this fear… THEN I WAS PRIMED TO DO THE INNER-WORK THAT WOULD TAKE ME INTO A WHOLE, NEW REALITY WITH MONEY & ABUNDANCEHERE’S WHAT HAPPENED NEXT…In 6 weeks, I manifested my first 5-figure month (I made $20,000 within 6 weeks of doing the inner-work to shift my Wealth Vibration)2 months later, I manifested my first 5-figure day (I made $11,000 in 1 day – this had never happened to me before!)Now, 5-figure days have become a normal occurrence in my lifeI’ve smoothly and naturally manifested over 6-figures several years in a row…I’m now a multi-millionaire on-track to make a million dollars this year alone…I live on the tropical island of my dreams and travel whenever I wantI’m surrounded by people who love, adore, & support me (and I love, adore, & support them right back!)My lifestyle is amazing (I live in a beautiful home, eat amazing food, have an awesome community, and live an incredible day-to-day life)I’m in complete alignment with my purpose in life and the value I offer the worldI know my TRUE WORTH, deep-down in my SoulINTRODUCING:YOUR KEY TO DISCOVERING HOW EASY MANIFESTING MONEY & ABUNDANCE CAN BETrust me when I say:WEALTH IS TRULY THE NATURE OF YOUR BEING…THE NATURE OF YOUR SOULAnd when you learn how to claim, resonate with, and embody the Abundance that you are, YOU WILL MANIFEST and CREATE ABUNDANCE (in all forms) into your life. That’s what The Abundance Course will do for you. HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN THIS FULL-LENGTH COURSE(THAT WILL WALK YOU THROUGH EVERY STEP YOU TO MANIFEST MONEY INTO YOUR LIFE): THE SPIRITUALITY OF ABUNDANCE​Learn the process that you need to know to be successful at manifesting anything you desire (when you know this, manifesting anything becomes easy!)​Tap into your Infinite Energy (yourself as SOURCE), and learn how to use this connection to manifest abundance into your life, anytime you want​Find out why money is not your true Source of wealth… and what is. Once you know, again, manifesting becomes easy​Learn a daily meditation that will automatically boost your wealth-vibration, attracting more wealth and abundance to you easily, naturally, and fastOVERCOME YOUR BLOCKS TO WEALTHDiscover what’s blocking you from creating abundance in your life (why it’s been SO HARD to attract money) and the exact steps to unblock yourself​Free yourself from your past-conditioning that is keeping you in a scarcity mindset​Learn an invaluable 3-Step Process to dissolve your fears about money on the spot​Learn an amazingly useful 5-Step Process to transform your limiting beliefs into beliefs aligned with wealthWEALTH WITHIN​Discover countless tools & techniques that will significantly boost your experience of “inner wealth-vibe” which is KEY to you easily attracting more wealth and abundance into your lifeFind out how to boost your self-love and abundance at the same time (after all, they’re the same thing!)​Develop a steadfast, unwavering inner-experience of abundance; understand what it truly means to “embody ABUNDANCE” to create it from the inside-outCONSCIOUS MONEY PRACTICES​Learn countless tools on how to handle and manage your money (in a way that is not too heady – very easy, flowing, and light) so that you can finally feel CONFIDENT with your cash ​You have to make peace with your money if you want to attract it!! Learn how to create a loving, connected, present partnership with your money (so you can invite more of it in)​Learn how to turn your stress about money into FLOW & EASE about money​Discover how good it feels to look at your bank account when you actually have a good relationship with moneySURRENDER & RECEIVE​Discover the importance of trust and enjoy how good it feels to know the Universe has your back​Learn the 1 action you must take to attract abundance (yep, just 1!)​Find out your part in attracting wealth (exactly what you have to do) and the Infinite’s part​Be Abundance… the truth is, this is really all you have to do. Find out how.SECRETS TO KEEPING YOUR WEALTH-VIBE HIGH​Money is Spiritual! You’re supposed to experience abundance in this lifetime! Find out why…​Discover why creating money has nothing to do with your job… and what it depends on, instead​Find out exactly how to know when money and wealth are right around the corner (this is how you know it’s truly on its way)​Discover the #1 Rule (of all time) for successful manifesting!! Know this one thing, and you’ll always know how to create the life and abundance you wantWELL, LET ME REMIND YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.When I implemented the tools & techniques I’ll teach you in this course:• In 6 weeks, I manifested my first 5-figure month• Soon after, I manifested my first 5-figure day• Now, 5-figure days have become a normal occurrence in my life• I’ve smoothly and naturally manifested over 6-figures, two years in a row…AND HERE’S WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT IT…SO YOU CAN MANIFEST MONEY INTO YOUR LIFE. Here’s what we’re going to do:Energetic TransmissionThe videos, audios, and writing in this course were created in complete-alignment with the frequency of abundance. As you’re exposed to the material in this course, your wealth-vibration will naturally rise in frequency to match what’s being delivered to you. You’ll feel the difference internally and you’ll see the difference in your reality. Immediately.Divine KnowledgeEverything I create and live by is based on this simple truth: we create what we are. We create what we are. When you know that you’re a Divine Being and you learn how to work with your infinite energy, you can create whatever you desire in life. In this course, I walk you through how to do that, step-by-step.Practical ToolsIn addition to the deep, energetic work you’ll do, this course also offers you many, many practical tools on how to handle and manage money so your vibration stays high and the abundance continues to flow. You’ll receive 6 workbooks filled with over 40 exercises that will keep you on-track, raising your wealth-vibe over and over again.6 Modules, 40+ Lessons (each lesson includes video, audio, written material, and an exercise)6 PDF Workbooks filled with exercises guiding you towards transformationSelf-study course – move at your own pace and return to the material again and againAccess the course whenever you want, as much as you wantEffortless Abundance. Truth. Empowerment, Confidence, Fulfillment and Mastery with Money. There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.