Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall


I was battling low-grade mono as a result of the stress. Waking up in the middle of the night, sheets soaked in sweat.I had no idea how I was going to go get a new sales job when I hadn’t accomplished anything in the old one – after a year and a half.I came home from a seminar one day carrying a ray of hope in a burlap bag: A set of manuals on how to develop hard-core, results-accountable direct marketing. I had taken a chance and put $300 on one credit card that still wasn’t maxed out.Before then, I never spent such a large amount of money on such a relatively small course.Plus, it didn’t even look like much. Its packaging was shabby, the contents were inconsistent and my boss had chuckled when I told him about it.I even entertained the thought of returning the kit and asking for a refund. But I saw just enough evidence to indicate that this stuff might actually work. If it did, I could build results-accountable marketing and advertising systems.I could write copy and generate leads. I could read the newsletters I received each month. I could apply the examples and adapt the ideas I was given and dig myself out of this hole I was in.Frankly, I didn’t have much choice. I was going down the tubes fast and something was going to HAVE to work!Every night, I would come home and study marketing courses and newsletters.It was only a few weeks later that I was demoted. My boss was about to outright fire me. But then another guy in another department vacated his position. They offered it to me.The new position was an even worse match than the old one. And now I was really driving on fumes.I eventually got fired from that job too.But a couple of days before I got fired, I interviewed at a very small company that needed a sales guy.In the interview, the guy asked me, “What would you do if you couldn’t fly out to meet with customers?”I said, “I’d talk to them on the phone and figure out how to sell them without going to see anybody.”They asked me that question because they had no budget for travel. That was the answer that landed me the job. They were almost as desperate for a sales guy as I was for a sales job. So they hired me.They had a very basic website. The new company owner was flexible and curious. They had a small but interesting product line that was selling $200,000 of shipments per year. And I went to work.For the next four years, we worked day and night to grow our dream.We grew sales to $600K. Then to $1.2 million. Then $1.7 million and $2.2 million.I was never given more than $2,000 to $3,000 to invest in marketing at any one time. And what little money I was given, had to come back with friends attached in 90 days or less.We bunked together at conferences to save money. We piggybacked off other companies and associations as much as possible. We created hands-on workshops to generate extra cash and expert street cred. We leaned on our sales partners.I was always a little paranoid. We had so little margin for error.Never before had anyone squeezed so much juice out of one marketing newsletter subscription, as I squeezed out of mine!Between that tattered marketing manual, the monthly newsletters, call-in days, a private discussion forum (which I accessed voraciously, alternately posting and lurking) and occasional live seminars, I built my marketing road to freedom.Even if I felt I couldn’t afford to buy a product, come to a seminar or hire a coach, I always held on to that newsletter subscription. It was my lifeline.Every time I had a critical decision to make, a marketing piece that needed critique, a strategy that needed to be examined, I went to that private discussion group and posted my question.I learned how great business minds think. I discovered new ways to approach almost any situation. I developed an alter-ego, a model of success inside my head. Because I knew my mentors were succeeding more easily “by accident” than I could “on purpose.”Anytime I saw something in marketing that I didn’t understand, I asked the other members how it worked.I vowed to become the best student of marketing I could possibly be. I wanted to get to a point where nothing could stump me. Where I was prepared for anything.I became a Marketing Maniac. My friends started forwarding great pieces of marketing to me, saving their junk mail and bringing it when they came over.I became a student of my own industry. I paid close attention to the experts and authorities. I monitored the technology trends. Our company designed a brand-new chip, and I was intimately familiar with the landscape and what kind of features our customers wanted on that chip.And when I encountered situations I’d never seen before, I asked myself this question:What marketing PRINCIPLE, that I have already discovered, applies to this situation?Get Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall , Only Price $92There was always an answer. If I couldn’t figure it out, there was someone somewhere who would. All those people were at my fingertips.At the time, the web was brand new. It was mostly this big giant mystery box. But I realized “there’s nothing new under the sun” and that a great deal of things from the catalog business and direct mail applied to websites.My commitment to mastery paid off.My first commission check was the biggest I’d ever gotten in my life.Every day, instead of coming to the office and making phone calls, emails, voice mails and inquiries came IN. Sales leads that I could follow up with, questions I could answer, customers seeking help.I wasn’t chasing them. They were chasing ME!(Being pursued by customers after years of dialing for dollars was better than any therapy.)I grew interested in creating publicity. I pursued information and training on how to create that kind of magic. We got tens of thousands of dollars of free publicity in industry magazines and blogs, for virtually zero cost. We grew in stature, influence and respect.Eventually a public company caught wind of our new chip and made an offer to buy us out. The deal came together and the transaction was made: $18 million in cash and stock.The company I had helped build was sold. And I was offered two choices: Parachute out of the Dilbert Cube with a nice buyout…or stick around and work for the new owners.I hemmed and hawed and pondered and analyzed.My wife, Laura, did not hesitate:“Take the money and run, Perry! You’ve always wanted to do your own thing, now’s your shot!”I wasn’t sure.I asked the members of the private forum, whom I’d met at a conference, what they thought I should do. I got absolutely unanimous advice from eight different people. One of them said:I’ve built and sold three companies and I can tell you that the new company never “gets it”… In 40 years of doing business, I’ve never seen a post-acquisition arrangement that was good for the person who made it all possible… Just take the money and run, run, run!So I ran. I grabbed my stock options and hung out my shingle as Perry S. Marshall & Associates.I’ll never forget my last day of work: Your job in the rear-view mirror for the last time.Wow. Just Wow!!!A feeling of elation, of weight being lifted from my shoulders.What I “didn’t miss” the most was all the fighting and politics.I’ll never forget my first few weeks working at home.I’ll never, never forget — a couple of days after the exodus, I cleared out a corner in the basement and set up a desk with my computer playing WFMT on the radio.I come down in the morning and sit down.The phone ain’t ringing. My email box isn’t full of stuff I’ve gotta do and questions to answer (also mildly shocking, but that would soon change, of course), nobody yelling at me, nobody arguing about anything or reducing my commission; not having to run run run all the time.That classical music was almost shocking in its serenity. The sunlight coming through the window, instead of a fluorescent light over my head in a windowless compound.I’ll never forget that.Three weeks later, the first paying client kicks in:“This thing’s going to work. I’m not going back.”To turn on Mozart (or Marillion) and work on marketing projects uninterrupted for hours at a time, to see the sunlight streaming through the window instead of buzzing fluorescent lights. Unafraid that my phone extension was going to ring and I was going to get summoned to someone’s office to get interrogated about something or some rumor that was floating around.Avoiding ArmageddonWhile we waited for the first checks to come in, we borrowed money from my brother Bryan and my friends Bob and Angel to keep the bills paid. The time window kicked in for parceling off my stock options.That was scary, too – I had no idea what the stock was going to do from one day to the next, and if it ever went below $2.38, the “strike price” as they say on Wall Street, I would make zero. So for a couple of months I rationed them off as wisely as I could, at about five bucks a share – a nice gain.It was agonizing, watching the price fluctuate from one hour to the next. My stomach churned. Excitement mixed with terror.One day I had a sell order for my last few thousand shares at $5.15 and then the stock shot up, liquidating the last of my stock. Later that day stock went up to almost $7 per share (!) and I was kicking myself for not holding out for a higher price!I felt awful that day, knowing I could have made tens of thousands more dollars, had I just been a little more patient.All shares were sold, the liquidation was complete. I was out.Get Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall , Only Price $92It was only about three weeks later, in the aftermath of Enron, the market was jittery and word leaked out about some accounting discrepancies at Lantronix.Lantronix’ stock took a gigantic beating. Their stock went from $6 per share to $2 a share in just three days and never recovered.In fact it continued to slide down to about a buck or so, where it stayed for 3 years.I had gotten out, but all of the regular shareholders were still in. I’d been forced to liquidate my shares; the regular investors, however, couldn’t sell them for a year – restricted stock as they say on Wall Street.The chief investor lost five million dollars in those horrible three days and never got them back. $5 million, vanished, just like that. (And into someone else’s pocket.)The Exact Day I Got My Shares of Stock Out – the private mastermind group gets serious credit for kicking me in the butt!Now that I was on my own, I was reading every newsletter three or four times. I was posting more than ever on that forum. Because now it was REALLY do or die time! I was a freelance consultant. I now had three children.Get Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall , Only Price $92My investment in myself and in marketing mastery skyrocketed. I started traveling to as many conferences as I could, availing myself of the best knowledge I could afford.Eventually, I would join high-level mastermind groups, working side by side with high-level, high-income entrepreneurs from every industry you can imagine.My path from struggling sales guy to owner of a multi-million dollar business and world-class marketing expert started with a marketing course and a newsletter subscription.Exactly like you can do as a member of New Renaissance Club. Receiving the Perry Marshall Marketing Letter, accessing the member’s forum, joining the webinars, taking advantage of free call-in days and availing yourself of every resource that you need.Maybe you’re like me when I was post-Dilbert-Cube… new, green, young, scared, devouring EVERYTHING you possibly can.Or maybe you’re a little more like I am now: experienced, with LOTS of responsibilities… and you’re only willing to pay attention to the very most important of matters.Well, if you’re new, young, green and hungry, then there is lots for you to devour. Many tools for your tool belt.If you’re highly selective and you’re running a thriving operation, one or two course adjustments from just a few tips this year could pay for your entire year’s subscription 5X or 50X… instantly.Get Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall , Only Price $92Tag: Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall  Review. Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall download. Sep 2019 New Renaissance Club – Perry Marshall  discount.