Sharon Saline – 2-Day Certificate Course ADHD in Children and Adolescents


Behavior charts, social skills training, positive reinforcement, behavior contracts, rewards and consequences … you’ve tried everything to make progress with a child or adolescent diagnosed with ADHD with little persistent success.

Sharon Saline – 2-Day Certificate Course ADHD in Children and Adolescents

Why an Integrative, Collaborative Approach to ADHD?

Includes the client in the process of change to improve success rates
Builds self-esteem through strength-based thinking and acquisition of skills
Normalizes challenges related to living with ADHD – for kids and parent
Fosters self-acceptance through biology-based information

Assessment and Treatment Planning

How to obtain an accurate diagnosis
The neurobiology of ADHD, including the impact of trauma
Co-Occurring disorders: Is it ADHD and/or something else?

ODD, anxiety, OCD, learning disability, autism

Factors to consider:

Environmental influences, quality of sleep, video games/social media

Current population trends in co-existing disorders
Techniques for differential diagnosis
Individual vs. group therapy
How to engage the family in treatment
Limitations of the research and potential risks

The Critical Role of Executive Functioning (EF) in ADHD Treatment

What are executive functioning skills?
How to identify EF strengths and weaknesses
Effective methods for improving EF skills
Tools for uncovering family patterns related to EF skills

The Medication Debate: What Every Professional Needs to Know

Pros and cons of using medication to treat ADHD
How medications work: Stimulants and non-stimulants
Provide effective psychoeducation to clients about medication
Non-compliance: How to respond
Efficacy of common medication alternatives

The 5C’s Approach: Empower Kids for Success in School and Life

Teaching Self-Control for parents and kids
When Compassion is more than empathy
How Collaboration fosters essential buy-in
Consistency means steadiness, not perfection
Celebration encourages effort

ADHD at Home: Help Families Reduce Conflict and Stay Connected

Effective strategies to:

Avoid homework hassles
Manage emotional outbursts
Reduce meltdowns
Improve sibling relationships
Create routines and lists that help things run smoother

Getting things done: Improve motivation
Techniques for working with tired, dispirited adults

ADHD at School: Boost Academic and Social Success

Why school is the hardest domain of functioning
Classroom interventions that facilitate learning and self-confidence
Parent advocacy vs. interference (and what to do about it)
Create effective parent-school alliances
Strategies for teaching executive functioning skills related to academics
Tools to improve peer relationships
Techniques to help kids handle frustration and failure

ADHD in Therapy: Build Trust, Increase Awareness and Bolster Self-Esteem

Tools for developing self-acceptance
Strategies to address underlying shame, anxiety and low-self-esteem
Help kids accept their ADHD brains—strengths and challenges
Tips to navigate setbacks and refusal to participate

The ADHD Teen: Risky Behaviors and Special Considerations

Identify risk factors unique to teens with ADHD
Why nicotine, vaping and marijuana are so appealing and how to curb their use
Early and active sexuality: Help teens make healthy, safe choices
Vulnerability to bullying: Generate appropriate clinical, parental and school responses

Technology and ADHD

How today’s technology impacts the developing ADHD brain
The effect of social media on distractibility, self-esteem and peer relationships
Tips for fostering safe online practices
Gaming: Fun or an addiction?

Would you like to receive Sharon Saline – 2-Day Certificate Course ADHD in Children and Adolescents ?
Behavior charts, social skills training, positive reinforcement, behavior contracts, rewards and consequences … you’ve tried everything to make progress with a child or adolescent diagnosed with ADHD with little persistent success. Gains made in therapy or the classroom seem to be short-lived, leaving you feeling frustrated and ineffective.
You need a new approach – one that gets to the root of the problem to create meaningful change!
Watch ADHD expert Dr. Sharon Saline in this intensive course recording packed with practical tools and techniques you can use immediately with children, adolescents and their families to improve behavior, gain cooperation and repair relationships. Using a strength-based, collaborative approach that synthesizes neurobiology, behavior and emotion, you can create effective, powerful interventions for kids and families that go far beyond medication and crisis management.
Your toolbox will be overflowing with concrete, practical strategies that:

Reduce meltdowns and conflicts at home and school
Improve kids’ personal insight, judgment, impulse control and organization
Create a family-centered plan that the client will buy into
Address the shame, stress and anxiety that often accompany ADHD
Empower parents and other caregivers to be a part of the solution

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to transform your perspective and everyday approach with children and adolescents with ADHD!
 Here’s What You’ll Get in Sharon Saline – 2-Day Certificate Course ADHD in Children and Adolescents

Sharon Saline – 2-Day Certificate Course ADHD in Children and Adolescents : Sample