School for Selling 2018 – Matthew Kimberley


YOU CAN BECOME A BETTER SALESPERSON:GUARANTEEDYOU MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN BORN A “NATURAL” SALESPERSONYou might not feel comfortable asking people to spend money on your services. You might be frustrated at your lack of results.You certainly have a feeling that selling your stuff should be easier; that it should come more naturally, and you’d love to find the power and the techniques to get comfortable enough with selling so that you’re having more frequent and more effective sales conversations.You want to close more deals.You want to double your revenue (at least).And most importantly, you want to do it in a way that FEELS right.You don’t want to be the sleazeball sales rep banging down doors and pounding the phones just to make bank.You want to sleep at night and wake up in the morning with a huge grin on your face, confident in the knowledge that you can generate more happy, paying clients ON TAP.You’ll finally be earning what you deserve and getting paid what you’re worth.That’s entirely possible. Welcome to the School for Selling.The School for Selling is the most comprehensive sales training resource you will ever need.AND I CREATED IT JUST FOR YOU.// I’M MATTHEW KIMBERLEY //Former Head of the Book Yourself Solid® School of Coach Training, creator of Professional Persuasion and author of the personal development book How To Get A Grip.MY SPECIALTY IS SELLING. SPECIFICALLY, NON – SUCKY, SYSTEMATIZED SELLING.Throughout my career I’ve sold everything from double-glazing to timeshare to professional services.I broke company sales records a decade ago in the vacation ownership industry, and launched a staffing firm that grossed in excess of $1.5m in its first year (and more than double that in its second).I’ve studied more sales training than is healthy or normal, and I’ve applied those lessons to my own businesses and to my clients’ businesses to generate many millions in revenue.It’s my mission in life to help you fall in love with selling.  Not for greedy reasons, or for the love of money (although that’s not a bad motivator) but because without love, you can never give fully of yourself.Simply put, you’re better at doing the things you enjoy.That’s why the School for Selling is more fun than you think you can have when you’re learning something as important as how to sell.WHAT’S MORE, IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE PROBLEMS:Erratic or sparse lead generation.You’re not holding yourself to the same standards that you’d hold a salaried sales manager.Your prospects are perpetually stuck “thinking about it”.You’re scared of asking for the sale.Then the School for Selling might be just what you need.ADAM LEHMANWWW.THEWONDERJAM.COMIf you take this course and do what Matthew tells you, you better invest in a higher end invoicing system, you’re going to need it.I dove in and started a business and the first thing that kept me up at night was sales going up and down with little to no predictability.I immediately signed up for Matthew’s course because I needed a simple process that didn’t turn me into a full time sales person. Within the first month, the course more than paid for itself. Within 6 months, I was asking Matthew for advice on how to actually handle all the work that was coming through my doors. A year later, I’ve got a nice team assembled around me and we’re growing every single month.An entirely comprehensive sales and marketing video training course that covers the entire business-building process process, from honing in on your ideal client and identifying a hungry target market, to preparing yourself mentally, the right (and wrong) things to say in a sales conversation, closing with grace and impunity, and following up to generate more referrals than you thought possible.Over SIXTEEN hours of advanced sales trainings videos, broken down into manageable bite-size chunks.PART ONE BOOK YOURSELF SOLID ®I’m the former Head of the Book Yourself Solid® School of Coach Training, which means that you COULD NOT be in better hands to learn this game-changing step-by-step business-building system developed by my friend and erstwhile business-partner, Michael Port.93% of our small business coaching clients who have implemented the Book Yourself Solid® system have  increased their number of clients by over 34%.I’ll be your guide – over the course of twenty-two video modules – as you learn the EXACT system for getting more clients than you can handle, even if you hate marketing and selling.This video training component is EXACTLY like spending two days in a hotel room with me (because that’s precisely what it is), only you get to keep your clothes on.If you want to know how to build out your entire business, from identifying your most receptive markets to the six marketing strategies that actually work, then it’s all there.You, me and 22 individual videos to take you on a guided journey from business idea to repeatable sales from GREAT customers.It’s live video, recorded at a secret location in London last year that, where the attendees invested considerably more than the TOTAL price of the School for Selling to attend.HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN:How to formulate a powerful Red Velvet Rope Policy so that you only work with clients who energize you and inspire you to do your best work.The perfect pricing strategies for every single one of your offers (and specifically how and when to raise your prices.How to put together a comprehensive 3-part sales cycle so that you never leave money on the table and so that your prospects can make the right investment in you at the right time.How to develop a keep-in-touch strategy that doesn’t suck so that your prospects look forward to hearing from you and jump at the opportunity to buy from you.How to craft a powerful Personal Brand Identity so that you determine how you’re known in the world.The Book Yourself Solid® Networking Strategy – how to strengthen relationships of trust so that people buy more from you.the two-part way of systematizing your referrals so that your most valuable source of new business drips in on autopilot.The Book Yourself Solid® Referral Strategy –The Book Yourself Solid® Writing Strategy -exactly HOW to market your business using the written word, and how to identify the most appropriate outlets for your writing so that you can get the maximum results in the minimum time.How to build immediate trust with your prospects and position yourself as the go-to category authority in your niche.How To Talk About What You Do without sounding boring or confusing or bland so that people say “hey, that’s interesting! I want to know more!How to understand exactly why people buy what you’re selling, which requires choosing a target market (I’ll show you exactly how to do it), identifying what they need and desire, getting clear on the single big result that you give them as well as the key benefits of that result: financial, emotional, physical and spiritual.How to create brand-building information products that make you money and build awareness about who you are … even while you’re asleep. that you can get into sales conversations with ease.Book Yourself Solid® Super Simple Selling so The Book Yourself Solid® Direct Outreach Strategy – how to make friends with influential strangers who can introduce you to opportunities that you’d only dreamed of up until now.The Book Yourself Solid® Speaking Strategy – for when you want to get up on stage and make the world pay attention for plaudits and profit.The Book Yourself Solid® Web Strategy – the three questions you can’t ignore when you’re pursuing ANY web-based marketing strategy… whether it’s Twitter or Facebook advertising, or the darkest of SEO manipulation … PART TWO THE SCHOOL FOR SELLING CORE CURRICULUMMODULE 1DEVELOPING SALES CONFIDENCEThe foundation of every competent salesperson’s ability to sell: how to set yourself up for the sale.As my business partner, New York Times bestselling author Michael Port, says “90% of business problems are personal problems in disguise.” This module will eliminate your personal problems and level the playing field.IN THIS MODULE, YOU’LL LEARN: What hangovers teach us about emotional detachment from the outcome of our negotiationsThe biggest myths about “setting yourself up for success” and what to do insteadWhy to do the OPPOSITE of what most sales trainers tell you to do to “psych yourself up”How a negative mental attitude can be your best friendScientifically proven techniques for getting real physical and psychological change in under five minutes, on tap.How to overcome the “inferiority complex” many salespeople feel when faced with an important prospect.MODULE 2DESIGNING YOUR SALES PROCESSPutting a process in place will give you predictable results. This module shows you how to move your prospect from “unknown” to “lead” to “sweaty and ready to buy”.IN THIS MODULE, YOU’LL LEARN: How to implement a “lead escalator” that keeps moving your prospects upwards towards the sale … even if you’re off on a coffee break.How to always control the sale, even if your client is a corporate dinosaur that has its own mystical protocols and procedures for procurement.The secret systems of Wall Street’s rebel telemarketers that lead the customer from “hello, what do you want?” to “yes please!”The only two ways to open the faucet to a flood of new client inquiries (aka “leads”) and what, specifically, to do with them once you’ve got them coming in.The master of direct response marketing’s granular technique for pre-qualifying your leads to highly exacting standards before you’ve even made contact with them.How to ethically “force” your customers to make a decision in such a way that they thank you profusely.MODULE 3POWERFUL “FREE” INTRODUCTORY SESSIONSSometimes called the “audit” or the “information-gathering” stage, these are powerful opportunities for sales conversations. In this series of training videos you’ll learn the art of customer conversion.You’ll find out how to go from talking about what you do to talking about how they’re going to pay you.IN THIS MODULE, YOU’LL LEARN: The correct answer to the question “Can I pick your brain?” (Hint: it’s not “yes” and it’s not “no”)How to value and frame your “free consultations” so that you don’t suffer from a positioning or price-anchoring problem when it comes to talking about moneyWho to let into your office for a non-paid sales-conversation, and what to do with the vast majority of your leads who don’t yet qualify for your time one-to-oneWhy you should never, ever ever do free consulting, and play-by-play steps on what to do insteadHow to structure your session so that you don’t even have to ask for the sale, but instead get your prospect to tell you to process their credit cardThe importance, and technique, for building out a pre-screening application process so that your time spent in sales conversations is only with highly-qualified prospectsMODULE 4HOW TO HANDLE OBJECTIONSHowever hard you try, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever have the luxury of being a pure order-taker.Good marketing makes the salesperson’s job easier, but there will always be objections. This training module will show you how to handle ALL objections that come up, using my proprietary framework.IN THIS MODULE, YOU’LL LEARN: Why you will lose EVERY SINGLE TIME if you consider handling objections as “doing battle” with your prospectThe only 3 types of objections that exist, and how to handle each type very differently in order to close more salesHow to recognize which objections are, in fact, your prospect giving you permission to sell to them. Most salespeople don’t recognize these “tells” and give up on sure things too soon.Five ways to manufacture objections that didn’t exist before … so you can avoid making this mistake. (Closing too early is the first way, there are four more you must know.)When it is appropriate to elicit “useful objections” to help you know when to close and when to hold.Six reasons prospects object, and a playbook for handling every possible type of objection that is thrown at you.MODULE 5ADVANCED CLOSINGClosing is the number one most requested skill that sales managers ask of their salespeople. While all of us are very strong at talking about our product, it takes a gentle but important shift to ask the prospect to become a buyer.You’ll learn both the basics of asking for the sale, as well as more advanced strategies for getting people to take action RIGHT NOW.IN THIS MODULE, YOU’LL LEARN: The surprising correlation between price and value that makes asking for the close much easier than you ever thought possible.The “upfront close” which replaces the tired old “Always Be Closing” adage. (If you’re still “always closing” then you’re exhausting yourself: this technique is much more efficient and effective).How to get your prospects to tell you exactly how to close them, so that they tell you in advance what they need to hear in order to say “yes”.The practical applications of Robert Cialdini’s 6 Principles of Influence and how to incorporate all of them into your closing patterns for maximum return.The 5 steps you need to take before you ask for the sale to increase your chances of making bank.13 individual closing frameworks to cover each type of buyer, and specific instruction on how to act when you can’t get a yes, no matter what you do.MODULE 6HOW TO GENERATE MORE REFERRALSIt’s a truth universally acknowledged that word-of-mouth marketing is the cheapest and the best kind of marketing any business can hope for. Warm referrals are the grown-up big brother of word-of-mouth marketing.Referrals are the single biggest source of “pre-closed” leads that you’re ever going to get. Imagine if every sale (or failed sale) could lead to more business. That’s what you’ll learn here.IN THIS MODULE, YOU’LL LEARN: How to systematize your referral strategy and put it on autorepeat so that you can produce a sustainable (and mathematically proven) supply of warm business prospects.The three books you can’t afford to ignore if you want to generate referrals on autopilotThe power of indirect and passive referrals to boost your credibility and authority without ever even asking for a referralHow to incentivize your clients to provide you with glowing, honest and exciting testimonials that will act as sale-accelerators for your business.The 6 steps you need to take to dramatically increase the chances of a referral request ending up in a flood of new business.How to systematize those six steps using a piece of little-known software so you don’t have to do any heavy-lifting.Tag: School for Selling 2018 – Matthew Kimberley Review. School for Selling 2018 – Matthew Kimberley download. School for Selling 2018 – Matthew Kimberley discount.