Secret Entourage – Technical Stock Trading


Scott Paton, Joan Kaylor and Scott Alex – EFT for Stock Option Trading Success & Making More Money

Solid stock options trading strategies and accurate market indicators are crucial. But when push comes to shove, the glue that binds them is your emotional state at any given time. When things go south, the best trading system will collapse like a house of cards–if you allow it to.
EFT for Stock Option Trading Success provides the tools you need to ensure this never happens to you by helping you understand and use your emotions when it counts most. It’s the key to long-term trading success.
EFT for Stock Option Trading Success explains the immutable relationship of human thought, emotion, and behavior and reveals how to:

Overcome Your Fear of Risking and Losing Money
Conquer your underlying Greed by understanding where it comes from
Calm innate anxieties before you start your trading day
Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) as a “tool” for profitability
Remain vigilant as to why you are placing each and every trade

This complete trading-improvement course gives you the information you need to determine and improve your personality traits, remove the negative charge from your emotions, and use this system to adapt your behavior for more successful trading.
This course is aimed at any one who wants to be more successful in daytrading and is real easy to follow.
Each video features demonstrations of the EFT Tapping technique which is used to release negative emotions and fears and set the stage for profitable stock option trades.
Students simply follow along with the instructor and with practise, your self-sabotaging behaviors will go away.
Releasing your fears is not hard, you simply tap specific acupuncture points and focus the mind on the profitable stock option trades you want.
What You’ll Learn In EFT for Stock Option Trading Success & Making More Money?

Trade Options with Confidence
Be familiar with EFT and how to use it effectively to improve daytrading results

Who EFT for Stock Option Trading Success & Making More Money is for?

Students Who Have Taken Our Other Stock Options Trading Courses
Day Traders Who Want a Mental Edge When They Trade
Anyone Who Recognizes the Power of Their Mind
Traders with an Interactive Brokers Options Account ($10,000 required to open)
Traders who can afford $2000 annually for the trading platform

About Scott Paton
Scott Paton has been podcasting since the spring of 2005. He has executive produced and/or co-hosted over 45 podcasts. An internationally renowned speaker, Scott has presented to audiences from London, England to Sydney, Australia, from Vancouver, BC to New York, NY, from LA to Rwanda. Thousands of entrepreneurs and NGO’s have changed their public engagement strategies based on Scott’s sharing. We hope you will, too.
Joan Kaylor
“My passion is helping people remove their fears and blocks to success.”
Joan is the founder of Joan Kaylor, Counseling and Consulting International. She is an Energy Wellness Coach and Consultant. She is a sought-after international speaker and trainer. Joan is a best selling instructor on Udemy. She has trained thousands in EFT, chakra balancing, weight loss, ending fear, negotiating better deals and loving relationships.
Joan is a member of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, ACEP, EFT International, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, the International OCD Foundation, and the TLC Foundation for Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors. Joan is certified in energy psychology, Emotional Freedom Techniques and cognitive behavior therapy.
Scott Alex
Research published this year by Harvard and Stanford Business Schools suggests that health problems associated with job-related anxiety account for more deaths each year in the US than Alzheimer’s disease or diabetes. It is likely that the same is true in the UK.
The combination of the Amazon story and the recent study into the impact of work-related stress means that there are important questions that all organisations should ask themselves.
These include: What type of management culture do we foster? What informal conflict management techniques do we er to foster healthy workplace relationships? What are we doing to enable people at work to enjoy their jobs and thrive, both psychologically and physically?