Shedreamsallday – Dreamer To Blogger



A true introvert’s proven step by step method:

How to successfully create and launch your new dream blog from scratch in 30 days or less –
with online confidence

“A couple of months ago, I decided that I needed help with starting my blog. As luck would have it,
I found Mia’s Dreamer to Blogger course and couldn’t have wished for better support.

Instead of feeling desperate about all the steps I had to go through to start my blog, the Dreamer to Blogger course helped me step by step in building my blog as well as my confidence.
I was positively surprised by the valuable content which exceeded my expectations.
Not only did I learn about the technical blog setups, but also content strategies, social media strategies and e-mail marketing which I didn’t have on my radar before.

Mia did a great job in explaining everything in detail in her calm and encouraging way.
Without Mia’s Dreamer to Blogger course I wouldn’t have been able to launch my blog so quickly. And her introverted perspective resonated with me because I felt understood. It’s not easy as an introvert in an extrovert world. But Mia built up my confidence. What more could I have wished for from a blog-building course?

I would recommend this blog to anyone who wants an easier start in the blog world and needs a confidence boost from a lovely, true blue introvert.
Thank you!”

– Veronika

If you’re a dreamer, an introvert wanting a life out of the ordinary 9-5 by starting a successful blog that makes money in your sleep
than you probably already know you need a proven step by step method for that to happen.

You’re smart and you’re here for a reason. You want to achieve amazing things and create an extraordinary life for yourself.
You know that you’re meant for more than the cubicle life
and you’re a 100% aware that
needs to change.

You want to live the sought after nomad life,
make money
in your sleep, have a a
dreamy personal brand
that people connect to and has the potential to change lives.

Most of all though, you’re here for freedom and to be an example of what’s possible for other introverts.



Starting your own dream blog comes with endless amounts of perks and amazing benefits.
Let’s dig into a few right now…

With blogging comes freedom

This very first benefit is the reason I got into blogging.It’s simple. Pure

Freedom to design your days how you want.

Freedom to travel the world while working on your blog.

Freedom to spend your time doing and teaching what you love.

Freedom to wake up when you want

Freedom to make your own decisions about your life and your work.

You can work from anywhere

Turning your blog into a business will give you the sought-after opportunity to work from anywhere, and I mean

Whether that’s by the pool in Ibiza, at home in your safe space, at your favorite local coffee shop or on an airplane on your way to somewhere magical.

Blogging makes working from anywhere possible.

You become a better writer

By blogging consistently you will naturally evolve into a better writer.

Your vocabulary will expand immensely. Blogging allows you to find your own unique voice and to express that voice.

Not only will you improve your writing skills, but you will also learn so much about yourself, online business and the world in the process and through your research.

You can make unlimited passive income

Yes, we’re going to talk a little about the money.

With blogging, you can literally make money in your sleep.
You also have complete control over your income.

You decide what you charge and you have the power to scale indefinitely. Running an online business means that the people you can reach with your services is endless.

There is no limit to how much money you can make online. In fact, the sky is the limit.

You get to change other people’s lives

While making money online is amazing, the best part about blogging is the fact that you get to provide your audience with so much value and change their lives – for the better.

They visit your blog and leave it feeling so much better about themselves. Get ready to receive
“your blog changed my life”
emails. It is without a doubt the best feeling in the world.

You become your own boss

Once you hit that publish button on your new blog you immediately turn into a CEO.
You become your own boss.
You have no one else to report to but to yourself.

Can I get a heck-yes?

Now, this also comes with challenges and risks – as you know – but being your own boss is so worth it.

You call the shots. You decide when you take time off. You’re a complete #GIRLBOSS and finally get to design your days how you want with an extra confidence boost knowing that you are making a difference in the world and for other people.


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