Sharon Kirstin – The Heart Of Money


The Heart of Money

A deep-dive course that will guide you to
uncover and release your money blocks
. Create a profound shift in perspective about money and break through to a higher level of abundance.

Video Lessons:
10 hours of recorded Facebook Live Training Sessions

Exclusive Interactive Workbook

Course Modules


Real talk about how your spiritual beliefs have likely kept you stuck in your base-line income and how you can shift your perspective to invite sacred money into your life. (118 mins; Value $199)


Get clear on your true money desires (it’s never really about the money) so that you can set incremental goals and take inspired action to call in your soulmate clients. (122 mins, Value $199)


Learn how to uncover and release any limiting money beliefs so that you can rewrite your money story and allow money into your life in avalanches. (122 mins, Value $199)


Raise your vibration to match your money goals so that you become a sacred money magnet and attract financial support now. (122 mins, Value $199)


Create your personalized powerful money mindset and manifesting routine so that you gain momentum and see your efforts unfold in money miracles. (122 mins, Value $199)

What People Are Saying:

> “Sharon was able to provide the direction I needed to understand how to better succeed in business and clearly identify my goals and intentions. Sharon guides you from your self-limiting beliefs, helps you organize your wants and needs to clearly identify your desire, and provides direction on structuring your activities for the desired outcomes. In less than one week, I am watching the outcomes I desire unfold before my very eyes. Thank you, Sharon, for the amount of time and energy you provided in your course. I am truly grateful!”


> “I am absolutely blown away with what I have taken from the five modules. Sharon is simply amazing! She has beautiful energy and is very gifted in her work. Sharon broke down my views around money, and really put into perspective what cycles I was in. I was completely unaware that I was stuck on a spinning wheel with no way out due to limiting beliefs. If not for Sharon really breaking these beliefs and feelings down, I think I would continue to be unaware and keep creating the same reality over and over again. My mind wouldn’t be free of the conditioning patterns that have been placed since childhood. Sharon not only brought these things to my awareness but gave me the tools to break these patterns and cycles which is truly life-changing on all levels. She was able to shift my mindset so I will no longer be a victim of fear and unworthiness around money or business. She is very analytical and will break down the big picture and really analyze what areas need to be worked on. She does this on a business/money level and a personal self-worth level. She always asks the right questions so you can be true to yourself while creating the beautiful vision of your desires. What Sharon does for others is truly a gift to all those that are fortunate enough to work with her and I am eternally grateful that I was one of them. I gained so much insight, inspiration, and personal power to create my own reality. Thank you so much, Sharon Kirstin. This was very hard for me to write because I really can’t put into words how much you have helped me in more than one way.”


> “The work Sharon put in in this money mindset course wasn’t your average freebie challenge. It was done with heart, soul, and purpose. The information Sharon shared was insightful and, as importantly, ACTIONABLE. As a true lightworker, she gave us tools we could put to use immediately, she challenged us and demanded input and work from us. My mind is still processing the info and planning changes in my biz as well as refining my intentions. And for all that I’m extremely grateful!”


> “It was an amazing experience. Not only referring to what I learned about money but also referring to the shift of my own energy that happened. Before starting the course, I felt stuck and kind of lost. I did not know where to start building my own spiritual business. My vibration was very low. To be honest, I didn’t believe in my dream of having my own spiritual business – that my soul is craving for so much – anymore. Sharon helped me to get out of that. All in all, this course meant so much more to me than only learning how to make money. It helped me to find myself again and to get myself out of a very dark and cold place where I felt lost for a long time and where I wasn’t able to believe in my dreams anymore. Words are not enough to explain how blessed and thankful I am for this experience.”


> “It has been a wonderful, eye-opening experience. It is so nice to feel positive expectancy again, instead of just dread. You have reminded me of the truth that lies within that I am the creator of my experience and all it takes to change my life experience is one single thought. I challenged myself to manifest some small things and build on those. From the time that I made a decision to manifest something, until the time it came into physical being, was less than 24 hours. It really can work that fast. Thank you for reminding me that to clean out my clutter (things that don’t or no longer serve me) means to open up the sacred space for things to come into my experience that do serve me.”


> “This is life-changing not only for me but my family and I can’t thank Sharon enough for touching our lives in such an inspiring and beautiful way. Thank you, Sharon! My heart is singing and dancing right now and I can’t stop smiling lol.”


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