Sandra – How to Hire & Train Your First VA Offer


This easy-to-consume, easy-to-implement mini-course will take the stress and unease out of hiring a virtual assistant and give you the tools you need to find the right person for you.

Sandra – How to Hire & Train Your First VA Offer



How to Hire & Train Your First VA

What if you…

… could find the exact right person to do the exact right job for the exact right budget?

… knew which questions to ask, information to provide, and flags to watch for when hiring your new team member?

… knew exactly what to do when bringing on your Virtual Assistant to practically guarantee a successful relationship?

This easy-to-consume, easy-to-implement mini-course will take the stress and unease out of hiring a virtual assistant and give you the tools you need to find the right person for you.

What’s Included

What you need to know BEFORE you hire a Virtual Assistant

How to find and select the RIGHT person for you and your business

Tips on how to TRAIN your VA and ensure your relationship flourishes


The Common Goals, Hurdles & Solutions Cheatsheet

A full breakdown of the common types of assistant, what they typically do and cost
Get immediately download Sandra – How to Hire & Train Your First VA Offer

VA Job Description Templates

VA Candidate Tracker

Discovery Call Worksheet

Weekly Report Template

Subcontractor Agreement Template

The Kickass Tools Overview – all my fav tools in one place

You get immediate access to it all so you can take a big step forward today!

This Is Not One Of Those Long-Winded, Can’t Get Through It, Gonna Sit On My Hard-Drive Untouched Forever Kinda Courses.

This Is A Brief, Focused, Valuable, And Easily-Consumable Course Designed To Get You To Take Action On Expanding Your Team.

If you’re ready to…

… bring on an assistant and start reaching your goals faster.


And you’re sick of…

… seeing others who started after you sail way past you leaving you wondering what their secret is.
Now’s the time. And this is their secret…

They don’t do it alone.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Sandra – How to Hire & Train Your First VA Offer