Secret Million Dollar Amazon Listing Formula


First, thank you for accepting my invitation to view this page. I do NOT share this with just anyone, so know that you have been personally selected to read the following message…

Secret Million Dollar Amazon Listing Formula

Dear Amazon Vendor,
First, thank you for accepting my invitation to view this page.  I do NOT share this with just anyone, so know that you have been personally selected to read the following message…
Would you like your future (and your current) to be better? Amazon Products to sell even higher?
Are your current listings converting at a rate of less than 60%?
Does the brutal, cutthroat competition make it hard to gain the edge and keep your sales as high as you’d like them to be?
Are you concerned by your competitors being number one? Or do they motivate you to beat them at their game?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then This entire page can be read in a matter of minutes..  You’re about to discover an incredible opportunity to Increase your sales, draw a crowd of people to your site And You can instantly increase your conversion rate. I KNOW youou won’t be disappointed!
My name is Dana Derricks. I’m a world-class copywriter.  I spent many years researching and testing various tweaks. Amazon Listings that maximize their effectiveness.  Recent research has led to me to The PERFECT solution to any problem Amazon Vendor who wishes to attract more buyers and increase conversions…
What I’ve discovered It will revolutionize the way you sell Amazon Forever, because:
…You CAN beat your competition, explode your sales, and claim the MASSIVE market share that’s waiting for you on Amazon almost instantly…
Look, I know this! Amazon has a very complicated audience to try to convince…
Visitors come to visit you, and they will be greeted by an Amazon They are not the typical buyer and listing is a different experience.  Amazon Buyers are smartThey have triggers that make them buy.  Without these triggers, they’ll just find your competitors and buy from them.
Amazon It is one the most difficult places in the world to sell.  What’s The number one enemy of a vendor?  Options.  Your visitors will be presented with a variety of options from other competitors: a lower price or better quality, faster shipping, a better product rating, and so on.
Your chances of a visitor becoming a customer are less if they have more options.  This is something you already know.
Reality is a perception.  A visitor may perceive YOU as the solution for their problems, even if they could find a similar product at a lower cost. they’ll buy from you every single time.  Your visitor’s perception of you NEEDS to be at its absolute best.  There is no room in the book for error Amazon, it’s too competitive.
I know how frustrating and confusing this can be…I sell on Amazon myself, too. That’s why I’ve taken so much time to understand exactly how Amazon works, how it’s visitors behave, and what gets listings to SELL.
One of my favorite clients, a guy named Mike from Ohio (well, he was from Ohio…you’ll find out more about this later), is the owner of a medium sized supplement company.  He was doing well for many years.  He was experiencing a slight drop in sales lately and was finding it harder and harder to remain competitive.  That was…He found me until then.
He was skeptical of how changing the copy of his listing would help him when we met.
He hired me to rewrite one of his documents. Amazon Listings for him.  I researched his target market, their wants and needs, and added a few my propre “magic” He positioned himself as an expert by identifying triggers and secrets that make products sell like crazy. The only solution.
I sent the copy upgrade form for his 1 product back and he made the edits on his listing and went live.  Next was nothing short of amazing…
Why don’t I just let Mike explain what he thought of the copy upgrade for himself, in his words:
Now, we’re not talking about a super-niched product that went from selling 10 a month to selling 30…
Mike’s product was in one of the most competitive sections of all of Amazon…
Weight loss.
After a few weeks, I finally gave Mike the copy. His sales were exploding.  He went from a mediocre product to a great one. Amazon That was a mere few hundred bottles per monthly. selling HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars’ worth EVERY SINGLE MONTH.
The screenshot says it all.
The price increase comes with absolutely no outside promotion, NO price change, and NO other changes except my copy versus yours.
Let’s wrap our heads around this for a second…
That’s an increase of $1,819.01 PER DAY.
Do the math… That’s $56,389.31 MORE money Mike made EVERY SINGLE MONTH Because of my copy
You will be amazed at how important copywriting is and how much money you are wasting.
How would you like that kind of increase to occur??
How could that impact your business and your personal life?
“If you’re selling anything on Amazon…

…then you NEED to listen up…!”
No matter what product you’re selling…
No matter if you’re selling just 1 product a month or 50,000…
Whether you’ve got 1 product for sale or 5,000…
Whether you hire writers to write your listings or you do it yourself…
But wait, I have a question for you.
Is this the right copy? Amazon Are your listings optimized? Listings optimized?
If not, you’re losing money. It can cost you a lot of money.
I promise you.
I’ll just let some of my customers tell you if this is worth your time:
Now you can cash-in on my “Secret Million Dollar” Amazon Listing Formula!
That is…
If you’re ready to be able to EASILY write 100% unique, from scratch, and PROVEN copy for your Amazon Listings (designed scientifically to position your product as a top choice for your target audience) that will produce amazing results every time!
Or…if you don’t personally have the time…
This is the best thing about it. You can slap this on your secretary’s desk and in an hour s/he’ll be on their way to writing you perfectly optimized Amazon copy.
Heck, you can give this to your spouse and they can figure it out -that’s how easy it is.
Okay, okay…I’m mildly joking about that, but really it is so super easy that pretty much anybody can follow right along and do it themselves.
You can pay me (or another world class copywriter) $1,000 and up to write EACH listing you have, or you can learn how to do it yourself right now and develop a skill that’ll bring you literally thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of dollars in sales that you don’t even realize you’re missing.
All you need to do is click below to claim YOUR copy of the #1 Workbook to Write Killer, Traffic & Conversion Boosting Amazon Listing Copy for ANY product!

(You’ll be charged just 1 payment of $397, with NO recurring fees or hidden charges.  I’m even throwing in rush shipping for FREE! This investment will pay for itself in a matter of days with an increase sales, traffic and conversions.
What’s all included?

A Complete Workbook, NOT a Junk eBook –This isn’t just an eBook that sounds great and is based on theory -leaving you scratching your head as to how to implement the information you’ve learned… This is a workbook that’s based on real-life, results-based science.  You’ll be working on writing your listings as you go through the book, and by the end you won’t be getting started on your listing, you’ll be finished! Oh, and no it’s not some crappy .pdf file that you’ll lose the next time your computer crashes. It’s a physical, real-life book that I’ll ship to you and that you’ll have right at your desk.
The Inside Secrets of Managing Your Potential Customer’s Mindset and Behavior –You’ll discover the inside secrets (NOT some crap that’s floating around the internet) to the mindset and behavior of your potential customer… What’s making them tick? What do they really need? Why are they buying this?  You’ll quickly become a master of understanding your customer’s needs in-and-out, and you’ll find yourself easily crafting the perfect Amazon listing that sells them EXACTLY what they’re looking for!
The Million Dollar The Trick to Attract the Customers You Want –There’s more than one type of buyer on Amazon… There’s the impulsive, demanding, and impossible-to-please crowd that will try to get a free ride off you and after you’ve done everything (and then some) to please them, they still leave you with negative feedback.  Then, there’s the smarter, fat-walleted, and easy-to-please crowd that’ll boost your sales, let you sleep peacefully at night, and leave your page filled with positive feedback over and over. Which would you choose?
Create the PERFECT Traffic-Attracting & Enticing Title –You’ll be creating your own perfect, traffic-attracting and enticing titles to attract more Amazon traffic from searches, plus it will entice more browsers to open your product’s page over competitor’s!
Craft Flawless, Can’t-Say-No Key Features –These will give those visitors an immediate connection and reason to read ALL the information they can about your product, and will funnel them to the description (which will close the sale)
Supercharge your Indications, Ingredients and Directions. –Important information about using your product, why it’s superior to other options, and how to effectively use it for maximum results (and the beginning of a happy customer)
Engineer an ‘I-Need-To-Order-Now’ Product Description –Will convince ANY visitor who may be “On the fence” You should give it a shot. It will motivate visitors to buy (including some of my own). “Secret methods”). This will blow your mind.
Time-and-Money Saving Tips & Tricks To Maximize Your ENTIRE Business (Free of Charge, of Course) –I’m throwing in some of my other secrets that have propelled my own, and countless clients’, business from pretty good to “out of control”… You don’t want to miss this!

Again, this isn’t a purchase.

It’s an investment.
This is a great way to invest in your business. Take out your competition in a clean and ethical manner..  An investment in your company You can sell a lot more without spending a lot of money or making major changes..  Make an investment in yourself Get the results you want for your boss or company.
You must ensure that you Get in touch with us now to take action.
You don’t want to look back a few weeks later and wish you would have done something today… wishing how you could have stopped letting your competition rake in the sales on Amazon and get YOUR product where it should be –On top.
So, go ahead. It is your chance to be my next success story.

YES, Dana!  I’m ready to take my Amazon Listings to a whole different level. I leave my competitors scratching and slamming on their keyboards while they watch me blow past them.
YES, Dana! I know that today is my only chance to get your attention. Amazon Formula Secrets Revealed Workbook Your introductory price is just $197  To get this price, I must place an order immediately
YES, Dana! This investment is literally a fraction the cost of hiring you (or someone else with your abilities) to write one of my listings. (At  $1,500 per listing, that adds up quickly!)
YES, Dana! I understand that my request will be processed on a totally secure server (PayPal) and, once it is processed, I will have  my own workbook physically shipped to me within a week!
YES, Dana!  I know that by taking immediate action, I only have to pay $397. There are no renewals, recurring fees, or other charges. This is a one-time offer.
YES, Dana!  I want my listing to take claim of MORE customers and DOMINATE the market that’s waiting for me on Amazon!

 It’s YOUR Time to Get this Incredible, Profit-Boosting  “Secret Amazon Listing Formula” You can transform your business in 24 hours or less!

You really can’t afford to miss out on this.
Also, please note: I’m not responsible for how mad you get when you realize how much money you’ve been leaving on the table because of the copy on your listings.  But, what I can tell you is that every minute you wait you’re losing money.
Now, go and get it back.  It’s not that difficult, and will save you a ton of time and money every time you introduce a new product.
This measly $397 is going to be nothing compared to the increase in sales you’ll see. Seriously.
It’s easy to try it now! Watch your inventory drop and your sales increase!
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