Sales and Customer Success enablement – ConversionXL, Kyle Bastien


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Archive: now $142 $1499, Sales and Customer Success enablement – ConversionXL, Kyle Bastien Course.After taking this course you’ll…Understand what field enablement is, what it isn’t, and why it is the foundational skill that separates the most successful product markers from their peers.Develop a field enablement strategy that is anchored in the buyers journey, rapidly adopted by sales and customer success, and differentiated from the abandoned pitch decks and positioning statements of the past.Plan the right delivery, certification, and measurement strategy to quantify the impact of your effort, and diagnose and repair breakdowns in the process.This course is essential for you if…You work in (or want to work in) a product marketing or enablement capacity at a B2B organization with average deal sizes of $10K or greaterYou want to deliver measurable value to your organization and are sick and tired of feeling insanely busy yet have nothing to show for it in terms of resultsYou have a nagging feeling that you are leaving money on the table due to breakdowns in execution, and want a framework that unlocks your organizations natural desire to be the best that it can be.This course is NOT for you if…You operate in an eCommerce or transactional sales environmentYou view field teams as rivals better suited for blame than world class enablementYou already have a well polished enablement motion with world class leadership, executive sponsorship, and predictable results. Much of this content will be advanced, however operators already excelling at global scale will find some content redundant.Your course curriculumSALES AND CUSTOMER SUCCESS ENABLEMENT1Intro to EnablementThis lesson will cover the data and science that forms the foundation for field enablement, and outline the core activities of the discipline.Topics covered:Outline a modern sales and success motion that puts the buyer at the centerBe able to orchestrate a world class enablement services program for customers, field professionals, and leaders alikeMaster the communication and measurement frameworks you’ll need to ensure success and demonstrate value2Three Principles of EnablementEvery business is unique and the precise content and services you need to deliver will vary in accordance. This lesson will teach you the universal enablement principles that I use to scope and deliver the resources field teams need to be successful.Topics covered:Understand the key principles required to design and execute an enablement frameworkInternalize the fundamental truth that the buyer is in control of the purchase processClearly understand what you own, and more importantly what you don’t, when it comes to enablement3The Buyer’s JourneyWe’ve seen the framework as a whole, now let’s break down the individual components and build them out for your org, starting with the top line of the Buyers Journey and the 3 Why’sTopics covered:Understand the importance or organizing all enablement around your buyers, not your sellers and field teamsLearn an easy, three part system for organizing the top line of the buyers journey – the Three Why’sBe able to confidently establish the top line of your own enablement framework4The Sales ProcessWe know the journey that our buyer’s must take to do business with you – now our job is to align our selling motion to support that journey. This lesson will teach you how to build a buyer-centric sales process.Topics covered:Learn how to construct a sales and support process that supports the buyer’s journeyUnderstand the key elements of a sales processBe able to confidently establish the sales process within your own enablement framework5Enablement ServicesNow you have considered the buying journey and organized the sales process. This lesson will provide an overview of the services you need to consider and organize to enable your field teams.Topics covered:Define the key components of comprehensive Enablement ServicesOrganize your existing content and services into the FrameworkTake an initial inventory of what you have, and what you need6Customer Facing ContentWe’ll take a deeper dive on customer-facing content. Specifically, you will learn how to think about and organize your customer facing content to align with stages in the buyer’s journey.Topics covered:Understand how to orient your customer-facing contentLearn how to translate your customer-facing content into discrete partsBe able to itemize the needed content for your customers at each phase of their journey7Enablement ContentThis lesson will help you distinguish between customer facing content and internal enablement content, and prepare a list of the current and necessary internal enablement content your field teams require.Topics covered:Understand the difference between customer content and enablement contentDefine the key types of enablement contentBe able to complete your own internal enablement content list8Training Content for Customer Facing ProfessionalsThis lesson will define and outline core training content for customer facing professionals, including how to use technology to deliver training at scale.Topics covered:Learn what kind of content is appropriate to equip the field teamsUnderstand best practices in using technology to train the team at scaleBe able to layer in required training content based on a gap analysis9Coaching EnablementThe success of any enablement program will always hinge on the front line sales managers, so equipping them to reinforce the program must be a priority. This lesson will teach you how to prepare your management team for success.Topics covered:Understand why managers are so critical to successful enablementLearn what kinds of content are required to enable front line managersBe able to complete the manager content map for your organization10Gap AnalysisThe conceptual work is done and now it is time to get to work. This lesson will review how to stand back and look at your framework holistically, identify the gaps in the program, and prioritize the work to be done.Topics covered:Learn how to assess gaps in the Enablement FrameworkBe able to develop a comprehensive list of enablement content that needs to be createdPrioritize your enablement roadmap and get to work11Three Pillars of Enablement TechnologyCertain technical capabilities will be required to execute a field enablement program at scale. This lesson will walk you through the three primary tools that comprise the modern enablement tech stack.Topics covered:Understand the three main technologies leveraged in a modern enablement tech stackDescribe how those technologies are used to enable the field teamsIdentify the key capabilities unlocked by these technologies12Communicating to the FieldHow NASA figured out how to coordinate a moon landing, translate dozens of system checks into clear pilot communication, and what all this can teach us about how to communicate to field professionals.Topics covered:Learn about the framework for effective field communicationBe able to assign roles and set expectations with partners in the businessLearn how NASA uses this framework for literal ‘mission critical’ communications13Measuring EnablementBuilding a robust enablement services framework is huge and worthwhile investment, however like any other investment, it comes with the expectation of measurable results. Our final lesson will discuss how to set up a measurement framework to track and communicate progress.Topics covered:Understand how to build a measurement funnel for enablement effortsBe able to source the data you need from the systems you put in placeLeave with a framework to understand and communicate your impact