Sam Ovens – Wetube


If you’re an expert with an active business making at least $10,000 /month and you’re interested in scaling using email newsletters, YouTube ads, and by selling masterminds for recurring fees instead of courses/coaching for 1-time fees — Wetube beta — a mastermind that: focuses exclusively on helping high – ticket info biz owners scale using email newsletters, YouTube organic, and YouTube ads. By selling masterminds for recurring fees instead of courses / coaching with 1 – time fees Using simple Loom videos , betas, waitlists, applications, invites, and member caps Where the focus is on implementation and collaboration ( not long boring content) That feels like hanging out with friends (but with real business results) Here’s how it works : Week 1 – Model, offer, and mindset Week 2 – Launch, beta, and sales (with Jesse, Hauser, and Draey) Week 3 – Making a mastermind Week 4 – Funnel, email , and organic Week 5 – YouTube ads (with Brian Moncada from Week 6 – Fine-tuning operations