Sell Your Brilliance – Becky Keen


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $99 $350, Sell Your Brilliance – Becky Keen Course.YOU’RE A VISIONARY WITH NO SHORTAGE OF IDEAS And you’re right on the edge of a breakthrough–You can FEEL IT.Getting the side-eye from your mother-in-law as you answer the dreaded “how’s business going?” question.Taking on bad fit clients (even if the pit of your stomach told you to say “no”).Staring at your dream home wondering how in the eff you’re gonna get you and your family there.Running in circles trying to make your “business thing” work.So ready to launch your thing, but hello! That imposter syndrome is no joke!You KNOW deep in your bones, that you’ve got something brilliant to share with the world, if only you knew HOW.Mary-Grace started selling VIP days and retreats in Hawaii!“I tried to put together my offers before but they never landed with my audience. But damn Beck, this course brought the clarity right to my doorstep. I made some edits to my offers and I just hosted my first VIP day ever. Thank goodness for all the work I did around crafting my offers!Mary-Grace Busti, Life CoachWHETHER YOU’RE…A coach who’s tired of selling one-off sessions, always wondering where the next client is coming fromA service provider ready to switch up your business model from one off hourly sessions, to paid in full packagesA healer who wants to create her first course, or group program, and be fully compensated for your soul’s work, no more compromises…You’re in the right place!All it’s going to take is a little push (and some loving guidance) to get you into full-on business mode, kicking back on your fancy, custom ordered navy sofa (that you bought with your own damn money)!For the first and final time in 2020, I’m opening up my *freshly renamed* signature course, so you can leave the fear behind and become the business owner you’ve been journaling about.INTRODUCING…Everything you need to go from undercharging and uncertain, to CONFIDENTLY selling dreamy, premium-priced offers– in just 5 weeks.INSIDE OF MY SIGNATURE COURSE, I’LL SHOW YOU EXACTLY HOW TO:Craft your offersMake consistent salesFeel 100% worthy of charging higher dollarTap into unlimited abundanceAttract clients into your orbitTransform the way you run your online businessWithout the ICK factor OR hustling your buns off.BY THE END OF THIS PROGRAM, YOU’LL:NAIL YOUR ZONE OF BRILLIANCEMonetize straight from your unique sweet spot, instead of having 8 million offers that no one is buying.CRAFT YOUR SUITE OF IRRESISTIBLE OFFERSCreate offers that legit serve your people and make it easy for them to continue to want to buy from you.SHIFT YOUR MONEY BELIEFSIf your blocks are coming up, it’s time to give ‘em the old heave-ho, so you can #levelup and attract MORE abundance (instead of resisting the upgrade the universe wants to hand you).IMPLEMENT A YES PLEASESALES FRAMEWORKSales are simple when you’re in love with your own offers. Using my sales framework, you’ll want to buy your own stuff—that’s how good it’s going to feel to sell.DIAL UP YOUR CLIENT ATTRACTOR FACTORCreate a virtual orbit of people super HAWT to buy your brilliance. This has less to do with list building and everything to do with nurturing. I made my first six-figures doing this and I’m going to show you how.CRUSH THE LIMITING BELIEFS HOLDING YOU BACKAll the strategy in the world won’t help, if you can’t name and tame your inner critic. Learn how to shift your blocks, so you can soar to your next level. Get ready to uncap your own potential.This course will give you the tools to own your brilliance and sell with confidence, so you can make more money doing what you absolutely adore.Stacy Banked $50,000 After Watching Module OneI watched module one and had such a big revelation about how I could be selling, that I immediately re-wrote a proposal and made a 50k sale!Stacy Fredericks, Graphic DesignerLet’s take a look inside the course, shall we?MODULE 1: UNLEASH YOUR HIGH-VIBE SELFIn this module, you’ll learn:How to co-create with the universe instead of trying to do it all by your lonesome. If this sounds *woo* I promise you that it’s actually rooted in science.The spiritual practice that I use to instantly flip myself out of scarcity and into abundance.How to get clear on your desires, so you can finally, once and for all, actually go for them. MODULE 2: RELEASE BLOCKS & UPLEVEL YOUR MONEY MINDSETIn this module, you’ll learn:How to STOP *asking* for money (and what to do instead).The shockingly simple journaling process and #1 spiritual secret I use personally to tap into massive abundance.How I teach VIP clients to coach themselves through outdated money beliefs like “Money doesn’t grow on trees” *because oh man, with me? IT DOES!*How to stop letting fear and scarcity run the show and instead, make decisions that grow your business with inner and outer abundance.MODULE 3: SEAMLESSLY ATTRACT CLIENTS (ENERGETICALLY + STRATEGICALLY)In this module, you’ll learn:My personal, unconventional energy practices for booking $5K, $10k clients.Get the step-by-step map of how I use Instagram DMs to go from new follower to high-paying client.How to activate your existing network to buy from you and how to attract new leads into your orbit.The #1 question you need to ask yourself everyday to set yourself up for sales today and long term.MODULE 4: CRAFT YOUR OFFERS AND NAIL PRICING (PRACTICAL REVENUE MEETS SPIRITUAL MONEY GOALS)In this module, you’ll learn:How to NOT undercharge. I show you how to go through the very real cost of running an online business in a non-stressful way, so you can have practical prices vs. only “what feels good” or “what you think your client is willing to pay.”6 questions that make it easy knowing WHAT to offer.How to take any offers you already have and increase revenue SIMPLY from those existing offers.Build your six-figure suite of offers—whether you offer 1-1 services, group programs or courses—see how simple it can be to have a business that supports your lifestyle (and not one that you’re trying desperately to *make work*).MODULE 5: SELL YOUR SUPERPOWERSIn this module, you’ll learn:Your *TOTALLY unique to you* sales superpower and how to use it on sales calls to make selling feel amazing.How to bring up money fearlessly on calls, even if you’ve always dreaded that conversation.The mindset hack to tackling objections, even how to get them past the “I don’t really have that money right now.”A simple process for booking clients in at premium rates, even if you’re never sold a $5,000 package before.The total value of these 4 modules is $4497 (but that’s not what you’ll pay!)WHEN YOU SIGN UP YOU’LL ALSO GET:Guided Workbooks to Manifest FastThis is my personal tracking system for getting clear, leaning in, taking action & preparing to receive.The Radiant Sales FrameworkThis guide taps into how to supercharge your SALES. Go from hearing “I’m not sure!” to “Take my credit card already.”THE TOTAL VALUE OF THIS PROGRAM IS OVER $4,997Get Sell Your Brilliance – Becky Keen, Only Price $99Tag: Sell Your Brilliance – Becky Keen Download, Sell Your Brilliance – Becky Keen review, Sell Your Brilliance – Becky Keen Discount, sell your brilliance, does best brilliance sell real diamonds, sell your bridesmaid dress, sell your breitling, sell your brand.