
Seth Young – Instant Traffic Formula

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Seth Young – Instant Traffic Formula
Attention All Struggling Marketers:

Discover the Simple System That

Drives Massive Free Traffic…


Finally: A complete, easy-to-use, step-by-step traffic system that works FAST.
This traffic system is so simple that you are probably ALREADY using it without realizing its incredible traffic-generating power!
When you are ready to learn how to drive massive volumes of traffic to your current or future business, please read the important message below.
From the Desk of: Seth Young

Date: August 28, 2017
Dear Friend,
I know how busy you probably are, so thank you for taking the time to read this page.
As a token of my appreciation, I would like to tell you about my shockingly-simple technique for bringing tons of targeted, FREE traffic to your website, blog, or anywhere else.
Whether you are a complete newbie looking to start making money online… or a seasoned veteran trying to increase your revenues… or anything in between…
Whatever your situation, what you probably want the most is…
More Targeted, Profitable Traffic
Just like everyone else, what you need is more of the RIGHT KIND of traffic.
And I want to show you how to get it.
Simply put, I have developed a method for generating an incredible amount of traffic with little effort. Even if you don’t have a website.
What’s more, it is fun, and it won’t feel like “work” at all.
I know that you might find all that hard to believe.
But that is probably because you have been conditioned to believe the following traffic MYTHS:
Traffic Myths (and Facts)

The good news is that there IS a better way to generate traffic.
A Better Way to Bring Traffic

I want to show you a better way:
A traffic method that does not require Google at ALL, but paradoxically can help your search engine optimization in a totally white-hat way.

A traffic technique that lets you directly reach huge numbers of potential customers.

A system that can drive traffic to your website, blog, affiliate link or just about anywhere.

Get other products by Seth Young right now!
My system is:

No technical skills needed, no research, no complicated spreadsheets or special software. Just pick a web page — or even an affiliate link — and then drive traffic to it with a few clicks and keystrokes. I will also show you the best way I have found to create a blog or website and quickly add awesome, free content. And then you can drive traffic to it.

No waiting for months to see if Google will like your web pages. Once you are set up, you can send traffic to just about anywhere in minutes. Minutes.

No “hard work”, no forcing yourself to do things that you hate. Just be yourself and do whatever it is that you love. Not only will you have fun and get lots of traffic, people will respect you for it too. (Yes, I am 100% serious.)

No need to pay for ads, no outsourcing, no software to buy, and you don’t even need to own a website. (But if you have one already, or set one up with my instructions, that is even better.) Just lots of free traffic from free websites to wherever you want.


Just about ANYONE can do this. In fact, tens of MILLIONS of people are already doing it, on a small scale, without realizing they could do it on a larger scale to make money.
And most importantly:


Yes, it works, big-time! Like for my assistant Esther: She had ZERO experience doing this kind of thing and had to start completely from scratch. She put in 2 months of part-time work, gradually increasing her traffic payoffs. She then sent more than 19,000 free, targeted visitors to one simple blog post… which took about 10 minutes to create.
Esther generated over $62 in ad revenues from those free visitors. That is income she can recreate over and over and over again! And she has barely begun monetizing her pages.
Wouldn’t you like to learn how to drive 19,000 visitors to your website, like Esther did?
Now you can:
Introducing Instant Traffic Formula

With Instant Traffic Formula you will learn the exact same method I taught Esther, which enabled her to drive 19,000 visitors to just one blog post. I will teach you exactly how to do it yourself by showing you real examples of my own, right on your computer screen.
You will see just how simple it is when you join, but for now I will give you one big hint about what makes Instant Traffic Formula so different from what you have seen elsewhere:
People, Not Algorithms

People The key to Instant Traffic Formula is that you will interact directly with your audience. I will show you how to use free, easily-accessible tools to quickly reach a lot of people and send them anywhere you choose.
NotIn contrast, search engine optimization puts Google between you and your potential customers, so you have to worry about what Google wants instead of what your potential visitors and customers want.
AlgorithmsWith Instant Traffic Formula you will have fun getting better and better at giving people like you what they want. The more you help them, the more traffic you will generate and the better you will become at making money from that traffic.
Which Traffic Method Sounds Better to You?

Two Traffic Methods, SEO vs. Instant Traffic Formula
Get Seth Young – Instant Traffic Formula on right now!
My Formula Works

I have used a basic version of my traffic formula for years to drive instant traffic to my websites.
It worked! I was able to generate traffic spikes to many, many different pages whenever I liked.
As a bonus, I often saw a sustained increase in Google traffic directly to my pages. Like this:
Traffic Spikes + Google Traffic
I drove traffic to my sites this way so many times that I have long since lost count.
Still, I wanted MORE traffic. I tried different strategies to accomplish that but saw no significant benefits.
Then I finally cracked the code on how to change my traffic stream to a traffic TSUNAMI:
190 Times More Traffic

After years of using my system to generate traffic at will, I found two simple changes that caused my traffic numbers to EXPLODE.
Together, these two changes enabled my assistant Esther drive 19,000+ visitors to a single blog post, as I wrote about above.
That’s roughly 190 TIMES more traffic than I was getting before!
Here Is What You Get When You Join Instant Traffic Formula

The Big Picture
1) The Big Picture: How the system works.

A detailed overview of the how the system works. Make sure you are sitting down, because when you find out just how simple it is you are going to kick yourself for not figuring it out yourself.
Free Blog
2) How to set up your own free blog

I will show you how to quickly create your online presence with a free blog. And I will show you how to add awesome content to it which will only take about 10 minutes per post.
Website Setup
3) How to Create your Own Website, Fast and Cheap

Have your own great-looking website on your own domain in no time. (Optional but recommended.) Again, you will be able to add awesome content that people will love, fast!
4) Driving Traffic

How to set up your traffic system from scratch. Creating online assets and optimizing your traffic generation. How to reach your audience and get them to click over to your site. And what to do and what NOT to do in order to get the powers-that-be to help you in your traffic quest.
Trakcking and Monetizing
5) Tracking Traffic and Monetizing Your Site or Blog

Learn how to monitor your traffic levels so you can know what works best for you. Plus how to maximize your earnings when the traffic comes.
Email Marketing
6) Email Marketing

How to capture your visitors’ email addresses so that you can bring them back to your site and sell them products later on. Your email list is an asset that can definitely be a revenue multiplier for your new business.
The Next Steps
7) The Next Steps for Growing Your Business

This is just the beginning! Once you are receiving lots of traffic and making real money from it, you are going to want to know how to get more. Find out the best ways to move forward once you have your initial success.
Get Seth Young – Instant Traffic Formula right now