
Scott Paton & Joan Kaylor & Scott Alex – Manifest Your Dreams with EFT

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Scott Paton & Joan Kaylor & Scott Alex – Manifest Your Dreams with EFT
Manifest Your Dreams with EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique for Goal Achievement Action Plan
What you’ll learn

Be able to tap out disappointments, anger, and failures from the past year
Able to create goals and manifest results quickly and easily


Desire to realize your goals and life objectives
Willingness to practice tapping 7 minutes daily.
Willingness to take action


This course is your action plan for the year.
You take action by using EFT every day. EFT keeps you clear and focused.
The past year had positive moments and trials. You cannot move forward if you carry any resentment or fear of failure from the year before. Your intentions must be clear, your focus sharp and your motivation high.
This course will help you gain clarity, focus and take action.
Tap out the prior year’s fears and failures. EFT teaches how to let go of what you don’t want and tap in what you do want. What if you could get clear on what you want? What if you created one goal, or perhaps more than one, for the new year. 90% don’t keep their new year’s resolutions.
What if you tapped every day for clarity?
What if you tapped every day to get one foot out of bed 10 minutes early?
What if you tapped every night for a good night’s sleep?
I will help you choose manageable goals and keep them. I made a commitment to myself last year to exercise. I now work with a personal trainer 2 days a week and do cardio another 2 days a week. I am accountable to myself and friends with whom I have chosen to share my goals. I have other goals that I share with others who keep me accountable.
Success with EFT every day.
Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to manifest results in the new year

Course content


Joan Kaylor, world renown coach and trainer, will show you how ot achieve your dreams in the coming year.
What are Emotional Freedom Techniques and EFT map

Joan shares what EFT is and how you can use it to manifest your dreams.

Emotional Freedom Techniques with Specific Tapping


Joan Kaylor will teach you how to be very specific in your tapping.
Set Up Statement

The Set Up statement is when you bring up the issue you want to work on.
Tapping Points

Joan share the Tapping Points. Check the Resource section for the Tapping Map.
Specific Tapping

In this lecture, Joan talks about how you have to find a very specific incident that affects you emotionally in the past year. Then we release it in the following lectures in this section.
Tell the Story

All emotional charges go away from EFT. We have to check to make sure that all charges are neutralized. Joan shows you how to check in this lecture.

Congratulations! You are now an EFT Tapper. You have the knowledge to Tap out an and all obstacles to living your Dreams. Now start practicing!

Letting go of last year’s failures and disappointments


Learn how to let go of all last year’s disappointments and prepare to make this year the best one ever.
Make a List

Time to make a list. Think about what did not work last year and what you wanted to work better last year.
Let’s tap

A practical EFT Tapping session with Joan.
Tap on the Next Item on Your List

Now Joan takes you thru your list and tap on that moment when you had an emotional reaction until they are cleared and neutralized. This removed the emotional charge on your regrets and disappointments.
What I can’t remember that should be on my list.

You made a list of what you remembered. In this show you will tap on what you forgot. Your subconscious might be trying to protect you from that pain.

You made yor list. You relieved your emotional charges and now you are ready to practice, practise, practise…

Getting Clear


In this section, Joan teaches the importance of getting very clear about what you want. This is serious stuff.
Why get clear on what you want?

The Law of Attraction only works when you are very specific and very clear on what you want.
[Activity] Tap for Clarity

In this lecture, Joan takes you through a Tapping Session. It is important that you follow along and do the work with her.
[Activity] Keep the clarity

Three tips for keeping clarity are discussed in this lecture.

Why clarity is important for your dreams to come true. Without it lots of fear and doubts cloud your mind.

Creating a Goal


Creating a goal that you can achieve and which fits your dreams.
Keep it simple

People make things too big, or too complex, or unclear. It is important to make your goal achievable. So small goals lead to big goals.
Tap in your goal

The setting up for your goals is so important to achieving it. Too often people makes these mistakes preparing your goals for success. Figure out your mini-steps to achieve your goals, then tap on them without overwhelming yourself with too many goals or steps.

Share your goals. There are few actions that push you towards your goals than sharing your goals.

Staying Motivated


How to stay motivated. How to tap out unconscious resistance. How to keep going.
The Unconscious Brain

Our unconscious brain is incongruent with our conscious brain then nothing happens. When both parts are on side, your dreams come true easier.
Fear of failure

This is a common fear. Most everyone has this fear to some degree. Let’s work together to remove this difficult fear.
Fear of Success

After Fear of Failure, Fear of Success is a huge challenge.
I Don’t Deserve Success

Now, Joan will lead your through a series of EFT tapping about deserving success.
It Is Not Possible to Succeed

In this talk, Joan walks you through the feelings you may have that success is not possible.
I Don’t Really Want to Succeed

Deep inside we may have hidden beliefs that we don’t really want to succeed. This Tapping exercise helps you to neutralize those beliefs.
Any Unconscious Block I do not know consciously

In this lecture, Joan helps you deal with unknown limiting beliefs.

Now you have tapped away many of your unconscious blocks to success.

The Spirituality of Manifestation
The Spirituality of Manifestation

Wrap Up

Joan talks about what you have accomplished and what to do next.
Help Your Fellow Students

You can help your fellow students by leaving a Review of this course. The Review lets your fellow students make the decision to take the course or not. It helps them understand how your experiences in the course helped you become more charismatic, and then they can decide if they want to follow in your footsteps.
[Bonus] More Tapping!

How to get more tapping practice and how to improve your tapping effectiveness. Thank you for being a student. More exciting EFT and Chakra courses with Joan. Special coupons for our students.

Scott Paton
Scott Paton has been podcasting since the spring of 2005. He has executive produced and/or co-hosted over 45 podcasts. An internationally renowned speaker, Scott has presented to audiences from London, England to Sydney, Australia, from Vancouver, BC to New York, NY, from LA to Rwanda. Thousands of entrepreneurs and NGO’s have changed their public engagement strategies based on Scott’s sharing. We hope you will, too!
Scott has over 640,500 students from 199 countries taking at least one of his 100+ courses.
Scott joined Udemy in 2013. In late 2014, one of his clients inspired him to make a video course on Podcasting. He revisited Udemy and got very excited at the potential. After his course went live, Scott told his clients and many decided to make courses but needed help, so he has become a co-instructor with them, while continuing to support and build his own courses. His co-topics all include areas of life-long learning by Scott, including Futures Trading, Alternative Health, EFT, and Relationships.
Scott Alex
Research published this year by Harvard and Stanford Business Schools suggests that health problems associated with job-related anxiety account for more deaths each year in the US than Alzheimer’s disease or diabetes. It is likely that the same is true in the UK.
The combination of the Amazon story and the recent study into the impact of work-related stress means that there are important questions that all organisations should ask themselves.
These include: What type of management culture do we foster? What informal conflict management techniques do we offer to foster healthy workplace relationships? What are we doing to enable people at work to enjoy their jobs and thrive, both psychologically and physically?
Scott teaches non-violent communication techniques that help managers live healthier productive lives.