Shamanic Lucid Dreaming – Robert Moss


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $129 $794, Shamanic Lucid Dreaming – Robert Moss Course.With Bestselling Author and Dream ArcheologistRobert MossA 12-Module On-Demand Video TrainingIncludes 7-Module Introductory Program!Come home to your true calling with shamanic lucid dreaming and become an empowered co-creator of new possibilities for your life.We are all on a great adventure…… the journey of becoming who we were meant to be.When we find and follow our soul’s calling we feel at ease, vital, happy, courageous, playful, creative, and fulfilled. The Universe seems to open its doors to us. When we follow our soul’s calling, and give ourselves to the Life Work that is ours and no other’s, our gifts are multiplied, because we draw to us supporting powers from the unseen, starting with our own creative genius. Yet, for many of us, who have been knocked off course over the past couple years and are feeling more lost and ungrounded than ever before — dealing with challenges we could never have imagined — finding our way to this most sacred and enduring part of ourselves may seem daunting.But it can be done, and it can be a profound, as well as a fun and magical journey.Our dreams will guide us, if we pay attention. So will the dreamlike play of signs and synchronicity in the world around us. We can reach, in shamanic lucid dreaming, to our great Imagineer, our Magical Child, to our Higher Self, and to a whole family of spiritual allies.In this inspiring, life-shifting 12-module course with bestselling author and dream archaeologist Robert Moss, you’ll learn how to explore the dreamtime as one of the most powerful opportunities for true soul work, healing, and transformation.You’ll dream-journey while awake, practicing shamanic lucid dreaming, Robert’s powerful and original synthesis of shamanic journeying, creative imagination, and his modern dreamwork approach called Active Dreaming.Robert coined the word kairomancy to describe the practice of navigating by synchronicity in those special moments of meaningful coincidence when you feel the play of forces pushing through the curtains of ordinary perception.You’re a kairomancer when you learn how to recognize when the world is speaking to you in signs and symbols — and when you learn how to seize these Kairos moments of opportunity before they slip away.In this 12-module course, you’ll create a magical deck of Soul Cards inspired by listening to your dreams to bring their images and wisdom to life as clues for finding your way.You’ll learn how to work with your dreams to help you face and walk through your fears, unveil and integrate suppressed parts of yourself, clear ancestral karma, and bring home your playful child self, with her energy, curiosity and wonder that can help you re-imagine your life possibilities.You’ll commune with inner teachers, animal guardians, nature spirits, angels, ancestral wisdom keepers, and parallel selves, as you track your soul connections in the multiverse.You’ll practice real magic, which is the art of bringing gifts from one world into another. You do that when you bring healing and creative energy and navigational guidance from the dreamworld into the physical world.You’ll learn a powerful way of dreaming that provides keys to soul remembering — recalling who you are, where you come from and what you are meant to become in this lifetime.You’ll find that shamanic lucid dreaming may also be the key to locating and bringing together aspects of your vital energy and identity that went missing when the world seemed too cold and too cruel: a path of profound soul healing.If you’ve been going through a dream drought, you’ll find your dreams coming back, like butterflies. You’ll discover how your sleep dreams can help you wake up to a deeper order of reality and purpose, while you also learn to dream wide awake, alive to the dreamlike play of symbols in the world around you.You’ll practice the dream shaman’s art of embarking on conscious journeys across time and dimensions, and you’ll establish personal base camps and private portals for your adventures in the Many Worlds.You’ll discover how to develop simple rituals and everyday practices to honor your dreams and journeys and embody their healing and creative energy.As you awaken to what dreaming can be, you open communication with your authentic spiritual teachers, you restore your inner compass and you gain access to creative solutions that escape the everyday mind.You’ll discover, as Emerson wrote: There is one direction in which space is open to you.This passionate and practical American philosopher of soul was telling us that when we find and follow our soul’s direction, we find our way is open. The wind is at our back, the current flows our way. When we fail to follow our unique call, on the other hand, the world resists our passage.Like all fundamental truths, it’s quite simple. We need to identify our soul’s direction, our unique calling, and go forward in that knowledge.Shamanic Lucid Dreaming gives us beautiful and practical ways to accomplish this, dreaming with eyes open and with eyes closed. Welcome to a path of limitless adventure, healing, and possibilityThe Value of an Expert GuideRobert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts who has inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops throughout a lifetime of teaching.Like a wise shamanic elder, Robert can show you how to use time-tested principles and practices from dreamwork to create an entirely new experience of your nighttime life that also leads to a deeper, more satisfying daytime life.Robert also has an uncanny way of helping you shift your core beliefs and self-conceptions to see the bigger story for your life. And he uses story as a teaching tool — one of the most enjoyable aspects of his teaching, according to his students.Robert was initiated early into a life of exploration of the unconscious and unseen worlds, having three near-death experiences as a child, which provided him with early access to other realms. Some of his own capacities also come from his Australian upbringing and early learnings from Aborigines. This led to a lifetime committed to mastering the dreamtime (which includes both nighttime and “waking” reality) and sharing what he has learned.During this adventure-packed journey with Robert, you’ll:Learn that when you’re passionately engaged in a creative venture, you draw support from other minds and other beings, seen and unseenMeet the Soul of your Soul on the highest level accessible to you nowUse a dream or personal image as the portal for a shamanic journeyDiscover a place of sanctuary and connection with spiritual allies you can go to any timeBreak a dream drought and open to the power of your dreamsLearn a fun, fast way to share your dreams and life stories with others and receive helpful feedback and guidance on how to embody their guidance and energy in everyday lifeKeep a journal as a secret book of your soul and a place to free your inner seer and creatorFind your Windhorse of Spirit and ride it to a reunion with aspects of your Self and your gifts that have not been fully present in your lifeLearn a simple, practical ritual for fire, releasing heavy energy and unwanted attachmentsDevelop a treasury of living symbols you can use to release the creator in you, connect with spiritual traditions that are calling you, and help heal yourself and othersPractice everyday seership and enter creative flow with the help of the element of waterUse dreams and life memories as clues to where vital energy and identity have gone missing and can be foundJourney through the 7 major chakras to diagnose your current state of physical, emotional, and mental healthLearn that all our life choices are witnessed by that creative spirit that Yeats called the daimon and the Romans called the geniusView the Master Work you will bring into the world, as it already exists in a deeper realityJourney into a parallel life to dismiss old regrets and claim gifts and knowledge from your selves who made different choicesAnd much more…What You’ll Discover in These 12 ModulesIn this 12-module transformational training, Robert will guide you through the fundamental skills you’ll need to successfully unveil and follow your soul direction and true calling using powerful shamanic lucid-dreaming practices and the wisdom and guidance of the dreamtime.This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Robert. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to embark on a profound adventure of soul-inquiry — accelerating your personal and spiritual growth for a life of meaning, passion, and joy.If you have not experienced Robert’s teachings before, you’re welcome in this advanced training but we ask you to complete the foundational Dream With the Soul of the World 7-module program on your own as a prerequisite, which will be included in your registration and can be completed before or in tandem with this advanced intensive.Module 1: Journey to the Cave of Great Mother BearGet ready to go deep at the very start of this course, into a place of healing, regeneration, and re-connection with the animal spirits. In a shamanic journey, powered by drumming, you’ll be invited to enter the embrace of Great Mother Bear, the great medicine animal of North America, to discover what you need to heal yourself and help others to heal.You may meet other animal doctors — shamanic types (and everyone who dreams is a little bit shaman) — and have connections with many animal spirits that offer distinct gifts and medicine. You’ll also discover or grow your personal Tree of Vision and find you can use it as a portal to many worlds.In this opening class, you’ll be invited to:Grow your personal Tree of Vision as a gateway between worldsJourney to the Cave of Great Mother Bear for healing, guidance, and renewalDiscover a place of sanctuary and connection with spiritual allies you can go to any timeBreak a dream drought and open to the power of your dreamsLearn a fun, fast way to share your dreams and life stories with others and receive helpful feedback and guidance on how to embody their guidance and energy in everyday lifeKeep a journal as a secret book of your soul and a place to free your inner seer and creatorModule 2: Become a Shamanic Lucid DreamerHow do you become a shamanic lucid dreamer? You start out conscious and you stay that way.To accomplish this, you only need three things: a clear intention, an image that can serve as a portal, and a means of focusing the mind and fueling the journey. All these things can become available naturally, in the twilight zone of consciousness that researchers call hypnagogia — the state where you’re between sleep and waking. Images rise and fall in your mind and any one of those images can become the gateway for a conscious dream adventure.An equally simple and natural way to become a shamanic lucid dreamer is to use a remembered dream as the portal for a journey into a deeper reality. A dream is a journey; it is also a place. You went somewhere in your dream, near or far from the fields you know in your regular life, and because you have been to that place, you can find your way there again to seek wisdom, pursue healing, and glimpse new possibilities.In this class, you’ll learn how to:Use a dream or personal image as the portal for a shamanic journeyReenter a dream to confront and resolve a nightmare terror, solve a mystery, or claim a powerUse the liminal state between sleep and awake as the launch pad for lucid dream adventuresDialogue with a dream characterConstruct personal doorways to places of healing, discovery, and initiation in the multiverseMake personal Soul Cards from your dreams and journeys that you can grow into a whole deckModule 3: Bring Home Your Beautiful DreamerThe child in you is the master of dreams and imagination, the Great Imagineer. If we have lost our dreams and have trouble visualizing, it is often because we have lost touch with the beautiful bright dreamer in our soul. She may have gone missing because of soul loss caused by pain, abuse, or grief, or withdrawn her energy because we have forgotten to play and aren’t much fun to be around.As a time traveler, you can journey to a younger self in her own Now time. As a voice in her mind, you can provide the encouragement and counsel she may need at a time of unbearable pain or challenge. You can be the friend and protector she lacked when her need was great. From this tremendous healing can flow for both of you — for you in your present time and for her in her own time.In this class, you’ll learn how to:Use dreams and life memories as clues to where vital energy and identity that have gone missing and can be foundTravel to a place where you can reclaim soul energy and reconnect with younger selves, including the child of wonder who may have left your life because the world seemed too cruelJourney across time to younger selves who need help and support in their own Now timeEntertain your spirits — your child self, your teen self, your Goddess self, your animal spirits — in your body and your lifeApply the very best medicine for nightmares and scary dreamsModule 4: Create an Energy Map & Raise Your Animal SpiritsWhen shamans dream, they are often accompanied by spirit allies who appear in animal form. Developing a strong working connection with power animals will give you essential guidance and protection. This is one of the quickest ways to raise your vitality and discern the natural path of your energy.You are now invited to make a 7-part shamanic journey through the major centers in your energy body. You will find this gives you a remarkable diagnostic picture of the present state of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It facilitates far more…You’ll return with an energy map you can use for further journeys of healing and self-understanding.You’ll find that your connection with the animal powers comes richly alive and that you develop a fabulous treasury of living symbols. The artist in you will come vividly alive as well, as you are invited to create a living totem pole from your adventures.In this class, you’ll:Journey through the 7 major chakras to diagnose your current state of physical, emotional, and mental healthConnect more deeply with animal helpers and see where they want to live in your energy body — and how they want you to liveDevelop a treasury of living symbols you can use to release the creator in you, connect with spiritual traditions that are calling you, and help heal yourself and othersRelease your inner artist and creatorDiscover fresh images for your Soul CardsModule 5: Connect With the Spirits of WindAs you turn towards the East, you’ll feel an inner sun rising within you. You’ll encounter the wisdom teachers and shamanic allies of this direction. You’ll reconnect with the Bird tribes and be invited to fly on their wings and claim their power of vision.In a deep shamanic journey, you’ll be invited to meet your Windhorse of Spirit and ride it to a reunion with aspects of your Self and your gifts that have not been fully present in your life.You’ll be invited to:Greet the Guardians of AirRelax into the flow of wind, water, and breath in a meditation inspired by the Pueblo Indian understanding of creativityVisit the Palace of the WindsFind your Windhorse of Spirit and ride it to a reunion with aspects of your Self and your gifts that have not been fully present in your lifeDiscover a metaphor for transformation you can live by in the Cycle of the ButterflyCreate journal pages and Soul Cards to honor your experiencesModule 6: Meet Spirits of FireAs you turn towards the south, you’ll feel your inner fire coming alive. We will borrow clues to rebirth through fire from the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Day (better known as The Book of the Dead).In the chapter titled “Being Transformed Into a Bennu-Bird” (which we know as the phoenix), we’ll read that it is “a million million times” true that one who has experienced the bennu-transformation is strong and free in all worlds.In this module, you’ll:Greet the Guardians of the FlameLearn a simple, practical ritual for fire, releasing heavy energy and unwanted attachmentsMeet the Lion GoddessEnter the Phoenix Fire of RebirthJourney through Blue Fire to your School of SoulCreate journal pages and Soul Cards to honor your experiencesModule 7: Flow With the Spirits of WaterAs you turn towards the west, you’ll feel the sea breeze on your skin. You’ll see the river of your life streaming to join the ocean. You’ll recall all your dreams of water, the ones where you felt you would be overwhelmed by a giant wave and the ones where you awakened, with delight, to how you can swim and breathe in a different element.You are open now to the teachings of water: to flow rather than to push, to stream round an obstacle rather than charge it head on. And you are ready to heal and release with the help of water.In this class, you’ll be invited to:Greet the Guardians of WaterMeet the Fast-Flowing Celtic Goddess of Dreams and RiversJourney to the Blue Lake of Healing, a real place of profound regeneration deep in the realm of the animal powersLearn a simple water ritual for releasing old attachments and whatever binds youPractice everyday seership and enter creative flow with the help of waterCreate journal pages and Soul Cards to honor your experiencesModule 8: Call in the Spirits of the EarthYour ancestors are calling — ancestors of your bloodlines, of the land where you live or travel, and from your larger soul family across space and time.In this class, deep in the Cave of the Ancestors and the realm of Ancient Mother, you will confirm that healing, forgiveness, and mutual support are always possible between the living and the departed.You’ll have the chance to acquire some of the skills of the dream archaeologist, who helps reclaim authentic knowledge of ancestral traditions through a combination of careful research, detective work, and shamanic dreaming.In this class, you’ll:Greet the Guardians of EarthInvoke the blessing and healing of the Ancient MotherJourney to the Cave of the AncestorsTrack your spiritual DNA to the ancestors you need to knowAccess secrets of past times — of which your waking mind may know nothing or very little — following clues from your dreamsMake shamanic journeys to the ancestors for cultural soul recovery, reclaiming authentic traditions and spiritual practicesConstruct effective rituals to release ancestral karma and the earth-bound deadPractice walking in the Speaking LandModule 9: Meet Your Higher SelfOf all the guides and mentors that may become available to us in a lifetime, the most important is a friend of the soul that will never lie to us and will never judge us. It is the higher self, which the Sufis beautifully call the Soul of the Soul.Ultimately we can only make peace between the many aspects of ourselves by opening a direct and conscious connection with the higher self — the self that is no stranger.The Yoruba have a fascinating teaching about this. They say that we have a “double in heaven” who watches us from a higher level while we operate down below as “the double in the marketplace”. From life to life, they say, we switch roles with that other self.In this class, you’ll:Meet the Soul of your Soul on the highest level accessible to you nowPractice deep soul remembering, reclaiming the knowledge of who you were before you came into your present bodyRemember your sacred contractAttain a witness perspective from which you can bring clarity to current life choicesEmbody knowledge and energy from your higher self in your present life — and keep it with you!Module 10: Connect With Your Soul Family in Many WorldsYour present life is intimately related to dramas and relationships that are playing out in other times — past, future, and parallel. From a higher perspective it may all be going on Now, so that choices any of us make impact those of others.Part of the secret logic of your life may be that your paths constantly interweave with those of numberless parallel selves, sometimes converging or even merging, sometimes diverging ever farther. The gifts and failings of these alternate selves may influence you in ways you generally fail to recognize.You can learn to travel into the life experiences of personalities in other time periods with whom you are connected in your multidimensional family of selves. You do this spontaneously in your night dreams, whether or not you notice. When you learn to do it consciously, your view of life and possibility expands tremendously.In this class, you’ll:Explore your connection with the lives and dramas of personalities living in other timesIdentify members of your soul family and spiritual lineage in other timesLearn how past-life and other-life dramas may be influencing your present life and relationshipsJourney through effective portals to enter a past-life or other-life situation and establish conscious communication with your counterpart in that time for mutual benefitRecognize that serial dreams may be glimpses of continuous lives you are living in other realitiesJourney into a parallel life to dismiss old regrets and claim gifts and knowledge from your selves who made different choicesModule 11: Open to Source Energy & Co-Create With Your GeniusWhen we take on a creative project — and its element of risk — and step out of whatever box we have been in, we draw supporting powers, especially the power that the ancients called the genius or the daimon.The word genius is related to gignere, which means to engender or beget. It implies reproductive energy, the power of inseminating new life. To choose and act creatively, we must be able to put our commonplace selves, with their reliance on structures and schedules, on one side, and make room for the source energy of the begetter.In this class, you’ll:Learn that when you’re passionately engaged in a creative venture, you draw support from other minds and other beings, seen and unseenDiscover how you attract greater support for life’s biggest challenges — because great spirits love great challengesLearn that all our life choices are witnessed by that creative spirit that Yeats called the daimon and the Romans called the geniusLearn that the genius lends or withholds its immense energy from our lives according to whether we choose the big agenda or the little one — the daimon is bored by our everyday vacillations and compromisesModule 12: Follow Your Soul’s CallingIn this final class, we’ll explore vital navigational guidance for following our soul direction from Emerson’s Spiritual Laws, including:The talent is the call. When you follow your soul’s calling, and give yourself to the work, the life work that is yours and no other’s, your gifts are multiplied, because we draw to us supporting powers from the unseen, starting with your own creative genius.There is one direction in which space is open to you. This explains why, when you’re unsure of or uncommitted to your calling, you find blocks and opposition placed in your path.On that side, all obstruction is taken away. When you follow the soul’s direction, the way ahead is open, and wind and water flow with you. You draw new allies, events, and resources to you.What you now deliver in your world is unique, yet it springs from the mode in which the general soul incarnates in you.You have no rival when you follow your direction and live as a creator. To be a creator is to bring something new into the world, the thing only you can give.You have the power to do something unique, and no one has any other call.In this last module, we will make these marvelous lines from Emerson the stuff of high-octane meditation, releasing them into our current lives.You will be invited to:Meditate with Emerson, America’s great philosopher of soulJourney to the Imaginal Realm — the realm of true imagination — called the Soul MuseumConnect or reconnect with a master teacher in whatever creative field is calling you