3 DVD pack – includes Hubud Lubud, Siko Ordibas and Chi Sao DVDsHubud Lubud Drills – DVDThis DVD goes into this Filipino empty-hand drill in detail. Contents include; Defining the Kali lubud/hubud drill, hammer/overhand cycle breakdown, active/passive beats, stealing beats, switches (double tap, outside pass, backhand, circle hand), vertical gunting cycle variations and switches, horizontal gunting variation, elbow variations (da kop, wave, lift), boxing into lubud, lubud to boxing, the loose drill principle, low pass and meet, elbow check series, taking the whole line, numerado principle and interruption, downward rolling elbow, underclip elbow, backhand cycle, honesty factor, integrating kicks, locks, and other sensitivity drillsSiko-Ordibas/Tapi Tapi Drills – DVDThis DVD works through the Siko Ordibas (elbow and backhand) drill, and the Tap and Wipe drill. I also show how these drills are countered at each step, how they offset and blend with each other, and how these drills can move back and forth between who is feeding, and how to mix these drills with other sensitivity drills such as chi sao, lubud, elbow control and boxing drills.Modified Chi Sao – DVDThe thrust of this DVD is less about how to play the game of chi sao (sticky hands) with another chi sao adept, and more about how it fits into useful fighting skill in the naturally sloppy world of combative instincts. This DVD includes; individual hand roles/applications; outside/inside defensive, outside/inside offensive, luk sao, drills from the roll, active/passive changes, non-standard additions, five ways of attack within chi sao, gua chuie cycle, single hand patterns, entry (clean and messy), loose boxing to chi sao and back, adding kicks.Get Sensitivity Training – Steve Grody, Only Price $32Tag: Sensitivity Training – Steve Grody   Review. Sensitivity Training – Steve Grody  download. Sensitivity Training – Steve Grody  discount.