
Sean Anthony – Superfast Sequences Bundle

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Sean Anthony – Superfast Sequences Bundle
Discover How You Can Get PAID To Write Simple 5th Grade Emails In As Little As 7 Days
Without Needing A Portfolio, Prior Experience, or Techy Skills – And Best Of All Working From Anywhere In The World…
Dear Future Rainmaker,
If you want to learn a lucrative online skill that can make you
$100-$500+ per email so that you can escape your 9-5…
Build a hyper profitable online business…
Live life on your terms…
And work from anywhere in the world…
Then this is going to be the most important message you read all day.
Here’s why…
The reason most people struggle to make a full-time income online is because they lack a “money-making skill”.
With all the craziness from 2020… it’s become more important than ever to have a skill that directly impacts the bottom line for businesses.
A skill that…
Makes More Of The “Green Stuff” FAST
Which is why over the next 7 days I’m gonna take you step-by-step through the process of developing one of the most in-demand, high-paying skills online today.
A skill that businesses will gladly pay you $1,000+ per month for…
That will get clients to chase YOU…
That you can learn FAST (I’m talking in a matter of days)…
And that you can use to grow your OWN online business if you choose.
That skill is…
Writing Emails That SELL
“Email Copywriting”.
Before I developed the skill of writing emails that sell – I was struggling to grow my online businesses and was on the verge of getting a 9-5 job again.
I worked 60-80 hour weeks, chasing clients all day long – including weekends.
I was working MORE hours than I did at my miserable corporate job.
And I started to question everything.
Trying to figure out WHY I couldn’t get traction in my business.
Until one day… a prospect told me…
“Sean… we can’t hire you unless you can give us an immediate
And this hit me like a lightning bolt…
Of course!
The reason I was struggling was because I didn’t have a money-making SKILL that clients were willing to pay top dollar for.
A skill that could directly impact the bottom line and help them make more moolah FAST.
So I dug in.
Spent several years of trial and error, figuring everything out the hard way…
And it paid off BIG time
Because since 2016 – I’ve written, sent, and split-tested thousands of emails… generating over $12M in sales for my business and clients in the process (and counting…)
Writing emails that sell is the one of the most lucrative skills you can possess.
It’s kinda like being able to write yourself a fat paycheck whenever you feel like it.
And the best part?
It’s a skill you can learn in a matter of days/weeks… even if you have zero prior experience.
If you can write an email to a friend… you can write emails that sell.
All you need is some guidance, understanding of a few key principles, and a proven formula to follow.
If I want more money this month…
I write up an email in 30 minutes or less and send it to my list.
Or I get a client or two… whip up a few of these emails on a Google doc… hand it over and collect a paycheck for thousands of dollars.
I can do this from my laptop anywhere in the world.
And I want to help YOU make this your reality.
That’s why I created the 7-Day Superfast Sales Email Challenge.
With the Superfast Sales Email Challenge, you now have the opportunity to learn my multi-million dollar formula for writing emails that sell in a matter of 7 days.
So you might be wondering…
What Is The 7-Day Superfast Sales Email Challenge?
The Superfast Sales Email Challenge is a course designed to help you learn how to write email copy that sells products and services in just 7 days.
A skill that clients will pay you thousands per month for…
And a skill that allows you to build a successful, profitable, and sustainable online business working from anywhere in the world.
Once you learn this skill, you’ll have the “Midas Touch”… where you can waltz in to any business and start generating cash.
And you’ll never have to wonder about how to make a full-time income online ever again.
I’ll show you how to get it in just a second…
But First .. A Disclaimer:
Please understand my results and the students I’m sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).
I have the benefit of practicing direct response marketing and advertising for 5 years, and have a strong foundation as a result.
The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE.
With that said … let me jump right in and show you…
Exactly What You’re Getting In The Superfast Sales Email Challenge
A 7-day email course that will show you step-by-step how to write emails that sell… superfast.
Every day for the next 7 days, I’ll be sending you an email with one simple piece of my email writing formula to complete.
By the end of the 7 days…
You will have written your very own email that sells.
Not only that…
But you will have the SKILL of writing emails that sell now in your money-making toolbelt.
This course is dramatically different from anything you’ve ever gone through.
It’s a step-by-step formula that gives you the skill of making the cash register ring every time you hit the “Send” button.
It’s not a 500 page book filled with fluff or filler that will take you years to read.
It immediately gets down to brass tacks showing you exactly what to do, how to do it, why you do it, with live examples.
Plus, I’ve made it stupid simple to learn and implement… giving you just ONE simple task to do each day.
In just 7 days you’ll be on your way to making it rain with email.
You’ll immediately “get” the entire formula I’ve personally used to sell over $12M in products and services online by leveraging the power of email marketing.
When you have this skill of writing emails that sell…
Your Life Can Completely Change And Your Income Can Shoot Through The Roof
Here’s what life looks like when you can write emails that sell…

You’ll be a “rainmaker” for businesses… helping them make more money by writing quick emails that sell their products and services…
You’ll be able to be your OWN rainmaker… generating sales for your products and services whenever you hit send…
​You’ll have a skill that clients are willing to pay thousands of dollars per month for…
​You’ll be able to create your own portfolio before even getting your first client…
​You’ll be able to replace your dayjob and do fulfilling work that truly helps people even in tough times…
​You’ll feel confident knowing that you have an in-demand, high-paying skill that can help you provide for yourself and your family…
​You’ll feel proud that you’re able to help your clients make more money…
​You’ll feel like a badass knowing that you have the skill to generate sales at the push of a button…
​And much, much more…

Here’s The Exact 7-Step Formula For Writing Emails That Sell Revealed in the Superfast Sales Email Challenge

Day 1 – The 3 W’s you must know before writing ANY email (This is like your “Email GPS” that will prevent you from staring at a blank page, wondering what to write)…
​Day 2 – How to write irresistible subject lines that get your emails opened, read, and bought from (You’ll discover the #1 subject line formula I use that is psychologically impossible to resist)…
Day 3 – How to write killer leads that force people to read your entire email (This will show you the best way to start your email to keep the reader’s eyes glued to the screen line after line)…
Day 4 – How to craft badass email copy that converts (I’ll reveal the easiest email copy formula that you can start with to get people to buy)…
Day 5 – How to make a smooth as butter transition from your email copy to the product (You’ll discover the secret to connecting unrelated topics to the product being sold)…
​Day 6 – How to write a captivating call-to-action (CTA) that gets the reader to buy (The stupid simple statement I use to get a reader to hit the buy button after reading my email)…
​Day 7 – 5 ways to write a powerful P.S. that reinforces the sale (Mastering just ONE of these ways will scoop up a ton of extra sales)…

Those are the 7 steps to writing emails that sell and having a skill that can add an extra $1,000-$10,000 per month to your income.
All of this is revealed in the 7-Day Superfast Sales Email Challenge in step-by-step, easy-to-follow detail.
Making it one of the fastest ways to make money online, free yourself from the 9-5, have the choice to spend your time on things you want, all while working from anywhere in the world.
And that’s not all, because…
Here’s 3 BONUSES you’ll get along with the Superfast Sales Email Challenge

BONUS 1: Email Rainmaker Secrets Ebook ($49 value): Discover the 4 campaigns you need to make it rain from any email list. For the right business, just ONE of the campaigns in this ebook can rake in an extra 5, 6, even 7-figures. I used one of the campaigns to add an extra $350k/yr for a client in the health supplement space… and it only took a couple hours to write!
BONUS 2: 30-Day Email Gameplan ($99 value): With this guide you’ll know exactly what to do everyday to go from “0 to confident email copywriter” in as little as 30 days. Once you have the confidence that you can write emails that sell? You’ll have no problem getting paid by clients to do it.
BONUS 3: 7-Day Client Getting Fast-Start Video Series ($499 value): You’ve got the skill… now how do you get paid for it? The best way to start is to get a client and help them with email. This fast-start series will save you months, potentially YEARS trying to figure out how to get clients. I’ve had students land a paying client within a couple weeks after going through this 7-day series.

A Comprehensive System For Making An Extra $1,000-$10,000 Per Month With Email Marketing
As much as people like to complicate the process of making a full-time income online…
Here it is:
Step 1: Learn a money-making skill that clients will pay you for… like email copywriting.
Step 2: Offer it as a done-for-you service to clients.
Step 3: Write their emails, get results, get a testimonial, repeat.
Forget about the complicated techy stuff.
Forget about the whizbang widgets and gizmos.
Forget about the fancy 20-step “funnelz”.
If you ONLY focused on these three steps for the next 60-90 days and nothing else .. I have no doubt you could add $1,000-$10,000 per month to your income.
The 7-Day Superfast Sales Email Challenge will tell you in detail how to execute each of these steps…
Here’s What To Do Next
The “cost” of this course is $49.
That’s a measly $1.63/day to learn a money-making skill that you can profit from for life.
As soon as you place your order today, you’ll be sent an email receipt with a welcome email on next steps.
The challenge is delivered through email… so you can access it anywhere at any time right from your inbox.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering …
I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn’t one of them.
There’s NO hidden “continuity program” you have to try …or anything even remotely like that.
I’m giving you this challenge at a steal of a deal as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind…
Time Is Of The Essence!
Here’s why…
I take a loss by selling you this course at this price.
The reason why is because it costs me $56.12 in advertising costs to sell it to one person.
So why would I do that?
I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.
Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.
I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the challenge so much, you’ll ask to try other products and services I offer.
Pretty straight forward really.
Oh – one last thing.
You’re also getting these 5 bonuses worth over $1,146 for FREE when you sign up today…
Yes! You Really Are Getting This Course + $1,146 Worth Of Bonuses For Just $49…
However, if I can’t make the numbers work for this, I may pull it down and raise the price… so you need to claim your copy now.
If I pull the offer down, that’s all she wrote.
And by the way, even though you’re paying a ridiculously low price – you’re still protected byâ€