
Savannah Sanchez – TikTok Ads Course: Grow Your Brand With TikTok Advertising

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Savannah Sanchez – TikTok Ads Course: Grow Your Brand With TikTok Advertising
TikTok Ads Course: Grow Your Brand With TikTok Advertising
Course 46 Lessons
Learn how to set up, optimize, and scale your TikTok ad campaigns, as well as how to produce amazing ads for TikTok.
Your Instructor: Savannah Sanchez
I’ve been helping top eCommerce brands with their TikTok media buying and ad creative strategies since April 2020. I have quickly established myself as one of the most sought-after experts for TikTok advertising. The Social Savannah is an official TikTok Agency Partner.
Learn From The Top eCommerce TikTok Media Buyer
My TikTok Ads strategies has been featured in the official TikTok For Business social channels. I have built my Twitter and Instagram following off of sharing my TikTok ad tips and tricks!
Brands I have worked with for TikTok media buying and/or creatives: BlendJet, Casely, Fabletics, Fernish, Gainful, Jones Road, Lalabu, Our Place, Outer Aisle, Perfy, Popsa, Miracle Sheets, Skinny Mixes, Snow Teeth Whitening, Sugar Bear Hair, Teema Towels, The Essence Vault, Topicals, Thrive Market, Wandering Bear, Verb + more.

What to expect in this course.
How the iOS14.5 change in April 2021 had an effect on paid social advertising & why advertising on TikTok is the best platform for advertisers in 2022.
Which industries/products perform the best on TikTok ads.
Course Introduction
Why Advertise On TikTok?
Which Industries Perform Best On TikTok?

Determining Budgets & Seasoning The Pixel

The most important step to seeing great results with your TikTok ads.
Explaining the funnel and where to start to get the best-seasoned pixel.
Introduction to the “Rule of 50.”
See how much budget you need to optimize lower-level funnel events.
How much budget do you need to get out of the learning phase.
How long it will take you to optimize for each event in the funnel.
My proven formula to determine the best TikTok daily budget based on your metrics
Sharing tricks and tips to help with your ad conversion rate.
Cost per add to cart/initiate checkout/purchase estimator
Weekly metrics calculator.
Take a look at the pixel events firing in some of my TikTok ad accounts.
I show you how to get into your analytics for Ads Manager.
Learn how to tell if your events are firing properly.

How To Season The Pixel
Determining Your Budget
Calculator For Seasoning The Pixel & Determining Budgets
Analyzing Conversion Events in TikTok Ads Manager

Account Structure & Building In Ads Manager

My simple but very effective TikTok ads set-up.
See how I use my Google Sheet calculator to structure my campaigns and how that structure evolves over time.
Launching your campaigns, ad sets, and ads.
Setting up the TikTok Pixel
Tips and tricks on how to best set up your ad sets.
How many ad sets and ads to have live at one time.
How to utilize interest stacks + targeting expansion.
Introduction to lookalike audiences.
Learn a secret tool I use when switching from add to cart to initiate checkout.
How long to run your ad sets.
Should you have all of your spark ads in one place?
Should you delete ads that have already run?
How many ads can you have per ad set?
Are retargeting ads on TikTok effective?
Can you run TikTok ad campaigns for organic follower growth?
How I would set up a brand new eCommerce account on TikTok
Recommendations for: audiences to start with, number or creatives, conversion best practices.
Should you do campaign budget optimization?
How to name your ad groups.
For placements should you choose TikTok, Buzzfeed, Pangle, or all three?
Is keeping user comments enabled helpful?
Should you allow users to be able to download your ads?
What is automated creative optimization?
Which audiences to target?
Should you add in recommended interests from Tik Tok?
How often to check your ad sets?
Should you add in behavioral targeting?
What picture and handle to use for your custom identity.
Single ads vs. collection ads.
What to put as your ad captions.
Is broad or narrow targeting the best route to go?
Should you target users under 25?
Male or female targeting or both?
How to create the best lookalike audiences and what that means.
See how simple it is to create your first lookalike and custom audiences.
A complete walk through to help set up your TikTok Pixel.
Default TikTok Account Structure
The Ideal Account Structure And How It Evolves Over Time
Setting Up The TikTok Pixel
Watch Me Build A New Campaign
The Best Audiences To Target
How To Build Custom & Lookalike Audiences
How To Launch An Ad Campaign To Grow TikTok Followers
How To Moderate TikTok Ad Comments

Optimizing & Scaling

How to interpret the data in your TikTok ads manager.
What metrics do I care about? Cost per click? CPA? Click-Through Rate?
Order of importance of metrics on how to know if your ad is performing well.
What your TikTok ROAS means.
What metrics should I expect?
Deep dive into metrics and which are the best to evaluate how I am reaching my target audience.
What is a good CPM?
What is the source of truth for TikTok ad performance?
Should I use Google Analytics to measure TikTok ad performance?
Which bidding strategy is the most effective?
Learn the number one reason why TikTok stops spending your budget.
Will limitations on the audience selection/bidding help or hinder reaching your daily ad budget?
Should you go back to add-to-cart optimization?
How much money does your ad need to spend before you kill it?
Should you kill an entire ad set?
Tips and tricks like make your existing ads perform even better
How to use your old creatives as a basis for new winning ads.
Interpreting Data & Scaling
Lowest Cost vs. Value Optimization
How To Set Up Value Optimization
Should I Use Campaign Budget Optimization?
What To Do If Ad Sets Stop Spending
When To Kill An Ad / Ad Set
You Have A Winning Ad! What To Do Next?

Attribution & Reporting

What 3rd party tools do I use to measure TikTok ad performance
How TikTok measures attribution in their dashboard
Changes on the horizon to TikTok’s attribution
Post-purchase survey attribution with Enquire
Server-side tracking attribution
How to attribute TikTok sales in TripleWhale
How to do TikTok reporting in TripleWhale
How to create reports in TikTok Ads Manager
How To Measure TikTok Performance
Post-Purchase Survey Attribution with Enquire
Attribution & Reporting with TripleWhale
Running Reports in TikTok Ads Manager

TikTok Ad Creatives

All of my tips and tricks for shooting great TikTok ads
Ad creative do’s and don’ts
High-performing TikTok ad formulas
Hooks you can test for your TikTok ads
What tools and software do I use to edit
How to film TikTok ad UGC
Launching new creatives in your ad account
How to do creative testing in TikTok ads manager
How to select music for your ads and libraries I rely on
How to get inspired for your TikTok ad creative
What to put as your ad caption
Should you film on your iPhone or in a studio?
Should you use your Instagram ads for Tik Tok?
Should you film in 4k or 1080?
How to get great lighting for your TikTok ads
How to align your environment per product and make it distraction-free.
What should your frame be? Do you need a tripod?
How to use your best emotion/voice to convey the product without sounding like an ad.
Best ways to use fun, eye-catching transitions to keep them engaged.
Ad intros that work for virtually ANY product.
Ad lengths & sizes.
Best practices for voiceover.
Recommended filming tools.
Apps I love for editing TikTok ads
How to do transitions in CapCut.
Is sound design and captions important for ads?
Top 3 fonts to use.
3 things your TikToks should always have
How to use the most popular ad creatives on TikTok for organic TikTok growth
A fun and creative solution to tell your storyline if you are tired of using TikTok text.
Find out if you should put new creatives into your new or existing ad set.
When and how often to do creative ad testing.
How to select the best music for TikTok ads and my favorite commercial-free music libraries
Learn how to become a student of TikTok to stay inspired by top brand ads.
Why the first 3 seconds are so important in your ad creatives
How best to use effects like greenscreen to make your videos not look like ads.
How you can be the best model in your ads.
Should you be looking at a creator marketplace or should you find creators on your own?
Similarities between whitelisting and spark ads.
TikTok Ad Creative Best Practices
How To Film & Edit for TikTok Ads
Ad Creative Hooks You Need To Test
Launching New Creative In Your Ad Account
How To Go About Creative Testing
Selecting Music for TikTok Ads
Learning From The Top Brands on TikTok
Ad Creative Do’s and Don’ts
Captions For Your TikTok Ads

Ad Creative Tutorials

How I edit TikTok ad creatives using the CapCut app
How I edit TikTok ad creatives using Instagram Reels
Tips for the models that are staring in the ads
How to shoot and frame TikTok ads
Selecting the right environment for filming TikTok ads
TikTok Ad Editing Tutorial in CapCut & Reels
How To Utilize Native TikTok Effects
TikTok Ads Filming Tips: The Framing
TikTok Ads Filming Tips: The Environment
TikTok Ads Filming Tips: The Model

Working With TikTok Creators

My process for selecting TikTok ad creators
Ranges for what TikTok ad creators charge
How I search for new creators and what I look for
3rd party platforms I use to source creators
Introduction to #paid and the TikTok Creator Marketplace
Guide & Brief for working with TikTok creators
Finding Good Creators, Contacting Them, and Pricing
How I Source For Content Creators On #paid
Working with TikTok Creators Guide & Brief

Spark Ads

Introduction to TikTok Spark Ads
How I use Spark Ads in my ad accounts
What the benefits are of spark ads
Running spark ads from the creator account vs the brand account
Instructions for generating the authorization for spark ads
How to launch spark ads in your ad account
What Are Spark Ads & How Do I Utilize Them?
How To Launch Spark Ads In Your Ad Account

Michael Loves It!
Michael Sanchez, expert TikTok media buyer and creative strategist and founder of TikTok Marketing Secrets explains why he would only trust Savannah with TikTok marketing.
Connor Loves It!
Connor Martin, owner of The Essence Vault. He says that the value from the creative section alone pays for the whole course itself.
Hans Loves It!
Hans Schrei, founder of Wunderkeks, explains why he is urging his entire team to take this TikTok course.
Savannah’s TikTok Client Testimonials

Savannah has been amazing at helping us improve our brand’s presence on TikTok. From the great communication and video content to executing our ads, we can’t thank her enough for the work she has done! Kimberly Gordon, Sugar Bear Hair
Savannah is the only one I know that has cracked the code on how to drive meaningful sales with TikTok. But don’t tell anyone… we want to keep the CPMs low.Ryan Pamplin, BlendJet
Savannah is in a different class, we have worked with massive agencies and we have always seen missed opportunities, but with Savannah, she helped us find new avenues to advertise on TikTok, and really helped us to diversify our advertising spend and helped us proof our business.

Connor Martin, The Essence Vault