SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2) – Dr. Ben Lynch


SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2)Dr. Ben Lynch originally presented this conference at Bastyr University in October 2013. The video recording and PowerPoint presentation were combined to create this distance learning course. Whether you work in primary care, oncology, environmental medicine, mental health, autism or midwifery, to name a few, this information will greatly enhance your practice and your own personal health. It focuses on methylation along with the various genetic mutations found along various critical pathways – and how they affect one’s health. The course will cover the following topics:the clinical significance of nutrigenomics, introducing methylation and the importance of healthy diet, lifestyle and environmentthe pathways of folate metabolism, B12, transmethylation, transsulfuration, SAMe, mitochondrial function, detoxification pathways and cell membrane functionscommon genetic polymorphisms along with their effects and interactions with diet, xenobiotics, nutrients and medicationsgenetic testing, how to take a clinical nutrigenomic history, signs and symptoms and lab testinghow to begin optimizing various genetic polymorphisms with diet, lifestyle, environmental changes, detoxification, medications and targeted supplementationidentification of problems with research, ‘natural deselection theory’ and empowering your patients with clinical nutrigenomicstalking with the patient to determine the pros and cons of knowing one’s own genetic propensity for diseaseGet SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2) – Dr. Ben Lynch, Only Price $37Upon completion of this distance learning course, you will be able to:discuss the various biochemical pathways affecting folate, B12, SAMe, methylation, detoxification, mitochondria and cell membraneslist various common genetic polymorphisms and how they interact with each otherexplain how to order and interpret various laboratory tests relating to this topicexplain the effects of diet, environment and supplementation on the various biochemical pathwaysestablish an individualized treatment program based on history, physical exam, lab testing and genetic polymorphismsPresenter: Benjamin Lynch, ND Dr. Ben Lynch received his bachelor’s degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Washington and his ND from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the cause of disease directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction. He currently researches, writes and presents worldwide on the topic of dirty genes. He lives in Seattle, WA with his wife, Nadia, and three boys, Tasman, Mathew and Theodor. Dr. Ben Lynch is also the President & CEO of, a company oriented towards disease prevention and health promotion.This eLearning course is made possible through a collaboration between Bastyr University and Seeking Health Educational Institute (SHEI), now operating as The original presentation was video/audio recorded, and the presentation slides have been embedded into the video. The original 12-hour presentation is divided into 21 “chapters” based on major topics. Each can be accessed individually as often as you wish, and at your convenience. You can watch/listen to the presentation and follow the slides simultaneously.Get SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2) – Dr. Ben Lynch, Only Price $37Tag: SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2) – Dr. Ben Lynch Review. SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2) – Dr. Ben Lynch download. SHEI: Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics & Pt. 1 (1/2) – Dr. Ben Lynch discount. methylation & clinical nutrigenomics. institute of. clinical nutrigenomics. methylation and clinical nutrigenomics