Sean D’souza – Psychotactics Info Product HomeStudy


Almost everyone wants to put together an info-product that’s extremely exciting, so why are so many books, videos and presentations putting us soundly to sleep?Purchase Sean D’souza – Psychotactics Info Product HomeStudy courses at here with PRICE $2200 $102 Sean D’souza – Psychotactics Info Product HomeStudyInformation Products CourseA Step-By-Step Method to Create Info-Products that Clients Find IrresistibleHow do you create information products that instantly separate you from the competition?Almost everyone wants to put together an info-product that’s extremely exciting, so why are so many books, videos and presentations putting us soundly to sleep?Information itself can be extremely boring. It’s just a compilation of things stacked up together. Sure you can put in some nice layouts, great fonts, maybe even insert a ton of lah-dee-dah. But ultimately, the information is just bits and bobs put together. These bits and bobs don’t make for an utterly memorable info-product, do they? Every great product depends on a system.Without a system in place, an information product can go round and round the mulberry bush, driving you—and your clients absolutely bonkersFirst, let’s consider your situation. You sit there faced with this huge amount of information. All the information you’ve accumulated over the years piles up in your head. And it’s normal to feel that you somehow need to get all that into your info-product. Then you spin around madly trying to fashion it somehow into a polished product. You’re not sure which parts to keep, which parts to slash. As a result, you either front-load the product with too much, or put in too little.And we haven’t reached the second part yet—the part where the client must read that mountain of information. Heh, heh, no wonder it feels so draining to put an info-product together.Introducing The Info-Products Home Study CourseAn info-product is not just information put together, it’s actually a very precise assembly of elements, which when put together, make clients love your product. Learn what makes products boring—and the system of how to avoid falling into the same trap. Create products that customers adore and keep coming back for more.The course is based on the very same elements:1) What makes a boring information product?2) What makes an entertaining information product?In this course, you learn why many information products seem to start out with a lot of promise but then lose steam. You will also learn how you can methodically construct an information product that allows the client to slip-slide through the content.Most importantly, you’ll get the precise framework to master how to create the boundaries for your information product. That way you won’t have too little or too much information. You get to validate for yourself—yes, a litmus test of sorts that tells you exactly where to start, where to go, and oui, where to stop. The key is to create info-products that clients will use, profit from and come back time and time again.Here’s why this course is so important today—more than ever beforeJust fifteen years ago, you could easily slip under the radar and run a business without writing a book, creating a video or audio. And presentations? Who needed them? Today’s world is completely different. The noise factor is so high that unless you are able to powerfully get your point across, you’re likely to be drowned in the chatter. Furthermore, the knowledge you get within this course isn’t just restricted to a book or ebook.The great thing about this course is the knowledge obtained can be used across different media. Whether you’re called upon to do a five-minute speech or a three-day seminar, you can use this method. If you’re likely to make videos or create podcasts, indeed, once again, you can use the system taught in this course. What an utter relief to be able to construct it all at high speed, isn’t it? Who wants to spend days, weeks and months putting together an info-product and not really knowing whether it hits the mark? This robust system definitely makes life a lot simpler for you and your clients.You will learn:How to create powerful information products that clients love. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing madly chasing after new clients, you’ll find that your existing clients will keep coming back for more.How to put together the information in a way that doesn’t involve pulling of hair and head-banging. A simple, intuitive system that enables you to produce info-products consistently and without the frustration that inevitably arises out of a creative process.Learn what causes boring information products and how to have a litmus test that provides you and your clients the assurance of knowing you’re creating a truly consumable product.Why a lack of order and consistency leads to a lack of consumption. Also, how to make sure that you have the roller coaster in place to ensure that the client is slip sliding right through your product.How to know the boundaries of your product: When to add more information and at what point do you leave it out. And more importantly, what are you going to do with all the information that you could not put into the info-product!Why the system needs to be scalable. Scalability means you can use the system to create something as small as a booklet, just as easily you can use it to create a massive book as well. If you use it for a 20-minute presentation, you can just as easily use it for a three-day workshop.The media benchmark: Will the system stand the pressure across media? Can you just as easily use it for a book, audio, or video without losing impact? Most systems don’t have this flexibility. You are taught to write a book differently from creating an audio, or for that matter video. This is a nuisance as it takes time and energy. Learn how to use a system that straddles any media and does an astounding job of it too!Practical hands-on sessions where you construct info-products. Then we systematically deconstruct the message using specific auditing systems.What This Product Is AboutHow to start with a topic and then break it down into componentsHow to determine the order of the componentsNiche vs generic topic: Learn how to determine which one to pickHow to determine the outcome not just of the information product—but of  every sectionThe Planet System: Why it’s the most speedy way to create an information productHow to use the Planet System across various media (without losing any impact)Learn why target profile is a mistake when creating the information productThe power of drafts and why even the drafts need a grid to avoid you getting bogged downThe “Kathy Sierra” disappearing page principle and how it helps you create products that clients loveHow to determine the outcome not just of the information product—but of  every section.The “enemy” technique and how to use it to set up an information product’s chaptersWhy structural elements reduce client-intimidation (and help you create your info-products quicker)Why the right placement of the elements pulls the client along seamlesslyInformation vs Example ratio:  How do we decide?Where to insert personal stories and why they help in creating trustThe power of callouts: What to do with excessive, yet important informationThe importance of footnotes and graphics captions as an “ongoing summary”Why summaries are crucial and how to make them actionableWhat This Product Is NOT About1) This isn’t a writing course.You don’t learn how to write. We have other courses for that, including the Article Writing Course. This course is about the structure of putting together the information you already have in your head.2) It’s not a course that teaches design.So for instance, you’re not going to go home learning how to create book covers. Yes, there will be information that’s included in the premium version that tells you a lot about various aspects of info-products, but the course itself is where you design and implement the structure of the course.3) It’s not a technology-based courseYou’re not going to learn how to put together a document in Word or InDesign. We’re not going to be bringing in lights and teaching you how to shoot video or audio. What you’re going to learn is a simple process that is the structural elements—the secret sauce to creating information products quickly and effectively.What’s Unique About This Product?How do you get a client to “The End”? The uniqueness of this info-product course is that it is designed to get your client to the last page/the end of your video or audio. When a client gets to that end point, they are consuming your product in great detail and are more than likely to come back for more. There’s no point in creating an info-product that is only partly consumed as it doesn’t create lasting clients. Instead, this product is unique in the sense that it shows you how to keep clients engaged to the very end.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the format of the course?The course will have notes and audio. The notes will be precise and complete in detail. You will also get the entire recording of the live workshop—professionally edited, of course!|What is the price? And is there an instalment plan?The current price is below. You also get the option of a four-part instalment payment.When will I get the product?The ConditionsCondition 1: You have to first get on a waiting list (see link below).Condition 2: We are manually approving you (see approval conditions below).Condition 3: You’ll need to make the payment once you are approved.About the approval processWe understand that not everyone will want to go through three barriers just to get a product, and that’s fine with us. However, we will be approving you based on your previous transactions with us. If you have a good history with us you will get to the final stage. Expect an e-mail once the course opens up again if you’re approved.Do I get any support?This is a home study course. You will be working by yourself. So you can work at your own pace. There is no involvement from Sean.How do I get the Information Products Self_Study—Limited Edition right away?This product will next be available 2 August 2020 for a limited time. Once you get on the waiting list, we will send you more details.Special Bonuses (Available With Premium Option)Premium Bonus No.1: Infoproduct Consumption Design Principles (PDF) worth $225It’s one thing to have the structure of how to create an info-product. It’s quite another to know how to create one that is easy to consume.If you’ve ever been frustrated with e-books or books that don’t have a pleasant layout, audios that seem to go on forever—then you’ve run into the classic problem of consumption. This means your content may still be superb, but it’s not designed in a manner that allows clients to consume it well (think of it as a great dish in a vessel vs. a dish beautifully plated in front of you).Premium Bonus No.2: How to create your own “Bible” (Interview) worth $119A “bible” is a core document. Think of a book like “7 Habits of Highly Successful People” or “Getting Things Done”.A single product created multimillion dollar businesses for these authors. And the money and clients didn’t come from selling books. It came from clients wanting more from that core bible.At Psychotactics, we don’t like to boast too much, but our bible, “The Brain Audit” has allowed us to run a very successful business and take a 3-month vacation in places all over the world. A “bible” also forms a barrier. It gets in people who are interested in your material and keeps the creepy ones out.As part of these bonuses, you’ll get a detailed audio recording (of an interview) + the PDF + ePub.In these bonuses, you learn about:The magic of fonts, layouts in e-books and books. How to use music and stingers in audio. And why video needs specific breaks and where to put those breaks.The power of ending pages: You’ve seen ending pages in books. You’ve seen it in products such as The Brain Audit and many other books you get at But it’s one thing to slam in an ending page and quite another to actually build one that works. Ending pages get clients to buy into you—and your company. They also make clients come back for more product or services. How do you create these magnetic pages?Learn what causes boring information products and how to have a litmus test that enables you—or even your clients—to know that you’re creating a truly consumable product.Why a lack of order and consistency leads to lack of consumption. And how to make sure that you have the roller coaster in place to ensure that the client is slip sliding right through your product.How to know the boundaries of your product: When do you add more information? At what point do you leave it out. And more importantly, what are you going to do with all the information that you could not put into the info-product!Sean D’SouzaP.S. Yes, it’s not a cheap course.But hey, when you get it right, your products will fly off the shelf and you’ll cover the cost of this course in under 30 days. As you know, we too struggled at the start, but in a short while, the info-products were generating more consulting and selling more products than we ever thought possible. I still shake my head in wonder.So don’t hesitate, if generating additional income and clients is what you really want to do.Put your trust in education with the right source, and that trust will not be violated. You’ll get the best possible education and advice. And just for good measure, there are installments, so it can be more affordable to you. It’s good advice, so take it. Purchase Sean D’souza – Psychotactics Info Product HomeStudy courses at here with PRICE $2200 $102