Secret Training – Collection by Ross Jeffries


Ross Jeffries – Secret Training This is a collection of Ross Jeffries’ seminars and recorded phone coaching discussing how to attract, approach, and date women.

Secret Training – Collection by Ross Jeffries

Ross Jeffries – Secret Training This is a collection of Ross Jeffries’ seminars and recorded phone coaching discussing how to attract, approach, and date women. It also includes confidence building and how to get physical with women.
Bonus items include:
– Unstoppable Confidence Course DVD

– The Speed Seduction® ‘Meet Women Autopilot System’ DVD

– Why Women Flake on the Phone, and How to Powerfully Handle Them eBook

– From Buddy to Bedmate: In 30 Days or Less, Get Out Of The Friend Zone And Into The F@@K Zone

– Vanquish Her Voicemail! The Incredible Powerful and Yet Totally Simple-To-Do-By-Your Method to Get Her Calling You Back eBook
Rapidly Attaining Attraction Mastery (even if you’re a newbie, or “starting over”)

Secret Training  Simple and powerful openings for women

Secret Training  Breaking through Approach Anxiety

Secret Training  Use “Inner Game” To Accelerate your Learning

Secret Training  How to make her desire to be seduced so it feels natural
Here are just a few of the topics covered in 120+ Minis.-Video Seminars
Secret Training   Approaching Women in Groups / Sarging Women Around Others

Secret Training  Kissing and getting physical with women

Secret Training  Older Men And Younger Women, and…

Secret Training  …Younger Men / Older Women(i.e. Cougars and MILFs

Secret Training  How to Get Rid of Yourself “Oneitis”

Secret Training  When She’s Involved With Another Guy

Secret Training  How To Use Gestures And Commands

Secret Training  Actual Patterns and Analysis

Secret Training  How to Create Your Own Patterns

Secret Training  Actual Demonstrations of Speed Seduction® (Including My Critiques Of Student Sarges!)
Table of Contents/List Of Topics Covered
– Attaining Attraction Mastery

– Openers for Meeting Women

– Approach Anxiety

– Use ‘Inner Game’

Approaching Women in Groups

– Kissing and getting physical with women

– Younger Men / Older Women

– How to Get Rid of Yourself ‘Oneitis’

– Using Gestures And Commands

– Analysis And Actual Patterns

– Making Your Own Patterns

Actual Speed Seduction Demonstrations