Shawn Williams – The Williams Guard 3 DVD Set


The long awaited Williams guard instructional is finally here! Shawn Williams breaks down what John Danaher Format File: [DVDRip – 54 MKVs] File Size: 7,927 GB

Shawn Williams – The Williams Guard 3 DVD Set

The long awaited Williams guard instructional is finally here! Shawn Williams breaks down what John Danaher coined, the Williams Guard. In the second part of the series, Shawn shows you all of the submission possibilities once you have the Williams Guard locked down; From Triangles, arm bars, omoplatas to reverse Kimuras.
Disc 1 – Set Ups
Intro, Main Concepts and History
The Williams Guard Explained
Key Components of Pummeling
How to Pummel
Effective Pummeling Drill
No set up
Pummel with head control
Pummel with head control – with resistance
Pummel with shin control
Hold shin and bridge
Up and Over
Reverse Kimura when opponent is stalling
Switching sides
Hand on Bicep release
Pummel while opponent punches
Punching set up


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Disc 2 – Traps and Submissions
Armlock when Opponent keeps Inside Control
Triangle – Bicep to Triangle Trap
Triangle – Leg Shake Method
Leg Around to Triangle Trap
Omoplata – Going on own choice
Omoplata – By Necessity 1
Omoplata – By Necessity 2
Countering the Step Over from the Williams Guard – Low Single
Countering Omoplata Step Over with See Saw Sweep
Countering Omoplata Cartwheel with Armlock
Reverse Kimura
Triangle from the Triangle Trap
Armlock from Triangle Trap
Pummel through back to Triangle Trap
Flow Drill
BONUS Disc! – Near Side Underhook Half Pass

The nearside underhook passing technique is probably one of the most under utilized half guard pass in BJJ. The position is rather unorthodox and goes against everything you probably already know about the half guard but try it and you will soon see why it is Shawn William’s favorite half guard pass.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Shawn Williams – The Williams Guard 3 DVD Set