
Sarah Jane Schonour – 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom: 3 Easy Steps to Eliminate Problem Behaviors and Create a More Cooperative Classroom

Original price was: ₹66,000.00.Current price is: ₹6,640.00.



“They don’t pay me enough to deal with these behaviors. It’s gotten worse over the years!”
“I know how to teach math and social studies but I’m at a loss when it comes to behavior.”
Sarah Jane Schonour – 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom: 3 Easy Steps to Eliminate Problem Behaviors and Create a More Cooperative Classroom
“There’s this one kid who’s taking all of my time away from the other students.”
Have you said or heard one of these comments at your school? If so, you are not alone! When you entered education, you thought it would be about lesson plans, curriculum and guiding students on a path to a fulfilling life.
You weren’t expecting to spend your days trying to overcome the disrespect, arguing, talking out of turn, yelling or host of other disruptive behaviors that make teaching feel impossible and leave you feeling exhausted and dreading another day in the classroom.
You’ve looked everywhere for answers and you’re starting to worry there’s nothing else you can do.
Watch this essential training and get the tools you need to regain control of your classroom!
Watch educational expert, Sarah Jane Schonour, MA, NBCT, as she teaches you how to incorporate 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom with even your most difficult students. In just 3 simple steps you’ll work more effectively with students of all abilities and stop disruptive behavior in its tracks. Based on the groundbreaking 1-2-3 Magic parental discipline program developed by clinical psychologist Dr. Thomas Phelan, this evidence-based, easy-to-learn method transforms difficult behavior and revolutionizes your classroom.
Purchase this recording today and feel the joy of a more peaceful classroom, more enjoyable kids, less exhaustion, and more time for instruction!

Manual – 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom (2.89 MB) 43 Pages Available after Purchase

What is 1-2-3 Magic in the Classroom?

Based on the popular and effective parenting program: 1-2-3 Magic
Simple, precise, and effective ways to manage behavior
A “teacher-in-charge” approach with no arguing, yelling, or negativity

Build a Solid Foundation for Your Classroom

Effective teaching is key
Avoid The Dangerous Assumption about children
The two biggest behavior management mistakes most teachers make
Different types of behavior must be addressed in different ways
Accommodations for students with learning, emotional, and developmental disabilities

Identify & Manage the 6 Types of Testing and Manipulation

Butter Up
Physical Tactics

Step 1: Manage and Reduce Undesirable Behavior in the Classroom

Counting – It’s simple but not easy!
How to get the students onboard
Techniques to target problem situations
Applying 1-2-3 Magic outside of the classroom

Field trips

Step 2: Encourage Good Behavior in the Classroom

Proactively teaching routines and procedures
7 simple methods to encourage positive choices
Utilize praise and positive feedback
What to do (and what not to do) during:

Arrival and dismissal
Cleaning up
Independent work

Step 3: Strengthen Positive Relationships with Students

Build self-esteem
Develop constructive classroom habits
Implement active and reflective listening
Work collaboratively to solve problems together